Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 44

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 44

SKATE, sk[=a]t, _n._ the popular name of several species of Ray, esp. those of the family _Raiidae_ and genus _Raia_, with greatly extended pectoral fins. [Ice. _skata_--Low L. _squatus_--L. _squatina_; cf. _Shad_.]


SKAW, ska, _n._ a promontory.--Also SCAW. [Ice. _skagi_--_skaga_, to jut out.]

SKEAN, sk[=e]n, _n._ a dagger.--_n._ SKEAN-DHU (sk[=e]n'-d[=oo]), the knife stuck in the stocking of the Highland dress. [Gael, _sgian_, a knife.]

SKEARY, sk[=e]'ri, a dial. form of _scary_.

SKEDADDLE, sk[=e]-dad'l, _v.t._ (_prov._) to spill, scatter.--_v.i._ (_coll._) to scamper off.--_n._ a scurrying off. [Ety. unknown. Prob. conn.

somehow with _shed_--A.S. _sceadan_, to pour.]

SKEE, sk[=e], _n._ a wooden runner for sliding down a declivity.--_v.i._ to slide on skees. [Dan. _ski_--Ice. _skidh_.]

SKEEL, sk[=e]l, _n._ (_Scot._) a milking-pail, a washing-tub. [Scand., Ice.


SKEELY, sk[=e]'li, _adj._ (_Scot._) skilful.

SKEESICKS, sk[=e]'ziks, _n._ (_U.S._) a rascal.

SKEETER, sk[=e]'t[.e]r, _n._ a mosquito.

SKEG, skeg, _n._ a stump, branch: the after-part of a ship's keel.

SKEG, skeg, _n._ a wild-plum.

SKEIN, sk[=a]n, _n._ a knot or number of knots of thread or yarn. [O. Fr.

_escagne_, from Celt.; cf. Ir. _sgainne_, a skein.]

SKELDER, skel'd[.e]r, _v.i._ and _v.t._ to practise begging: to swindle.

SKELETON, skel'e-tun, _n._ the bones of an animal separated from the flesh and preserved in their natural position: the framework or outline of anything: a very lean and emaciated person: a very thin form of light-faced type.--_adj._ pertaining to a skeleton--also SKEL'ETAL.--_ns._ SKELETOG'ENY (-toj'-); SKELETOG'RAPHY; SKELETOL'OGY.--_v.t._ SKEL'ETONISE, to reduce to a skeleton.--_n._ SKEL'ETON-KEY, a key for picking locks, without the inner bits.--SKELETON IN THE CUPBOARD, CLOSET, HOUSE, &c., some hidden domestic source of sorrow or shame. [Gr. _skeleton_ (_s[=o]ma_), a dried (body)--_skeletos_, dried--_skellein_, to dry, to parch.]

SKELLOCH, skel'oh, _v.i._ (_Scot._) to cry out with a shrill voice.--_n._ a squeal.

SKELLUM, skel'um, _n._ (_Scot._) a ne'er-do-well. [Dut. _schelm_, a rogue.]

SKELLY, skel'i, _v.i._ (_Scot._) to squint. [Cf. Dan. _skele_, Sw. _skela_, Ger. _schielen_, to squint.]

SKELP, skelp, _v.t._ (_Scot._) to slap.--_v.i._ to move briskly along, to bound along.--_n._ a slap: a heavy fall of pelting rain: a large portion.--_adj._ SKELP'ING, very big or full. [Gael. _sgealp_, a slap.]

SKELTER, skel't[.e]r, _v.i._ to hurry or dash along.

SKEP, skep, _n._ a grain-basket, or beehive made of straw or wicker-work.--_n._ SKEP'FUL, as much as a skep will hold. [A.S.

_scep_--Scand., Ice. _skeppa_.]

SKEPTIC=_Sceptic_; SKEPSIS=_Scepsis_.

SKERRY, sker'i, _n._ a rocky isle. [Ice. _sker_.]

SKETCH, skech, _n._ a first draft of any plan or painting: an outline, a short and slightly constructed play, essay, &c.: a short dramatic scene for representation by two persons: an artist's preliminary study of a work to be elaborated.--_v.t._ to make a rough draft of: to draw the outline: to give the principal points of.--_v.i._ to practise sketching.--_adj._ SKETCH'ABLE, capable of being sketched effectively.--_ns._ SKETCH'BOOK, a blank book used for sketching by an artist or writer: a printed volume of literary sketches; SKETCH'ER, one who sketches.--_adv._ SKETCH'ILY.--_n._ SKETCH'INESS.--_adj._ SKETCH'Y, containing a sketch or outline: incomplete, slight. [Dut. _schets_, It. _schizzo_--L. _schedium_--_schedius_, made off-hand--Gr. _schedios_, sudden.]

SKEW, sk[=u], _adj._ oblique: intersecting a road, river, &c. not at right angles, as a bridge.--_adv._ awry: obliquely.--_v.t._ to turn aside.--_n._ a deviation, a mistake: a squint: (_archit._) the sloping top of a buttress slanting off against a wall.--_ns._ SKEW'-ARCH, an arch standing obliquely on its abutments; SKEW'-BACK (_archit._), the course of masonry on the top of an abutment with a slope for the base of the arch to rest against.--_adj._ SKEW'-BALD, spotted irregularly, piebald.--_n._ SKEW'-BRIDGE, a bridge having its arch or arches set obliquely on its abutments, as when a railway crosses a road, &c., at an oblique angle.--_adjs._ SKEWED, distorted; SKEW-GEE' (_coll._), crooked.--_n._ SKEW'-WHEEL, a bevel-wheel with teeth formed obliquely on the rim. [Old Dut. _sch[=u]wen_ (Dut. _schuwen_); Ger. _scheuen_, to shun; cf. _Shy_.]

SKEWER, sk[=u]'[.e]r, _n._ a pin of wood or iron for keeping meat in form while roasting.--_v.t._ to fasten with skewers. [Prov. Eng. _skiver_, prob.

the same as _shiver_, a splinter of wood.]

SKIASCOPY, sk[=i]'a-sk[=o]-pi, _n._ the shadow-test for measuring the refraction of an eye.--Also SC[=I]'ASCOPY. [Gr. _skia_, a shadow, _skopein_, to view.]

SKID, skid, _n._ a piece of timber hung against a ship's side to protect it from injury: a sliding wedge or drag to check the wheel of a wagon on a steep place: a slab put below a gun to keep it off the ground.--_v.t._ to check with a skid.--_v.i._ to slide along without revolving.--_n._ SKID'DER, one who uses a skid. [Scand., Ice. _skidh_; A.S. _scid_, a piece split off.]

SKIEY, sk[=i]'i, _adj._ Same as SKYEY.

SKIFF, skif, _n._ a small light boat. [A doublet of _ship_.]

SKIFF, skif, _adj._ (_prov._) distorted: awkward.

SKILL, skil, _n._ knowledge of anything: dexterity in practice.--_v.i._ to understand, to be dexterous in: to make a difference, to signify.--_adj._ SKIL'FUL, having or displaying skill: dexterous.--_adv._ SKIL'FULLY.--_n._ SKIL'FULNESS.--_adjs._ SKILLED, having skill: skilful: expert; SKIL'LESS (_Shak._), wanting skill, artless. [Scand., as Ice. _skil_, a distinction, _skilja_, to separate.]

SKILLET, skil'et, _n._ a small metal vessel with a long handle, used for boiling water, in cooking, &c. [Prob. from O. Fr. _escuellette_, dim of _escuelle_ (Fr. _ecuelle_)--L. _scutella_, dim. of _scutra_, a dish.]

SKILLIGALEE, skil-i-ga-l[=e]', _n._ thin watery soup.--Also SKILLIGOLEE', SKILL'Y. [Ety. dub.]

SKILLING, skil'ing, _n._ a small coin formerly current in North Germany and Scandinavia, in value from d. to 1d. [Dan.]

SKILTS, skilts, short loose trousers.

SKILVINGS, skil'vingz, (_prov._) the rails of a cart.

SKIM, skim, _v.t._ to clear off scum: to take off by skimming: to brush the surface of lightly.--_v.i._ to pass over lightly: to glide along near the surface: to become coated over:--_pr.p._ skim'ming; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ skimmed.--_n._ the act of skimming: what is skimmed off.--_ns._ SKIM'MER, a utensil for skimming milk: a bird that skims the water; SKIM'-MILK, skimmed milk: milk from which the cream has been skimmed; SKIM'MING, the act of taking off that which floats on the surface of a liquid, as cream: that which is taken off, scum.--_adv._ SKIM'MINGLY, by skimming along the surface. [_Scum_.]

SKIMBLE-SKAMBLE, skim'bl-skam'bl, _adj._ wandering, wild, rambling, incoherent.--_adv._ in a confused manner. [A reduplication of _scamble_.]

SKIMMINGTON, skim'ing-ton, _n._ a burlesque procession intended to ridicule a henpecked husband: a riot generally.--Also SKIM'INGTON, SKIM'MERTON, SKIM'ITRY. [Ety. unknown.]

SKIMP, skimp, _v.t._ to give scanty measure, to stint: to do a thing imperfectly.--_v.i._ to be parsimonious.--_adj._ scanty, spare.--_adj._ SKIM'PING, sparing: meagre: done inefficiently.--_adv._ SKIM'PINGLY.--_adj._ SKIM'PY. [A variant of _scamp_.]

SKIN, skin, _n._ the natural outer covering of an animal body: a hide: the bark or rind of plants, &c.: the inside covering of the ribs of a ship: a drink of whisky hot.--_v.t._ to cover with skin: to cover the surface of: to strip the skin from, to peel: to plunder, cheat: to answer an examination paper, &c., by unfair means.--_v.i._ to become covered with skin: to sneak off:--_pr.p._ skin'ning; _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ skinned.--_adj._ SKIN'-DEEP, as deep as the skin only: superficial.--_ns._ SKIN'FLINT, one who takes the smallest gains: a very niggardly person; SKIN'FUL, as much as one can hold, esp. of liquor.--_adj._ SKIN'LESS, having no skin, or a very thin one.--_ns._ SKIN'NER; SKIN'NINESS.--_adjs._ SKIN'NY, consisting of skin or of skin only: wanting flesh; SKIN'-TIGHT, fitting close to the skin.--_n._ SKIN'-WOOL, wool pulled from the skin of a dead sheep.--BY, or WITH, THE SKIN OF ONE'S TEETH, very narrowly; CLEAN SKINS, unbranded cattle; SAVE ONE'S SKIN, to escape without injury. [A.S.

_scinn_; Ice. _skinn_, skin, Ger. _schinden_, to flay.]

SKINK, skingk, _n._ drink.--_v.i._ and _v.t._ to serve drink.--_n._ SKINK'ER, one who serves drink, a tapster.--_adj._ SKINK'ING (_Scot._), thin, watery. [A.S. _scencan_, to pour out drink; Ger. _schenken_.]

SKINK, skingk, _n._ an African lizard. [L. _scincus_--Gr. _skingkos_, the adda.]

SKINK, skingk, _n._ (_Scot._) a shin-bone of beef, soup made from such.

[Cf. Dut. _schonk_, a bone; cf. _Shank_.]