Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 45

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 45

SKIO, sky[=o], _n._ in Orkney, a fisherman's hut.--Also SKEO. [Norw.

_skjaa_, a shed.]

SKIP, skip, _v.i._ to leap: to bound lightly and joyfully: to pass over.--_v.t._ to leap over: to omit:--_pr.p._ skip'ping; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ skipped.--_n._ a light leap: a bound: the omission of a part: the captain of a side at bowls and curling: a college servant.--_ns._ SKIP'JACK, an impudent fellow: the blue-fish, saurel, &c.; SKIP'-KEN'NEL, one who has to jump the gutters, a lackey; SKIP'PER, one who skips: a dancer: (_Shak._) a young thoughtless person: a hesperian butterfly.--_adj._ SKIP'PING, flighty, giddy.--_adv._ SKIP'PINGLY, in a skipping manner: by skips or leaps.--_n._ SKIP'PING-ROPE, a rope used in skipping. [Either Celt., according to Skeat, from Ir. _sgiob_, to snatch, Gael. _sgiab_, to move suddenly, W. _ysgipio_, to snatch away; or Teut., conn. with Ice. _skopa_, to run.]

SKIP, skip, _n._ an iron box for raising ore running between guides, or in inclined shafts fitted with wheels to run on a track, a mine-truck.

SKIPETAR, skip'e-tar, _n._ an Albanian: the Albanian language. [Albanian _skipetar_, a mountaineer.]

SKIPPER, skip'[.e]r, _n._ the master of a merchant-ship.--SKIPPER'S DAUGHTERS, white-topped waves. [Dut. _schipper_; Dan. _skipper_.]

SKIPPER, skip'[.e]r, _n._ a barn, a shed in which to shelter for the night.--_v.i._ to shelter in such a place.--_n._ SKIPP'ER-BIRD, a tramp.

[Prob. W. _ysguber_, a barn.]

SKIPPET, skip'et, _n._ (_Spens._) a small boat. [Dim. of A.S. _scip_, ship.]

SKIPPET, skip'et, _n._ a round flat box for holding a seal, which used to be attached to the parchment by ribbons passing through the lid.

SKIRL, skirl, _v.t._ and _v.i._ (_Scot._) to shriek shrilly.--_n._ a shrill cry.--_n._ SKIR'LING, a shrill sound.

SKIRMISH, sk[.e]r'mish, _n._ an irregular fight between two small parties: a contest.--_v.i._ to fight slightly or irregularly.--_ns._ SKIR'MISHER, a soldier belonging to troops dispersed to cover front or flank, and prevent surprises; SKIR'MISHING. [O. Fr. _escarmouche_--Old High Ger. _skerman_, _scirman_, to fight.]

SKIRR, sk[.e]r, _v.t._ (_Shak._) to ramble over, to scour.--_v.i._ to run in haste. [_Scurry_.]

SKIRRET, skir'et, _n._ an edible water-parsnip: a perennial plant, native to China and Japan. [_Sugar-root_.]

SKIRT, sk[.e]rt, _n._ the part of a garment below the waist: a woman's garment like a petticoat: the edge of any part of the dress: border: margin: extreme part.--_v.t._ to border: to form the edge of.--_v.i._ to be on the border: to live near the extremity.--_ns._ SKIRT'-DANC'ING, a form of ballet-dancing in which the flowing skirts are waved about in the hands; SKIR'TER, a huntsman who dodges his jumps by going round about; SKIR'TING, strong material made up in lengths for women's skirts: skirting-board; SKIR'TING-BOARD, the narrow board next the floor round the walls of a room.--DIVIDED SKIRT, a skirt in the form of loose trousers. [Scand., Ice.

_skyrta_, a shirt. A doublet of _shirt_.]

SKIT, skit, _n._ any sarcastic squib, lampoon, or pamphlet. [Ice. _skuti_, a taunt.]

SKITE, sk[=i]t, _v.i._ (_Scot._) to glide or slip--also SKYTE.--_n._ a sudden blow: a trick.--_vs.i._ SKIT, to leap aside: to caper; SKIT'TER, to skim lightly over: to void thin excrement: to draw a baited hook along the surface of water. [Scand., Sw. _skutta_, to leap, _skjuta_, to shoot.]

SKITTISH, skit'ish, _adj._ unsteady, light-headed, easily frightened: hasty, volatile, changeable: wanton.--_adv._ SKITT'ISHLY.--_n._ SKITT'ISHNESS. [_Skite_.]

SKITTLES, skit'lz, a game of ninepins in which a flattened ball or thick rounded disc is thrown to knock down the pins--played in a SKITT'LE-ALL'EY, or -GROUND. In American Bowls, the game is played with ten pins arranged in the form of a triangle, the missile being rolled along a carefully constructed wooden floor.--_v.t._ SKITT'LE, to knock down.--n SKITT'LE-BALL, the ball thrown in playing at skittles. [A variant of _shittle_ or _shuttle_.]

SKIVER, sk[=i]'v[.e]r, _n._ a kind of leather made of split sheep-skins, used for bookbinding, &c.--_n._ a machine for skiving leather.--_v.t._ SKIVE, to cut, pare off.--_n._ SK[=I]'VING, the act of skiving: a piece skived off--of leather, usually on the flesh side. [From root of _shive_, _shiver_.]

SKIVER, sk[=i]'v[.e]r, _v.t._ (_prov._) to run through, to skewer.

SKIVIE, skiv'i, _adj._ (_Scot._) deranged: askew.

SKLENT, a Scotch form of _slant_.

SKOAL, sk[=o]l, _interj._ hail! a friendly exclamation of salutation before drinking, &c. [Ice. _skal_; Norw. _skaal_, a bowl, Sw. _skl_.]

SKOLION, sk[=o]'li-on, _n._ a short drinking-song in ancient Greece, taken up by the guests in turn:--_pl._ SK[=O]'LIA. [Gr.]


SKRYER, skr[=i]'[.e]r, _n._ one who uses the divining-glass.

SKUA, sk[=u]'a, _n._ a bird of the family _Laridae_, esp. the Great Skua (_Stercorarius catarrhactes_), a rapacious bird about two feet long, the plumage predominantly brown, breeding in the Shetlands.--_n._ SK[=U]'A-GULL. [Norw.]

SKUE, sk[=u], an obsolete form of _skew_.

SKUG, SCUG, skug, _n._ (prov.) shelter.--_v.t._ to shelter: to expiate.--_n._ SKUG'GERY, SCUG'GERY, secrecy.--_adjs._ SKUG'GY, SCUG'GY, shady. [Ice. _skuggi_, a shade.]

SKUG, skug, _n._ (_prov._) a squirrel.


SKULK, skulk, _v.i._ to sneak out of the way: to lurk.--_ns._ SKULK, SKULK'ER, one who skulks.--_adv._ SKULK'INGLY.--_n._ SKULK'ING-PLACE.

[Scand., as in Dan. _skulke_, to sneak; conn. with Ice. _skjol_, cover, hiding-place; also with Eng. _scowl_.]

SKULL, skul, _n._ the bony case that encloses the brain: the head, the sconce, noddle: a crust formed on the ladle, &c., by the partial cooling of molten metal: in armour, the crown of the head-piece: (_Scot._) a shallow, bow-handled basket.--_n._ SKULL'CAP, a cap which fits closely to the head: the sinciput.--_adj._ SKULL'-LESS.--SKULL AND CROSS-BONES, a symbolic emblem of death and decay. [Ice. _skal_, a shell; conn. with _shell_ and _scale_, a thin plate.]


SKUNK, skungk, _n._ a small North American carnivorous quadruped allied to the otter and weasel, defending itself by emitting an offensive fluid: a low fellow: (_U.S._) a complete defeat.--_v.t._ to inflict such.--_ns._ SKUNK'-BIRD, -BLACK'BIRD, the male bobolink in full plumage. [Indian _seganku_.]

SKUPSHTINA, skoopsh'ti-na, _n._ the national assembly of Servia, having one chamber and 178 deputies, three-fourths elected and one-fourth nominated by the crown.--GREAT SKUPSHTINA, specially elected for discussing graver questions.


SKY, sk[=i], _n._ the apparent canopy over our heads: the heavens: the weather: the upper rows of pictures in a gallery.--_v.t._ to raise aloft, esp. to hang pictures above the line of sight.--_adjs._ SKY'-BLUE, blue like the sky; SKY'-BORN, of heavenly birth.--_n._ SKY'-COL'OUR, the colour of the sky.--_adjs._ SKY'-COL'OURED, blue, azure; SKYED, surrounded by sky; SKY'EY, like the sky: ethereal; SKY'-HIGH, very high; SKY'ISH (_Shak._), like or approaching the sky, lofty.--_n._ SKY'LARK, a species of lark that mounts high towards the sky and sings on the wing.--_v.i._ to engage in any kind of boisterous frolic.--_ns._ SKY'LARKING, running about the rigging of a ship in sport: frolicking; SKY'-LIGHT, a window in a roof or ceiling towards the sky for the admission of light; SKY'LINE, the horizon; SKY'-PAR'LOUR, a lofty attic; SKY'-P[=I]'LOT, a clergyman.--_adj._ SKY'-PLANT'ED, placed in the sky.--_n._ SKY'-ROCK'ET, a rocket that ascends high towards the sky and burns as it flies.--_v.i._ to move like a sky-rocket, to rise and disappear as suddenly.--_ns._ SKY'SAIL, the sail above the royal; SKY'SCAPE, a view of a portion of the sky, or a picture of the same; SKY'-SCR[=A]P'ER, a sky-sail of a triangular shape: anything shooting high into the sky.--_adj._ SKY'-TINC'TURED, of the colour of the sky.--_adv._ SKY'WARD, toward the sky. [Ice. _sk_, a cloud; akin to A.S.

_scua_, Gr. _skia_, a shadow.]

SKYE, sk[=i], _n._ for Skye terrier. [See _Terrier_.]

SKYR, skir, _n._ curds. [Ice.]

SKYRIN, sk[=i]'rin, _adj._ (_Scot._) shining, showy.

SLAB, slab, _n._ a thin slip of anything, esp. of stone, having plane surfaces: a piece sawed from a log.--_v.t._ to cut slabs from, as a log.--_adj._ SLAB'-SID'ED, having long flat sides, tall and lank.--_n._ SLAB'STONE, flagstone. [Scand., Ice. _sleppa_, to slip, Norw. _sleip_, a slab of wood.]

SLAB, slab, _adj._ thick.--_n._ mud.--_adj._ SLAB'BY, muddy. [Celt., Ir., and Gael. _slaib_, mud.]

SLABBER, slab'[.e]r, _v.i._ to slaver: to let the saliva fall from the mouth: to drivel.--_v.t._ to wet with saliva.--_n._ SLABB'ERER.--_adj._ SLABB'ERY.--_n._ SLABB'INESS.--_adj._ SLABB'Y. [Allied to Low Ger. and Dut.

_slabbern_; imit. Doublet _slaver_.]

SLACK, slak, _adj._ lax or loose: not firmly extended or drawn out: not holding fast, weak: not eager or diligent, inattentive: not violent or rapid, slow.--_adv._ in a slack manner: partially: insufficiently.--_n._ that part of a rope, belt, &c. which is slack or loose: a period of inactivity: a slack-water haul of a net.--_vs.i._ SLACK, SLACK'EN, to become loose or less tight: to be remiss: to abate: to become slower: to fail or flag.--_v.t._ to make less tight: to loosen: to relax: to remit: to abate: to withhold: to use less liberally: to check: (_B._) to delay.--_v.t._ SLACK'-BAKE, to half-bake.--_adj._--SLACK'-HAND'ED, remiss.--_n._ SLACK'-JAW (_slang_), impudent talk.--_adv._ SLACK'LY.--_n._ SLACK'NESS.--_adj._--SLACK'-SALT'ED, insufficiently salted.--_n._ SLACK'-WA'TER, ebb-tide: slow-moving water, as that above a dam.--_adj._ pertaining to slack-water.--SLACK AWAY, to ease off freely; SLACK-IN-STAYS, slow in going about, of a ship; SLACK OFF, to ease off; SLACK UP, to ease off: to slow. [A.S. _sleac_; Sw. _slak_, Ice. _slakr_.]

SLACK, slak, _n._ coal-dross. [Ger. _schlacke_.]

SLACK, slak, _n._ (_Scot._) a cleft between hills: a common: a boggy place.

[Scand., Ice. _slakki_, a hill-slope.]

SLADE, sl[=a]d, _n._ a little valley or dell; a piece of low, moist ground.