Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 38

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 38

PALaeARCTIC, p[=a]-l[=e]-ark'tik, _adj._ pertaining to the northern part of the Old World.--PALaeARCTIC REGION, a great division embracing Europe, Africa north of the Atlas, and Asia north of the Himalaya.

PALaeICHTHYOLOGY, p[=a]-l[=e]-ik-th[=i]-ol'o-ji, _n._ the branch of ichthyology which treats of fossil fishes.

PALaeOBOTANY, p[=a]-l[=e]-[=o]-bot'a-ni, _n._ the science or study of fossil plants.--_adj._ PALaeOBOTAN'ICAL.--_n._ PALaeOBOT'ANIST.

PALaeOCRYSTIC, p[=a]-l[=e]-[=o]-kris'tik, _adj._ consisting of ancient ice.

PALaeOGRAPHY, PALEOGRAPHY, p[=a]-l[=e]-og'ra-fi, _n._ ancient modes of writing: study of ancient writings and modes of writing.--_n._ PALaeOG'RAPHER, one skilled in palaeography.--_adjs._ PALaeOGRAPH'IC, -AL, of or pertaining to palaeography.--_n._ PALaeOG'RAPHIST. [Gr. _palaios_, ancient, _graphein_, to write.]

PALaeOLITHIC, p[=a]-l[=e]-[=o]-lith'ik, _adj._ of or pertaining to the time when early stone implements were used: the first half of the stone age.--_n._ PALaeOL'ITH, a rude stone implement or object of the earlier stone age. [Gr. _palaios_, ancient, _lithos_, a stone.]

PALaeOLOGY, p[=a]-l[=e]-ol'[=o]-ji, _n._ a discourse or treatise on antiquities: archaeology.--_n._ PALaeOL'OGIST, one versed in palaeology: a student of antiquity. [Gr. _palaios_, ancient, _logia_, discourse.]

PALaeONTOGRAPHY, p[=a]-l[=e]-on-tog'ra-fi, _n._ the description of fossil remains.--_adj._ PALaeONTOGRAPH'ICAL, pertaining to palaeontography. [Gr.

_palaios_, ancient, _onta_, existences, _graphein_, to write.]

PALaeONTOLOGY, p[=a]-l[=e]-on-tol'[=o]-ji, _n._ the science of the ancient life of the earth: description of fossil remains: archaeology.--_adj._ PALaeONTOLOG'ICAL, belonging to palaeontology.--_n._ PALaeONTOL'OGIST, one versed in palaeontology. [Gr. _palaios_, ancient, _onta_, existences, _logia_, discourse.]

PALaeOPHYTOLOGY, p[=a]-l[=e]-[=o]-f[=i]-tol'[=o]-ji, _n._ palaeobotany.

PALaeOSAURUS, p[=a]-l[=e]-[=o]-saw'rus, _n._ a genus of fossil saurian reptiles belonging to the Permian period. [Gr. _palaios_, ancient, _sauros_, lizard.]

PALaeOTHERIUM, p[=a]-l[=e]-[=o]-th[=e]'ri-um, _n._ a genus of fossil pachydermatous mammalia in the Eocene beds. [Gr. _palaios_, ancient, _th[=e]rion_, a wild beast.]

PALaeOZOIC, p[=a]-l[=e]-[=o]-z[=o]'ik, _adj._ denoting the lowest division of the fossiliferous rocks, so called because they contain the earliest forms of life. [Gr. _palaios_, ancient, _zo[=e]_, life.]

PALaeOZOOLOGY, p[=a]-l[=e]-[=o]-z[=o]-ol'[=o]-ji, _n._ geologic zoology.--_adjs._ PALaeOZOOLOG'IC, -AL.

PALaeTIOLOGY, p[=a]-l[=e]-ti-ol'[=o]-ji, _n._ the science which explains past conditions by the law of causation.--_adj._ PALaeTIOLOG'ICAL.--_n._ PALaeTIOL'OGIST.

PALAMA, pal'a-ma, _n._ the webbing of the toes of a bird:--_pl._ PAL'AMae.--_adj._ PAL'AM[=A]TE. [Gr. _palam[=e]_.]

PALAMPORE, pal'am-p[=o]r, _n._ a flowered chintz bedcover common in the East.--Also PAL'EMPORE. [Prob. from the Ind. town of _Palamp[=u]r_.]

PALANQUIN, PALANKEEN, pal-an-k[=e]n', _n._ a light covered carriage used in India, &c., for a single person, and borne on the shoulders of men.

[Hind. _palang_, a bed--Sans. _palyanka_, a bed.]

PALAPTERYX, pal-ap't[.e]r-iks, _n._ a genus of fossil birds found in New Zealand, resembling the Apteryx. [Gr. _palaios_, ancient, and _apteryx_.]

PALAS, pal'as, _n._ a small bushy Punjab bean, yielding a kind of kino, Butea gum.

PALATE, pal'[=a]t, _n._ the roof of the mouth, consisting of two portions, the hard palate in front and the soft palate behind: taste: relish: mental liking.--_v.t._ to taste.--_adj._ PAL'ATABLE, agreeable to the palate or taste: savoury.--_n._ PAL'ATABLENESS, the quality of being agreeable to the taste.--_adv._ PAL'ATABLY.--_adj._ PAL'ATAL, pertaining to the palate: uttered by aid of the palate--also PAL'ATINE.--_n._ a letter pronounced chiefly by aid of the palate, as _k_, _g_, _e_, _i_.--_v.t._ PAL'ATALISE, to make palatal.--_adj._ PALAT'IC.--CLEFT PALATE, a congenital defect of the palate, leaving a longitudinal fissure in the roof of the mouth. [O.

Fr. _palat_--L. _palatum_.]

PALATIAL, pa-l[=a]'shi-al, _adj._ of or pertaining to a palace: resembling a palace: royal: magnificent.

PALATINE, pal'a-tin, _adj._ pertaining to a palace, originally applied to officers of the royal household: possessing royal privileges.--_n._ a noble invested with royal privileges: a subject of a palatinate.--_n._ PALAT'INATE, office or rank of a palatine: province of a palatine, esp. an electorate of the ancient German Empire.--COUNT PALATINE, a feudal lord with supreme judicial authority over a province; COUNTY PALATINE, the province of a count palatine. [Fr.,--L. _palatinus._ Cf. _Palace._]

PALAVER, pa-lav'[.e]r, _n._ talk or conversation, esp. idle talk: talk intended to deceive: a public conference: in Africa, a talk with the natives.--_v.i._ to use conversation: to flatter: to talk idly.--_n._ PALAV'ERER. [Port. _palavra_--L. _parabola_, a parable.]

PALAY, pa-l[=a]', _n._ a small S. Indian tree of the dogbane family, with hard white wood.--Also _Ivory-tree_.

PALE, p[=a]l, _n._ a narrow piece of wood driven into the ground for use in enclosing grounds: anything that encloses or fences in: any enclosed field or space: limit: district: a broad stripe from top to bottom of a shield in heraldry.--_v.t._ to enclose with stakes: to encompass.--_n._ PALIFIC[=A]'TION, act of strengthening by stakes.--_adj._ PAL'IFORM.--ENGLISH PALE, the district in Ireland within which alone the English had power for centuries after the invasion in 1172. [Fr. _pal_--L.

_palus_, a stake.]

PALE, p[=a]l, _adj._ somewhat white in colour: not ruddy or fresh: wan: of a faint lustre, dim: light in colour.--_v.t._ to make pale.--_v.i._ to turn pale.--_ns._ PALE'-ALE, a light-coloured pleasant bitter ale; PALE'BUCK, an antelope, the oribi.--_adj._ PALE'-EYED (_Shak._), having the eyes dimmed.--_n._ PALE'-FACE, a white person.--_adj._ PALE'-HEART'ED (_Shak._), dispirited.--_adv._ PALE'LY.--_n._ PALE'NESS.--_adjs._ PALE'-VIS'AGED (_Shak._), having no colour in the face; P[=A]'LISH, somewhat pale.

[Fr.,--L. _pallidus_, pale.]

PALEA, p[=a]'l[=e]-a, _n._ (_bot._) a chaffy bract at the base of the florets in many _Compositae_, also one of the inner scales of a grass-flower opposite the flowering glume: the throat-wattle, as in turkeys:--_pl._ P[=A]'LEae.--_adj._ PALE[=A]'CEOUS (_bot._), resembling, consisting of, or furnished with chaff: chaffy. [L. _palea_, chaff.]

PALEOTYPE, p[=a]'l[=e]-[=o]-t[=i]p, _n._ a system of spelling invented by A. J. Ellis, according to which all spoken sounds can be represented by the letters in common use, some of them being used upside down as well as in the usual way, to express varieties of sound.

PALES, p[=a]'l[=e]z, _n._ an ancient Roman divinity of flocks.--_n._ PALIL'IA, the festival of Pales, held on April 21, the traditional date of the founding of Rome.

PALESTINIAN, pal-es-tin'i-an, _adj._ pertaining to _Palestine_.--PALESTINE SOUP (see ARTICHOKE).

PALESTRA, p[=a]-les'tra, _n._ a wrestling school: the exercise of wrestling: any training school: academic oratory.--_adjs._ PALES'TRAL, PALES'TRIAN, PALES'TRIC, -AL, pertaining to wrestling: athletic. [L.,--Gr.

_palaistra_--_pal[=e]_, wrestling.]

PALETOT, pal'e-t[=o], _n._ a loose overcoat. [Fr.]

PALETTE, pal'et, _n._ a little oval board on which a painter mixes his colours: the special arrangement of colours for any particular picture: a plate against which a person presses his breast to give force to a drill worked by the hand: a small plate covering a joint in armour.--_n._ PAL'ETTE-KNIFE, a thin round-pointed knife for mixing colours on the grinding slab. [Fr.,--It. _paletta_--_pala_, spade--L. _pala_, a spade.]

PALFREY, pal'fri, _n._ a saddle-horse, esp. for a lady.--_adj._ PAL'FREYED, riding on, or supplied with, a palfrey. [Fr. _palefroi_--Low L.

_paraveredus_, prob. from Gr. _para_, beside, Low L. _veredus_, a post-horse--L. _veh[)e]re_, to draw, _rheda_, a carriage.]

PALI, pa'l[=e], _n._ the sacred language of the Buddhists of eastern India, closely allied to Sanskrit.

PALILLOGY, p[=a]-lil'[=o]-ji, _n._ a repetition of a word or phrase. [Gr.

_palillogia_--_palin_, again, _legein_, to say.]

PALIMPSEST, pal'imp-sest, _n._ a manuscript which has been written upon twice, the first writing having been rubbed off to make room for the second: an engraved brass plate, with a new inscription on the reverse side. [Gr. _palimps[=e]ston_--_palin_, again, _ps[=e]stos_, rubbed.]

PALINAL, pal'i-nal, _adj._ moving backward. [Gr. _palin_.]

PALINDROME, pal'in-dr[=o]m, _n._ a word, verse, or sentence that reads the same either backward or forward, as Adam's first words to Eve: 'Madam, I'm Adam.'--_adjs._ PALINDROM'IC, -AL.--_n._ PAL'INDROMIST, an inventor of palindromes. [Gr. _palindromia_--_palin_, back, _dromos_, a running.]

PALING, p[=a]l'ing, _n._ pales collectively: a fence.

PALINGENESIS, pal-in-jen'e-sis, _n._ a new birth or a second creation: regeneration: the development of an individual germ in which it repeats that of its ancestors: the recurrence of historical events in the same order in an infinite series of cycles--also PAL'INGENY, PALING[=E]'SIA.--_adj._ PALINGET'IC.--_adv._ PALINGET'ICALLY. [Gr. _palin_, again, _genesis_, birth.]

PALINODE, pal'i-n[=o]d, _n._ a poem retracting a former one: a recantation.--_adjs._ PALIN[=O]'DIAL, PALINOD'IC.--_n._ PAL'IN[=O]DIST, a writer of palinodes. [Fr.,--L.,--Gr.,--_palin_, back, _[=o]d[=e]_, song.]

PALISADE, pal-i-s[=a]d' _n._ a fence of pointed pales or stakes firmly fixed in the ground.--_v.t._ to surround with a palisade.--Also PALIS[=A]'DO:--_pl._ PALIS[=A]'DOES. [Fr.,--L. _palus_, a stake.]

PALISANDER, pal-i-san'd[.e]r, _n._ rosewood. [Fr.]

PALISSeE, pal-i-s[=a]', _adj._ (_her._) battlemented, the indentations pointing both up and down. [Fr.]