Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 4

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume III Part 4

NEMESIS, nem'e-sis, _n._ (_myth._) the goddess of vengeance: retributive justice.--_adj._ NEMES'IC. [Gr.,--_nemein_, to distribute.]

NEMO, n[=e]'mo, _n._ nobody: a nobody. [L.]

NEMOCEROUS, n[=e]-mos'e-rus, _adj._ having filamentous antennae.

NEMORAL, nem'o-ral, _adj._ pertaining to a wood or grove.--_n._ NEMOPH'ILIST.--_adjs._ NEMOPH'ILOUS, fond of woods, inhabiting woods; NEM'OROSE, growing in woodland; NEM'OROUS, woody. [L. _nemus_, _-[)o]ris_, a grove.]

NEMPT, nemt (_Spens._), named, called.

NENUPHAR, nen'[=u]-far, _n._ the great white water-lily. [Fr.,--Ar.]

NEO-CATHOLIC, n[=e]-[=o]-kath'o-lik, _adj._ pertaining to the short-lived school of liberal Catholicism that followed Lamennais, Lacordaire, and Montalembert about 1830: pertaining to a small party within the Anglican Church, who think they have outgrown Keble and Pusey and the great Caroline divines, and are more noisy than intelligent in their avowal of preference for Roman doctrine, ritual, and discipline.

NEO-CHRISTIAN, n[=e]-[=o]-kris'tyan, _adj._ and _n._ of or pertaining to so-called _Neo-Christianity_, which merely means old Rationalism.

NEOCOMIAN, n[=e]-[=o]-k[=o]'mi-an, _adj._ and _n._ (_geol._) of or pertaining to the lower division of the Cretaceous system, including the Lower Greensand and the Wealden of English geologists. [Graecised from _Neuchatel_, near which is its typical region; Gr. _neos_, new, _k[=o]m[=e]_, a village.]

NEOCOSMIC, n[=e]-[=o]-koz'mik, _adj._ pertaining to the present condition of the universe, esp. its races of men. [Gr. _neos_, new, _kosmos_, the universe.]

NEOCRACY, n[=e]-ok'ra-si, _n._ government by upstarts.

NEOGAMIST, n[=e]-og'a-mist, _n._ a person recently married.

NEOGRAMMARIAN, n[=e]-[=o]-gra-m[=a]'ri-an, _n._ one of the more recent school in the study of Indo-European grammar and philology, who attach vast importance to phonetic change, and the laws governing it.--_adj._ NEOGRAMMAT'ICAL.

NEOHELLENISM, n[=e]-[=o]-hel'en-izm, _n._ the modern Hellenism inspired by the ancient: the devotion to ancient Greek ideals in literature and art, esp. in the Italian Renaissance.

NEO-KANTIAN, n[=e]-[=o]-kan'ti-an, _adj._ pertaining to the philosophy of _Kant_ as taught by his successors.

NEO-LATIN, n[=e]-[=o]-lat'in, _n._ Latin as written by modern writers: new Latin, as in the Romance languages sprung from the Latin.

NEOLITE, n[=e]'[=o]-l[=i]t, _n._ a dark-green silicate of aluminium and magnesium. [Gr. _neos_, new, _lithos_, a stone.]

NEOLITHIC, n[=e]-[=o]-lith'ik, _adj._ applied to the more recent implements of the stone age--opp. to _Palaeolithic_. [Gr. _neos_, new, _lithos_, a stone.]

NEOLOGY, n[=e]-ol'o-ji, _n._ the introduction of new words, or new senses of old words, into a language: (_theol._) new doctrines, esp. German rationalism.--_n._ NEOL[=O]'GIAN.--_adjs._ NEOLOG'IC, -AL, pertaining to neology: using new words.--_adv._ NEOLOG'ICALLY.--_v.i._ NEOL'OGISE, to introduce new words or doctrines.--_ns._ NEOL'OGISM, a new word, phrase, or doctrine: the use of old words in a new sense; NEOL'OGIST, one who introduces new words or senses: one who introduces new doctrines in theology.--_adjs._ NEOLOGIS'TIC, -AL. [Gr. _neos_, new, _logos_, word.]

NEONOMIANISM, n[=e]-[=o]-n[=o]'mi-an-izm, _n._ the doctrine that the gospel is a new law, and that faith has abrogated the old moral obedience.--_n._ NEON[=O]'MIAN. [Gr. _neos_, new, _nomos_, law.]

NEONOMOUS, n[=e]-on'o-mus, _adj._ having a greatly modified biological structure, specialised according to recent conditions of environment. [Gr.

_neos_, new, _nomos_, law.]

NEONTOLOGY, n[=e]-on-tol'o-ji, _n._ the science and description of extant, as apart from extinct, animals.--_n._ NEONTOL'OGIST. [Gr. _neos_, new, _on_, _ontos_, being, _logia_--_legein_, to speak.]

NEO-PAGANISM, n[=e]-[=o]-p[=a]'gan-izm, _n._ a revival of paganism, or its spirit--a euphemism for mere animalism.--_v.t._ NEO-P[=A]'GAN[=I]SE, to imbue with this spirit.

NEOPHOBIA, n[=e]-[=o]-f[=o]'bi-a, _n._ dread of novelty. [Gr. _neos_, new, _phobia_--_phebesthai_, to fear.]

NEOPHRON, n[=e]'[=o]-fron, _n._ a genus of vultures, having horizontal nostrils. [Gr.,--_neos_, new, _phren_, mind.]

NEOPHYTE, n[=e]'[=o]-f[=i]t, _n._ a new convert, one newly baptised or admitted to the priesthood, or to a monastery, a novice: a tyro or beginner.--_adj._ newly admitted or entered on office.--_n._ N[=E]'OPHYTISM. [L. _neophytus_--Gr. _neos_, new, _phytos_, grown--_phyein_, to produce.]

NEOPLASM, n[=e]'[=o]-plazm, _n._ a morbid new growth or formation of tissue.--_adj._ NEOPLAS'TIC.

NEOPLATONISM, n[=e]-[=o]-pl[=a]'to-nizm, _n._ a system of philosophy combining _Platonic_ and Oriental elements, originating with Ammonius Saccas at Alexandria in the 3d century, developed by Plotinus, Porphyry, Proclus, &c.--_adj._ NEOPLATON'IC.--_n._ NEOPL[=A]'TONIST.

NEOTERIC, -AL, n[=e]-[=o]-ter'ik, -al, _adj._ of recent origin, modern.--_v.i._ NEOT'ERISE.--_n._ NEOT'ERISM, the introduction of new things, esp. new words. [Gr.,--_ne[=o]teros_, comp. of _neos_, new.]

NEOTIC, n[=e]-ot'ik, _adj._ addressed to the understanding.

NEOTROPICAL, n[=e]-[=o]-trop'i-kal, _adj._ applied to the part of the New World including tropical and South America and the adjacent islands.

NEOZOIC, n[=e]-[=o]-z[=o]'ik, _adj._ denoting all rocks from the Trias down to the most recent formations, as opposed to _Palaeozoic_. [Gr. _neos_, new, _zo[=e]_, life.]

NEP, nep, _n._ (_prov._) a knot in a fibre of cotton.

NEPENTHES, ne-pen'th[=e]z, _n._ (_med._) a drug that relieves pain--also NEPEN'THE: a genus of plants having a cup or pitcher attached to the leaf, often filled with a sweetish liquid, the pitcher-plant. [Gr.,--_n[=e]_, neg., _penthos_, grief.]

NEPHALISM, nef'a-lizm, _n._ total abstinence from alcoholic drinks.--_n._ NEPH'ALIST, a bigoted teetotaler. [Gr. _n[=e]phalios_, sober; _n[=e]phein_, to be sober.]

NEPHELINE, nef'e-lin, _n._ a rock-forming mineral, colourless, usually crystallising in hexagonal prisms, occurring in various volcanic rocks, as in certain basalts. [Gr. _nephel[=e]_, a cloud.]

NEPHELOID, nef'e-loid, _adj._ cloudy, turbid.--_ns._ NEPHELOM'ETER, a supposititious instrument for measuring cloudiness; NEPH'ELOSCOPE, an apparatus for illustrating the formation of cloud; NEPH'ELOSPHERE, an atmosphere of cloud surrounding a planet, &c. [Gr. _nephel[=e]_, cloud.]

NEPHEW, nev'[=u], or nef'[=u], _n._ the son of a brother or sister: (_orig._) a grandson (so in New Test.):--_fem._ NIECE. [O. Fr. _neveu_--L.

_nepos_, _nepotis_, grandson, nephew; A.S. _nefa_, Ger. _neffe_, nephew.]

NEPHRALGIA, ne-fral'ji-a, _n._ pain or disease of the kidneys--also NEPHRAL'GY.--_ns._ NEPH'RITE, a mineral usually called _Jade_, an old charm against kidney disease; NEPHRIT'IC, a medicine for the cure of diseases of the kidneys.--_adjs._ NEPHRIT'IC, -AL, pertaining to the kidneys: affected with a disease of the kidneys: relieving diseases of the kidneys.--_ns._ NEPHR[=I]'TIS, inflammation of the kidneys; NEPH'ROCELE, hernia of the kidney; NEPHROG'RAPHY, a description of the kidneys.--_adj._ NEPH'ROID, kidney-shaped.--_ns._ NEPHROL'OGY, scientific knowledge of the kidneys; NEPHROT'OMY, the operation of excising the kidneys. [Gr. _nephros_, a kidney, _algos_, pain.]

NEPOTISM, nep'o-tizm, _n._ undue favouritism to one's relations, as in the bestowal of patronage.--_adjs._ NEPOT'IC, NEP[=O]'TIOUS.--_n._ NEP'OTIST, one who practises nepotism. [L. _nepos_, _nepotis_, a grandson.]

NEPTUNE, nep't[=u]n, _n._ (_Rom. myth._) the god of the sea, identified with the Greek Poseidon, represented with a trident in his hand: (_astron._) the outermost planet of the solar system, discovered in 1846.--_adj._ NEPT[=U]'NIAN, pertaining to the sea: (_geol._) formed by water: applied to stratified rocks or to those due mainly to the agency of water, as opposed to _Plutonic_ or _Igneous_.--_n._ NEP'T[=U]NIST, one who holds the Neptunian theory in geology--also _adj._ [L. _Neptunus_.]

NEREID, n[=e]'r[=e]-id, _n._ (_Gr. myth._) a sea-nymph, one of the daughters of the sea-god _Nereus_, who attended Neptune riding on sea-horses: (_zool._) a genus of marine worms like long myriapods.--_ns._ N[=E]'R[=E]IS, a nereid; N[=E]'R[=E]ITE, a fossil annelid related to the nereids. [L.,--Gr.]

NERINE, n[=e]-r[=i]'n[=e], _n._ a genus of ornamental South African plants of the Amaryllis family, with scarlet or rose-coloured flowers.--The Guernsey Lily is the _Nerine Sarniensis_.

NERITE, n[=e]'r[=i]t, _n._ a gasteropod of the genus _Nerita_ or the family _Neritidae_.--_adj._ NERIT[=A]'CEAN.

NERIUM, n[=e]'ri-um, _n._ a genus of Mediterranean shrubs, with fragrant and showy pink, white, or yellowish flowers, the oleander.

NERO, n[=e]'ro, _n._ the last emperor of the family of the Caesars, at Rome (54-68 A.D.): any cruel and wicked tyrant.--_adj._ NER[=O]'NIAN.

NERO-ANTICO, n[=a]-r[=o]-an-t[=e]'ko, _n._ a deep-black marble found in Roman ruins. [It.]

NERVE, n[.e]rv, _n._ bodily strength, firmness, courage: (_anat._) one of the fibres which convey sensation from all parts of the body to the brain: (_bot._) one of the fibres or ribs in the leaves of plants: a trade term for a non-porous quality of cork, slightly charred: (_pl._) hysterical nervousness.--_v.t._ to give strength or vigour to: to arm with force.--_adj._ NERV'AL.--_ns._ NERV[=A]'TION, the arrangement or distribution of nerves, esp. those of leaves; NERVE'-CELL, any cell forming part of the nervous system, esp. one of those by means of which nerve-fibres are connected with each other; NERVE'-CEN'TRE, a collection of nerve-cells from which nerves branch out.--_adj._ NERVED, furnished with nerves, or with nerves of a special character, as 'strong-nerved.'--_n._ NERVE'-F[=I]'BRE, one of the essential thread-like units of which a nerve is composed.--_adj._ NERVE'LESS, without strength.--_n._ NERVE'LESSNESS.--_adj._ NERV'INE, acting on the nerves: quieting nervous excitement.--_n._ a medicine that soothes nervous excitement.--_adjs._ NERV'OUS, having nerve: sinewy: strong, vigorous, showing strength and vigour: pertaining to the nerves: having the nerves easily excited or weak; NERV'OUS, NERVOSE', NERVED (_bot._) having parallel fibres or veins.--_adv._ NERV'OUSLY.--_n._ NERV'OUSNESS.--_adj._ NERV'[=U]LAR.--_ns._ NERV'[=U]LE, a small nerve, a small vein of an insect's wing--also _Nervulet_, _Veinlet_, _Venule_; NERV'URE, one of the nerves or veins of leaves: one of the horny tubes or divisions which expand the wings of insects: one of the ribs in a groined vault: a projecting moulding.--_adj._ NERV'Y, strong, vigorous.--NERVOUS SYSTEM (_anat._), the brain, spinal cord, and nerves collectively: the whole of the nerves and nerve-centres of the body considered as related to each other, and fitted to act together.

[Fr.,--L. _nervus_; Gr. _neuron_, a sinew.]