Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 49

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 49

PASTILLE, pas-t[=e]l', _n._ a small cone of charcoal and aromatic substances, burned either as incense, or as a means of diffusing an agreeable odour: a small aromatic confection: a paper tube containing a firework which causes a small wheel to rotate in burning: (_art_) the same as _pastel_--also PAS'TIL.--_n._ PAS'TILLAGE.[Fr.,--L. _pastillus_, a small loaf.]

PASTIME, pas't[=i]m, _n._ that which serves to pass away the time: amusement: recreation.

PASTOR, pas'tur, _n._ one who has care of a flock: a shepherd: a clergyman.--_adj._ PAS'TORAL, relating to shepherds or to shepherd life: rustic: of or pertaining to the pastor of a church: addressed to the clergy of a diocese by their bishop.--_n._ a poem which describes the scenery and life of the country: a letter or an address by a pastor to his people, or by a bishop to his clergy: (_mus._) a simple melody.--_n._ PAS'TORALISM, pastoral character.--_adv._ PAS'TORALLY.--_ns._ PAS'TORATE, PAS'TORSHIP, the office of a pastor: the time during which one has been a pastor: the whole body of pastors in one church or district.--_adj._ PAS'TORLY, becoming a pastor.--PASTORAL ADDRESS, or LETTER (see PASTORAL, _n._); PASTORAL CHARGE, position of a pastor: the church, &c., over which a pastor is placed: an address to a newly ordained minister; PASTORAL EPISTLES, those in the New Test. to Timothy and Titus; PASTORAL STAFF, a tall staff borne as an emblem of episcopal authority, headed like a shepherd's crook, or having a T-shaped head; PASTORAL THEOLOGY, that part of theology which treats of the duties of pastors; PASTORAL WORK, the work of a pastor in visiting his people. [L., _pasc[)e]re_, _pastum_, to feed.]

PASTOR, pas'tur, _n._ a beautiful bird allied to the starlings, native to Western Asia.

PASTORALE, pas-t[=o]-ra'le, _n._ a variety of opera or cantata characterised by the idyllic or pastoral element: a vocal or instrumental piece intended to suggest pastoral life: one of the simple traditional open-air dramas still kept up among the Basques: one of the figures of a quadrille.--Also PASTOURELLE'.

PASTRY, p[=a]s'tri, _n._ articles made of paste or dough: crust of pies, tarts, &c.: act or art of making articles of paste.--_n._ P[=A]S'TRYCOOK, one who cooks or sells pastry. [_Paste._]

PASTURE, past'[=u]r, _n._ grass for grazing: ground covered with grass for grazing.--_v.t._ to feed on pasture: to supply with grass.--_v.i._ to feed on pasture: to graze.--_adj._ PAST'[=U]RABLE, that can be pastured: fit for pasture.--_ns._ PAST'[=U]RAGE, the business of feeding or grazing cattle: pasture-land: grass for feeding; PAST'[=U]RE-LAND, land appropriated to pasture.--_adj._ PAST'[=U]RELESS, destitute of pasture. [O. Fr. _pasture_ (Fr. _pature_)--L. _pastura_--_pasc[)e]re_, _pastum_, to feed.]

PASTY, p[=a]s'ti, _adj._ like paste.--_n._ a small pie of meat and crust baked without a dish.

PAT, pat, _n._ a light, quick blow, as with the hand.--_v.t._ to strike gently: to tap:--_pr.p._ pat'ting; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ pat'ted.--PAT ON THE BACK, to mark approval by patting on the back, to patronise. [Imit.]

PAT, pat, _n._ a small, moulded lump of butter. [Celt., as Ir. _pait_, a lump.]

PAT, pat, _adj._ fitly: at the right time or place.--_adv._ PAT'LY, fitly, conveniently.--_n._ PAT'NESS, fitness, appropriateness. [_Pat_, a light blow.]

PATAGIUM, pat-[=a]-j[=i]'um, _n._ the wing-membrane of a bat, &c.: the parachute of a flying squirrel, &c.: the fold of integument between the upper arm and the forearm of a bird: one of the scales affixed to the pronotum of lepidopterous insects--the _tegula_. [L., 'a gold edging.']

PATAMAR, pat'a-mar, _n._ a vessel on the Bombay coast, with arched keel, and great stem and stern rake.

PATAVINITY, pat-a-vin'i-ti, _n._ the style of Padua (L. _Patavium_), esp.

the diction of Livy, a native of Patavium, hence provincialism generally.

PATCH, pach, _v.t._ to mend by putting in a piece: to repair clumsily: to make up of pieces: to make hastily.--_n._ a piece sewed or put on to mend a defect: anything like a patch: a small piece of ground: a plot: (_Shak._) a paltry fellow, a fool--properly a jester: (_print._) an overlay to obtain a stronger impression: a small piece of black silk, &c., stuck by ladies on the face, to bring out the complexion by contrast--common in the 17th and 18th centuries.--_adj._ PATCH'ABLE.--_ns._ PATCH'-BOX, a fancy box for holding the patches worn on the face, generally having a mirror inside the lid; PATCH'ER, one who patches; PATCH'ERY (_Shak._), bungling work; PATCH'WORK, work formed of patches or pieces sewed together: work patched up or clumsily executed.--_adj._ PATCH'Y, covered with patches: inharmonious, incongruous.--NOT A PATCH ON, not fit to be compared with.

[Low Ger. _patschen_; prob. conn. with _piece_.]

PATCHOCKE, pach'ok, _n._ (_Spens._) a clown. [_Patch._]

PATCHOULI, pa-ch[=oo]'li, _n._ a perfume got from the dried branches of the patchouli shrub, 2-3 ft. high: the plant itself.--Also PATCHOU'LY. [Tamil, _patchei_, gum, _elei_, a leaf.]

PATE, p[=a]t, _n._ the crown of the head: the head.--_adj._ P[=A]T'ED, having a pate. [Through O. Fr., from Ger. _platte_, a plate; cf. Low L.

_platta_, tonsure.]

PaTe, pa-t[=a]', _n._ pie: pasty.--PaTe DE FOIE GRAS, pasty of fat goose liver: Strasburg pie. [Fr.]

PATELLA, pa-tel'la, _n._ a little dish or vase: the knee-pan: a genus of gasteropodous univalve molluscs: the limpet.--_adjs._ PATEL'LAR, pertaining to the patella or knee-cap; PATEL'LATE or PATEL'LULATE; PATEL'LIFORM, of the form of a small dish or saucer. [L., dim. of _patina_, a pan.]

PATEN, pat'en, _n._ the plate for the bread in the Eucharist. [Fr.,--L.

_patina_, a plate--Gr. _patan[=e]_.]

PATENT, p[=a]'tent, or pat'ent, _adj._ lying open: conspicuous: public: protected by a patent: (_bot._) spreading: expanding.--_n._ an official document, open, and having the Great Seal of the government attached to it, conferring an exclusive right or privilege, as a title of nobility, or the sole right for a term of years to the proceeds of an invention: something invented and protected by a patent.--_v.t._ P[=A]'TENT, to grant or secure by patent.--_adj._ P[=A]'TENTABLE, capable of being patented.--_ns._ P[=A]TENTEE', one who holds a patent, or to whom a patent is granted--also P[=A]'TENTER; P[=A]'TENT-LEATH'ER, a kind of leather to which a permanently polished surface is given by a process of japanning; P[=A]'TENTOR, one who grants or who secures a patent; P[=A]'TENT-RIGHT, the exclusive right reserved by P[=A]'TENT-ROLLS, the register of letters-patent issued in England.--PATENT MEDICINE, a medicine sold under the authority of letters-patent, any proprietary medicine generally on which stamp-duty is paid; PATENT OFFICE, an office for the granting of patents for inventions; PATENT OUTSIDE, or INSIDE, a newspaper printed on the outside or inside only, sold to a publisher who fills the other side with his own material, as local news, &c. [Fr.,--L. _patens_, _-entis_, pr.p. of _pat[=e]re_, to lie open.]

PATERA, pat'e-ra, _n._ a round flat dish for receiving a sacrificial libation among the Romans: (_archit._) the representation of such in bas-relief in friezes, &c.--often applied loosely to rosettes and other flat ornaments:--_pl._ PAT'ERae (-r[=e]).--_adj._ PAT'ERIFORM.

[L.,--_pat[=e]re_, to lie open.]

PATERCOVE, pat'[.e]r-k[=o]v, _n._ Same as PATRICO.

PATERERO, pat-e-r[=a]'ro, _n._:--_pl._ PATERE'ROES (-r[=o]z). Same as PEDERERO.

PATERFAMILIAS, p[=a]-t[.e]r-fa-mil'i-as, _n._ the father or head of a family or household:--_pl._ P[=A]TRESFAMIL'IAS. [L. _pater_, a father, _familias_, arch. form of _familiae_, gen. of _familia_, a household.]

PATERNAL, pa-t[.e]r'nal, _adj._ fatherly: showing the disposition of a father: derived from a father: hereditary.--_n._ PATER'NALISM.--_adv._ PATER'NALLY.--_n._ PATER'NITY, state of being a father: fatherhood: the relation of a father to his children: origination or authorship. [Fr.

_paternel_--Low L. _paternalis_--L. _paternus_--_pater_ (Gr. _pat[=e]r_), a father.]

PATERNOSTER, p[=a]'t[.e]r-nos-t[.e]r, or pat-[.e]r-nos't[.e]r, _n._ the Lord's Prayer: every eleventh bead in a R.C. rosary, at which, in telling their beads, the Lord's Prayer is repeated: the whole rosary: anything made of objects strung together like a rosary, esp. a fishing-line with hooks at intervals: (_archit._) an ornament shaped like beads, used in astragals, &c. [L. _Pater noster_, 'Our Father,' the first two words of the Lord's Prayer in Latin.]

PATH, path, _n._ a way trodden out by the feet: track: road: course of action or conduct:--_pl._ PATHS (pa_th_z).--_n._ PATH'FINDER, one who explores the route, a pioneer.--_adj._ PATH'LESS, without a path: untrodden. [A.S. _paeth_, _path_; Ger. _pfad_, Gr. _patos_, L. _pons_, _pontis_, a bridge.]

PATHAN, pa-than', _n._ an Afghan proper, one of Afghan race settled in India.

PATHETIC, -AL, pa-thet'ik, -al, _adj._ showing passion: affecting the tender emotions: causing pity, grief, or sorrow: touching: (_anat._) trochlear.--_adj._ PATHEMAT'IC, pertaining to emotion.--_adv._ PATHET'ICALLY.--_ns._ PATHET'ICALNESS; PATH'ETISM, animal magnetism; PATH'ETIST, one who practises this.--THE PATHETIC, the style or manner fitted to excite emotion. [Gr. _path[=e]tikos_, subject to suffering.]

PATHIC, path'ik, _adj._ pertaining to disease.--_ns._ PATHOGEN'ESIS, PATHOG'ENY, mode of production or development of disease.--_adjs._ PATHOGENET'IC, PATHOGEN'IC, PATHOG'ENOUS, producing disease.

PATHOGNOMONIC, p[=a]-thog-n[=o]-mon'ik. _adj._ characteristic of a disease.--_n._ PATHOG'NOMY. [Gr. _pathos_, suffering, _gn[=o]m[=o]n_, a judge.]

PATHOLOGY, pa-thol'o-ji, _n._ science of the nature, causes, and remedies of diseases: the whole of the morbid conditions in a disease.--_adjs._ PATHOLOG'IC, -AL.--_adv._ PATHOLOG'ICALLY.--_ns._ PATHOL'OGIST, one versed in pathology; PATHOPH[=O]'BIA, morbid dread of disease. [Fr.,--Gr.

_pathos_, suffering, _logos_, discourse.]

PATHOS, p[=a]'thos, _n._ that in anything (as a word, a look, &c.) which touches the feelings or raises the tender emotions: the expression of deep feeling.--_n._ PATHOM'ETRY, the distinction of suffering into different kinds. [Gr., from _pathein_, 2 aorist of _paschein_, to suffer, feel.]

PATHWAY, path'w[=a], _n._ a path or way: a footpath: course of action.

PATIBULARY, p[=a]-tib'[=u]-la-ri, _adj._ of or pertaining to a gibbet or gallows. [L. _patibulum_, a gibbet.]

PATIENCE, p[=a]'shens, _n._ quality of being patient or able calmly to endure: (_Shak._) permission: a card-game, same as Solitaire (q.v.).--_adj._ P[=A]'TIENT, sustaining pain, &c., without repining: not easily provoked: not in a hurry: persevering: expecting with calmness: long-suffering.--_n._ one who bears or suffers: a person under medical treatment.--_adv._ P[=A]'TIENTLY. [Fr.,--L. _patentia_--_patiens_--_pati_, to bear.]

PATIN, PATINE, pat'in, _n._ Same as PATEN.

PATINA, pat'i-na, _n._ a bowl, pan, patella: the encrustation which age gives to works of art: the peculiar varnish-like rust which covers ancient bronzes and medals.--_adj._ PAT'IN[=A]TED.--_n._ PATIN[=A]'TION. [It.,--L.

_patina_, a dish, a kind of cake.]

PATIO, pat'i-[=o], _n._ a courtyard connected with a house. [Sp.,--L.

_spatium_, a space.]


PATOIS, pat'waw, _n._ a vulgar or provincial dialect. [Fr., orig.

_patrois_--L. _patriensis_, indigenous--_patria_, one's native country.]

PATONCE, pa-tons', _n._ (_her._) a cross whose four arms expand in curves from the centre, with floriated ends.--_adj._ PATONCeE. [Fr.,--L.

_pat[=e]re_, to expand.]

PATRES CONSCRIPTI, p[=a]'tres kon-skrip't[=i], conscript fathers: the senators of ancient Rome. [L. _patres_, pl. of _pater_, a father, _conscripti_, pl. of _conscriptus_,--_conscrib[)e]re_, to enrol.]