Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 50

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 50

FRANTIC, fran'tik, _adj._ mad, furious: wild.--_advs._ FRAN'TICALLY, FRAN'TICLY (_Shak._).--_adj._ FRAN'TIC-MAD, raving mad.--_n._ FRAN'TICNESS, the state of being frantic. [O. Fr. _frenetique_--L. _phreneticus_--Gr.

_phren[=e]tikos_, mad, _phren[=i]tis_, inflammation of the brain--_phr[=e]n_, the mind; see FRENZY.]

FRANZY, fran'zi, _adj._ (_prov._) cross: particular.

FRAP, frap, _v.t._ to strike: (_naut._) to secure by many turns of a lashing. [Fr. _frapper_, to strike.]

FRAPPe, fra-p[=a], _adj._ iced, cooled. [Fr.]

FRATCH, frach, _n._ (_prov._) a quarrel or brawl.--_adjs._ FRATCH'ETY, FRATCH'Y; FRATCH'ING. [Imit.]

FRATER, fr[=a]'ter, _n._ the refectory of a monastery. [O. Fr. _fraitur_ for _refreitor_.--Low L. _refect[=o]rium_.]

FRATERNAL, fra-t[.e]r'nal, _adj._ belonging to a brother or brethren: becoming brothers.--_ns._ FRATE (fra'te), a friar:--_pl._ FRa'TI; FR[=A]'TER, a friar: comrade; FRATER'CULA, a genus of marine diving-birds, the puffins or masked auks.--_adv._ FRATER'NALLY.--_n._ FRATERNIS[=A]'TION, the associating as brethren.--_v.i._ FRAT'ERNISE, to associate as brothers: to seek brotherly fellowship.--_ns._ FRAT'ERNISER; FRATER'NITY, the state of being brethren: a society formed on a principle of brotherhood; FRAT'RY, the common-room of a monastic establishment, the chapter-house--also FRAT'ERY: a fraternity: a convent of friars. [Fr.,--Low L.

_fraternalis_--_frater_, a brother, Eng. _brother_, Gr. _phrat[=e]r_, a clansman, Sans. _bhr[=a]ta_.]

FRATRICIDE, frat'ri-s[=i]d, _n._ one who kills his brother: the murder of a brother.--_adj._ FRAT'RICIDAL. [Fr.,--L. _frater_, _fratris_, _caed[)e]re_, to kill.]

FRAU, frow, _n._ a married woman, a wife.--_n._ FRaU'LEIN, a young lady, miss--often in England for a German governess. [Ger.]

FRAUD, frawd, _n._ deceit: imposture: (_Milt._) a snare: a deceptive trick: (_coll._) a cheat: a fraudulent production.--_adj._ FRAUD'FUL, deceptive.--_adv._ FRAUD'FULLY.--_ns._ FRAUD'ULENCE, FRAUD'ULENCY.--_adj._ FRAUD'ULENT, using fraud: dishonest.--_adv._ FRAUD'ULENTLY.--FRAUDULENT BANKRUPTCY, a bankruptcy in which the insolvent is accessory, by concealment or otherwise, to the diminution of the funds divisible among his creditors.--PIOUS FRAUD, a deception practised with a good end in view: (_coll._) a religious humbug. [O. Fr.,--L. _fraus_, _fraudis_, fraud.]

FRAUGHT, frawt, _n._ a load, cargo: the freight of a ship.--_v.t._ to fill, store.--_v.i._ (_Shak._) to form the freight of a vessel.--_p.adj._ freighted, laden: filled.--_n._ FRAUGHT'AGE (_Shak._), loading, cargo.

[Prob. Old Dut. _vracht_. Cf. FREIGHT.]

FRAXINELLA, frak-si-nel'a, _n._ a common name for cultivated species of dittany.--_n._ FRAX'INUS, the genus of _Oleaceae_ containing the common ash.

FRAY, fr[=a], _n._ an affray, a brawl.--_v.t._ (_B._) to frighten. [Abbrev.

of _affray_.]

FRAY, fr[=a], _v.t._ to wear off by rubbing: to ravel out the edge of a stuff.--_v.i._ to become frayed.--_n._ FRAY'ING, the action of the verb fray: ravellings. [Fr. _frayer_--L. _fric[=a]re_, to rub.]

FRAZIL, fraz'il, _n._ anchor-ice. [Canadian Fr.; prob. Fr. _fraisil_, cinders.]

FRAZZLE, fraz'l, _v.t._ (_U.S._) to fray, wear out.--_n._ state of being worn out.

FREAK, fr[=e]k, _n._ a sudden caprice or fancy: sport: an abnormal production of nature, a monstrosity.--_ns._ FREAK'INESS, FREAK'ISHNESS.--_adjs._ FREAK'ISH, FREAK'FUL, apt to change the mind suddenly: capricious.--_adv._ FREAK'ISHLY. [A late word; cf. A.S.

_frician_, to dance.]

FREAK, fr[=e]k, _v.t._ to spot or streak: to variegate.--_n._ a streak of colour.

FRECK, frek, _adj._ (_Scot._) prompt, eager.--Also FRACK.

FRECKLE, frek'l, _v.t._ to spot: to colour with spots.--_n._ a yellowish or brownish-yellow spot on the skin, esp. of fair-haired persons: any small spot.--_n._ FRECK'LING, a little spot.--_adjs._ FRECK'LY, FRECK'LED, full of freckles. [Ice. _freknur_ (pl.), Dan. _fregne_.]

FREE, fr[=e], _adj._ not bound: at liberty: not under arbitrary government: unimpeded: set at liberty: guiltless: frank: lavish: not attached: exempt (with _from_): having a franchise (with _of_): gratuitous: bold, indecent: idiomatic, as a translation.--_v.t._ to set at liberty: to deliver from what confines: to rid (with _from_, of):--_pr.p._ free'ing; _pa.p._ freed.--_ns._ FREE'-AG'ENCY, state or power of acting freely, or without necessity or constraint upon the will; FREE'-AG'ENT; FREE'-AND-EAS'Y, a kind of public-house club where good fellows gather to smoke and sing; FREE'-BENCH, a widow's right to dower out of her husband's lands, so long as unmarried and chaste; FREE'-BOARD, the space between a vessel's line of flotation and the upper side of the deck; FREE'BOOTER (Dut. _vrijbuiter_), one who roves about freely in search of booty: a plunderer; FREE'BOOTERY.--_adj._ FREE'BOOTING, acting the part of a freebooter: robbing.--_n._ the practice of a freebooter: robbery, pillage.--_n._ FREE'BOOTY.--_adj._ FREE'BORN, born of free parents.--_ns._ FREE'-CIT'Y, a city having independent government; FREE'-COST, freedom from charges; FREED'MAN, a man who has been a slave, and has been freed or set free; FREE'DOM, liberty: frankness: separation: privileges connected with a city: improper familiarity: license; FREE'-FISH'ER, one who has a right to take fish in certain waters.--_adjs._ FREE-FOOT'ED (_Shak._) not restrained in movement; FREE'-HAND, applied to drawing by the unguided hand; FREE'-HAND'ED, open-handed: liberal; FREE'-HEART'ED, open-hearted: liberal.--_ns._ FREE'-HEART'EDNESS, liberality: frankness; FREE'HOLD, a property held free of duty except to the king; FREE'HOLDER, one who possesses a freehold; FREE'-L[=A]'BOUR, voluntary, not slave, labour; FREE'-LANCE, one of certain roving companies of knights and men-at-arms, who after the Crusades wandered about Europe, selling their services to any one; FREE'-LIV'ER, one who freely indulges his appetite for eating and drinking: a glutton; FREE'-LOVE, the claim to freedom in sexual relations, unshackled by marriage or obligation to aliment.--_adv._ FREE'LY.--_ns._ FREE'MAN, a man who is free or enjoys liberty: one who holds a particular franchise or privilege:--_pl._ FREE'MEN; FREE'M[=A]SON, one of a secret society of so-called speculative masons, united in lodges for social enjoyment and mutual assistance, and laying dubious claim to a connection with the medieval organisations of free operative masons.--_adj._ FREEMASON'IC.--_n._ FREEM[=A]'SONRY, the institutions, practices, &c. of Freemasons.--_adj._ FREE'-MIND'ED, with a mind free or unperplexed: without a load of care.--_ns._ FREE'NESS; FREE'-PORT, a port where no duties are levied on articles of commerce; FREE'-SCHOOL, a school where no tuition fees are exacted; FREE'-SHOT (Ger. _Freischutz_), the name given to a legendary hunter and marksman who gets a number of bullets (_Freikugeln_) from the devil, six of which always hit the mark, while the seventh is at the disposal of the devil himself.--_adjs._ FREE'-SOIL, in favour of free territory, opposed to slavery; FREE'-SP[=O]K'EN, accustomed to speak without reserve.--_ns._ FREE'-SP[=O]K'ENNESS; FREE'STONE, an easily quarried stone composed of sand or grit.--_adj._ having a stone from which the pulp easily separates, as a peach--opp. to _Clingstone_.--_adj._ FREE'-SWIM'MING, swimming freely, as an aquatic animal.--_ns._ FREE'THINKER, one who professes to be free from conventional authority in religion: a rationalist; FREE'THINKING, FREE'-THOUGHT, the habit of mind of a freethinker.--_adj._ FREE'-TONGUED, free-spoken.--_ns._ FREE'-TRADE, free or unrestricted trade: free interchange of commodities without protective duties; FREE'-TRAD'ER, one who practises or advocates this; FREE'-WILL, freedom of the will from restraint: liberty of choice: power of self-determination.--_adj._ spontaneous.--FREE-CELL FORMATION, the formation of several cells from and in the protoplasm of the mother-cell; FREE CHURCH, that branch of the Presbyterians in Scotland which left the Established Church in the Disruption of 1843, finding spiritual independence impossible within it: a church whose sittings are open to all: (_pl._) a term often applied to the Nonconformist churches generally; FREE LIST, the list of persons admitted without payment to a theatre, &c., or of those to whom a book, &c., is sent; FREE ON BOARD (F.O.B.), a phrase meaning that goods are to be delivered on the vessel or other conveyance without charge.--FREE STATES, in America, before the Civil War of 1861-65, those of the United States in which slavery did not exist, as opposed to _Slave States_.--MAKE FREE WITH, to take undue liberties with. [A.S.

_freo_; Ger. _frei_, Ice. _fri_.]

FREEMARTIN, fr[=e]'mar-tin, _n._ a cow-calf born as a twin with a bull-calf, usually barren.

FREEZE, fr[=e]z, _v.i._ to become ice or like a solid body.--_v.t._ to harden into ice: to cause to shiver, as with terror:--_pr.p._ freez'ing; _pa.t._ fr[=o]ze; _pa.p._ froz'en.--_adj._ FREEZ'ABLE.--_ns._ FREEZ'ING-MIX'TURE, a mixture, as of pounded ice and salt, producing cold sufficient to freeze a liquid by the rapid absorption of heat; FREEZ'ING-POINT, the temperature at which water freezes, marked 32 on the Fahrenheit thermometer, and 0 on the centigrade. [A.S. _freosan_, pa.p.

_froren_; Dut. _vreizen_, Ger. _frieren_, to freeze.]

FREIGHT, fr[=a]t, _n._ the lading or cargo, esp. of a ship; the charge for transporting goods by water.--_v.t._ to load a ship.--_ns._ FREIGHT'AGE, money paid for freight; FREIGHT'ER, one who freights a vessel. [Prob. Old Dut. _vrecht_, a form of _vracht_.]


FREIT, fr[=e]t, _n._ (_Scot._) any superstitious belief in things as good or bad omens--also FREET.--_adj._ FREIT'Y, FREET'Y, superstitious. [Scand.; Ice. _frett_, news.]

FREMD, fremd, _adj._ and _n._ (_Scot._) strange, a stranger--Spenser has FRENNE, a stranger.--THE FREMD, the world of strangers. [M. E. _fremd_, _fremed_--A.S. _fremde_; cf. Dut. _vreemd_, Ger. _fremd_.]

FREMESCENT, frem-es'ent, _adj._ raging, riotous.--_n._ FREMES'CENCE. [L.

_frem[)e]re_, to roar.]

FREMITUS, frem'i-tus, _n._ a palpable vibration, as of the walls of the chest. [L.]

FRENCH, frensh, _adj._ belonging to _France_ or its people.--_n._ the people or language of France.--_ns._ FRENCH'-BEAN, the common kidney bean, eaten, pods and all, as a table vegetable; FRENCH'-BERR'Y, a small berry, the fruit of certain species of buckthorn, used in dyeing yellow; FRENCH'-CHALK, an indurated clay, extremely dense, and of a smooth glossy surface and white colour; FRENCH'ERY, French fashions collectively; FRENCH'-HORN, a musical wind-instrument somewhat resembling a bugle; FRENCHIFIC[=A]'TION.--_v.t._ FRENCH'IFY, to make French or Frenchlike: to infect with the manner of the French.--_ns._ FRENCH'INESS; FRENCH'MAN, a native or naturalised inhabitant of France:--_fem._ FRENCH'WOMAN; FRENCH'-POL'ISH, a varnish for furniture, consisting chiefly of shellac dissolved in some spirit; FRENCH'-POL'ISHER; FRENCH'-POL'ISHING, the method of coating furniture with French-polish.--_adj._ FRENCH'Y, with an exaggerated French manner.--FRENCH MERINO, a fine twilled cloth of merino wool; FRENCH POX (_obs._), syphilis; FRENCH ROOF, a modified mansard-roof--really American; FRENCH WHITE, finely pulverised talc; FRENCH WINDOW, a long window opening like a folding-door, and serving for exit and entrance.--TAKE FRENCH LEAVE, to depart without notice or permission, to disappear suspiciously.

FRENETIC, -AL, fre-net'ik, -al, _adj._ frenzied: mad: distracted.--Also PHRENET'IC, -AL. [See FRANTIC.]

FRENUM, fr[=e]'num, _n._ a ligament restraining the motion of a part.--Also FRae'NUM. [L., a bridle.]

FRENZY, fren'zi, _n._ a violent excitement: mania.--_v.t._ to render frenzied.--_adjs._ FREN'ZIED, FREN'ZICAL, partaking of frenzy. [Through O.

Fr. and L.,--from Late Gr. _phren[=e]sis_=Gr. _phrenitis_, inflammation of the brain--_phr[=e]n_, the mind.]

FREQUENT, fr[=e]'kwent, _adj._ coming or occurring often.--_ns._ FR[=E]'QUENCE (_Milt._), a crowd, an assembly; FR[=E]'QUENCY, repeated occurrence of anything.--_v.t._ FREQUENT', to visit often.--_ns._ FR[=E]'QUENTAGE, habit of frequenting; FREQUENT[=A]'TION, the act of visiting often.--_adj._ FREQUENT'ATIVE (_gram._), denoting the frequent repetition of an action.--_n._ (_gram._) a verb expressing this repetition.--_n._ FREQUENT'ER.--_adv._ FR[=E]'QUENTLY.--_n._ FR[=E]'QUENTNESS. [L. _frequens_, _frequentis_; cog. with _farc[=i]re_, to stuff.]

FRESCADE, fres-k[=a]d', _n._ a cool walk. [Fr.,--It. _frescata_.]

FRESCO, fres'k[=o], _n._ a painting executed with colours, consisting chiefly of natural earths, upon walls covered with damp freshly-laid plaster.--_v.t._ to paint in fresco:--_pr.p._ fres'c[=o]ing; _pa.p._ fres'c[=o]ed.--_adj._ FRES'COED.--_ns._ FRES'COER; FRES'COING; FRES'COIST.

[It. _fresco_, fresh.]

FRESH, fresh, _adj._ in a state of activity and health: new and strong, not stale or faded: recently produced or obtained: untried: having renewed vigour: healthy, refreshing, invigorating: brisk: (_slang_) tipsy: not salt.--_n._ (_Shak._) a small stream of fresh water: (_Scot._) a thaw, open weather.--_adj._ FRESH'-BLOWN, newly blown, as a flower.--_v.t._ FRESH'EN, to make fresh: to take the saltness from.--_v.i._ to grow fresh: to grow brisk or strong.--_ns._ FRESH'ENER; FRESH'ET, a pool or stream of fresh water: the sudden overflow of a river from rain or melted snow.--_adj._ FRESH'ISH.--_adv._ FRESH'LY.--_ns._ FRESH'MAN, one in the rudiments of knowledge, esp. a university student in his first year--also FRESH'ER; FRESH'MANSHIP, FRESH'ERDOM.--_adj._ FRESH'-NEW (_Shak._), unpractised, wholly unacquainted; FRESH'WA'TER, of or pertaining to water not salt: accustomed to sail only on fresh water--hence unskilled, raw. [A.S.

_fersc_; cf. Dut. _versch_, Ger. _frisch_.]

FRET, fret, _v.t._ to wear away by rubbing, to rub, chafe, ripple, disturb: to eat into: to vex, to irritate.--_v.i._ to wear away: to vex one's self: to be peevish:--_pr.p._ fret'ting; _pa.p._ fret'ted, (_B._) fret.--_n._ agitation of the surface of a liquid: irritation: the worn side of the banks of a river.--_adj._ FRET'FUL, peevish.--_adv._ FRET'FULLY.--_n._ FRET'FULNESS.--_p.adj._ FRET'TING, vexing.--_n._ peevishness. [A.S.

_fretan_, to gnaw--pfx. _for-_, inten., and _etan_, to eat; Ger.


FRET, fret, _v.t._ to ornament with raised work: to variegate:--_pr.p._ fret'ting; _pa.p._ fret'ted. [O. Fr. _freter_.]

FRET, fret, _n._ a piece of interlaced ornamental work: (_archit._) an ornament consisting of small fillets intersecting each other at right angles: (_her._) bars crossed and interlaced.--_ns._ FRET'-SAW, a saw with a narrow blade and fine teeth, used for fret-work, scroll-work, &c.; FRETTE, a hoop for strengthening a cannon shrunk on its breach.--_adjs._ FRET'TED, FRET'TY, ornamented with frets.--_n._ FRET'-WORK, ornamental work consisting of a combination of frets, perforated work. [O. Fr. _frete_, trellis-work.]

FRET, fret, _n._ a short wire on the finger-board of a guitar or other instrument.--_v.t._ to furnish with frets. [Prob. same as the above.]

FRIABLE, fr[=i]'a-bl, _adj._ apt to crumble: easily reduced to powder.--_ns._ FR[=I]'ABLENESS, FRIABIL'ITY. [Fr.,--L.

_friabilis_--_fri[=a]re_, _fri[=a]tum_, to crumble.]

FRIAR, fr[=i]'ar, _n._ a member of one of the mendicant monastic orders in the R.C. Church--the Franciscans (_Friars Minor_ or _Gray Friars_), Dominicans (_Friars Major_, _Friars Preachers_, or _Black Friars_), Carmelites (_White Friars_), and Augustinians (_Austin Friars_).--_adj._ FR[=I]'ARLY, like a friar.--_n._ FR[=I]'ARY, a monastery.--FRIARS' BALSAM (see BENZOIN); FRIAR'S CAP, the wolf's-bane; FRIAR'S COWL, the wake-robin; FRIAR'S LANTERN, the ignis-fatuus or Will-o'-the-wisp. [O. Fr. _frere_--L.