Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 3

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume II Part 3

EFFLUVIUM, ef-fl[=oo]'vi-um, _n._ minute particles that flow out from bodies: disagreeable vapours rising from decaying matter:--_pl._ EFFLU'VIA.--_adj._ EFFLU'VIAL. [Low L.,--L. _efflu[)e]re_.]

EFFLUX, ef'fluks, _n._ act of flowing out: that which flows out.--Also EFFLUX'ION. [L. _efflu[)e]re_, _effluxum_.]

EFFODIENT, e-f[=o]'di-ent, _adj._ (_zool._) habitually digging.

EFFOLIATION, e-f[=o]-li-[=a]'shun, _n._ the removal or fall of the leaves of a plant.

EFFORCE, ef-f[=o]rs', _v.t._ (_Spens._) to compel. [Fr. _efforcer_--Late L.

_efforti[=a]re_--_ex_, out, _fortis_, strong.]

EFFORT, ef'fort, _n._ a putting forth of strength: attempt: struggle.--_adj._ EF'FORTLESS, making no effort: passive. [Fr.,--L. _ex_, out, _fortis_, strong.]

EFFRAY, an obsolete form of _affray_.

EFFRONTERY, ef-frunt'[.e]r-i, _n._ shamelessness: impudence: insolence. [O.

Fr.,--L. _effrons_, _effrontis_--_ex_, out, _frons_, _frontis_, the forehead.]

EFFULGE, ef-fulj', _v.i._ to shine forth: to beam:--_pr.p._ effulg'ing; _pa.p._ effulged'.--_n._ EFFUL'GENCE, great lustre or brightness: a flood of light.--_adj._ EFFUL'GENT, shining forth: extremely bright: splendid.--_adv._ EFFUL'GENTLY. [L. _effulg[=e]re_, to shine out, pr.p.

_effulgens_, _-entis_--_ex_, out, _fulg[=e]re_, to shine.]

EFFUSE, ef-f[=u]z', _v.t._ to pour out: to pour forth, as words: to shed.--_n._ effusion, loss.--_adj._ loosely spreading, not compact, expanded.--_n._ EFF[=U]'SION, act of pouring out: that which is poured out or forth: quality of being effusive.--_adj._ EFF[=U]'SIVE, pouring forth abundantly: gushing: expressing emotion in a pronounced manner.--_adv._ EFF[=U]'SIVELY.--_n._ EFF[=U]'SIVENESS. [L. _effund[)e]re_, _effusum_--_ex_, out, _fund[)e]re_, to pour.]

EFT, eft, _n._ a kind of lizard: a newt. [A.S. _efeta_. Origin obscure. See NEWT.]

EFT, eft, _adj._ ready (_Shak._, _Much Ado_, IV. ii. 38).

EFT, eft, _adv._ (_Spens._) afterwards, again, forthwith, moreover.--_adv._ EFTSOONS' (_obs._), soon afterwards, forthwith. [A.S. _aeft_, _eft_, after, again. See AFT.]

EGAD, [=e]-gad', _interj._ a minced oath. [_By God_.]

EGAL, [=e]'gal, _adj._ (_Shak._) equal.--_n._ EGAL'ITY, equality. [Fr.

_egalite_--_egal_--L. _aequus_, equal.]

EGER, [=e]'g[.e]r, _n._ Same as EAGRE.

EGENCE, [=e]'jens, _n._ exigence.

EGESTION, ej-est'yun, _n._ the passing off of excreta from within the body.--_v.t._ EGEST', to EGEST'A, things thrown out, excrements.--_adj._ EGEST'IVE. [L. _eger[)e]re_--_e_, out, _ger[)e]re_, to carry.]

EGG, eg, _n._ an oval body laid by birds and certain other animals, from which their young are produced: anything shaped like an egg.--_ns._ EGG'-APP'LE, or PLANT, the brinjal or aubergine, an East Indian annual with egg-shaped fruit; EGG'-BIRD, a sooty tern; EGG'-C[=O]'SY, a covering put over boiled eggs to keep in the heat after being taken from the pot: EGG'-CUP, a cup for holding an egg at table; EGG'ER, EGG'LER, one who collects eggs; EGG'ERY, a place where eggs are laid; EGG'-FLIP, a hot drink made of ale, with eggs, sugar, spice, &c.; EGG'-GLASS, a small sand-glass for regulating the boiling of eggs; EGG'-NOG, a drink compounded of eggs and hot beer, spirits, &c.; EGG'-SHELL, the shell or calcareous substance which covers the eggs of birds; EGG'-SLICE, a kitchen utensil for lifting fried eggs out of a pan; EGG'-SPOON, a small spoon used in eating eggs from the shell.--A BAD EGG (_coll._), a worthless person; PUT ALL ONE'S EGGS INTO ONE BASKET, to risk all on one enterprise; TAKE EGGS FOR MONEY, to be put off with mere promises of payment; TEACH YOUR GRANDMOTHER TO SUCK EGGS, spoken contemptuously to one who would teach those older and wiser than himself; TREAD UPON EGGS, to walk warily, to steer one's way carefully in a delicate situation. [A.S. _aeg_; cf. Ice. _egg_, Ger. _ei_, perh. L. _ovum_, Gr. _[=o]on_.]

EGG, eg, _v.t._ to instigate. [Ice. _eggja_--_egg_, an edge; cog. with A.S.

_ecg_. See EDGE.]

EGIS. See aeGIS.

EGLANDULAR, [=e]-glan'd[=u]-lar, _adj._ having no glands.

EGLANTINE, eg'lan-t[=i]n, _n._ a name given to the sweet-brier, and some other species of rose, whose branches are covered with sharp prickles.

[Fr.,--O. Fr. _aiglent_, as if from a L. _aculentus_, prickly--_acus_, a needle, and suff. _lentus_.]

EGLATERE, eg-la-t[=e]r', _n._ (_Tenn._) eglantine.

EGMA, eg'ma, _n._ (_Shak._) a corruption of _enigma_.

EGO, [=e]'g[=o], _n._ the 'I,' that which is conscious and thinks.--_ns._ E'G[=O]ISM (_phil._), the doctrine that we have proof of nothing but our own existence: (_ethics_), the theory of self-interest as the principle of morality: selfishness; E'G[=O]IST, one who holds the doctrine of egoism: one who thinks and speaks too much of himself.--_adjs._ EG[=O]IST'IC, -AL, pertaining to or manifesting egoism.--_ns._ EG[=O]'ITY, the essential element of the ego; E'G[=O]THEISM, the deification of self.--_v.i._ E'GOTISE, to talk much of one's self.--_ns._ E'GOTISM, a frequent use of the pronoun I: speaking much of one's self: self-exaltation; E'GOTIST, one full of egotism.--_adjs._ EGOTIST'IC, -AL, showing egotism: self-important: conceited.--_adv._ EGOTIST'ICALLY. [L. _ego_, I.]

EGOPHONY, [=e]-gof'o-ni, _n._ a tremulous resonance heard in auscultation in cases of pleurisy.--Also aeGOPH'ONY. [Gr. _aix_, a goat, _phon[=e]_, voice.]

EGREGIOUS, e-gr[=e]'ji-us, _adj._ prominent: distinguished: outrageous: enormous (in bad sense).--_adv._ EGR[=E]'GIOUSLY.--_n._ EGR[=E]'GIOUSNESS.

[L. _egregius_, chosen out of the flock--_e_, out, _grex_, _gregis_, a flock.]

EGRESS, [=e]'gres, _n._ act of going out: departure: the way out: the power or right to depart.--_n._ EGRES'SION, the act of going out. [L. _egredi_, _egressus_--_e_, out, forth, and _gradi_, to go.]

EGRET, [=e]'gret, _n._ a form of _aigrette_.

EGYPTIAN, [=e]-jip'shi-an, _adj._ belonging to Egypt.--_n._ a native of Egypt: a gipsy.--_adj._ EGYPTOLOG'ICAL.--_ns._ EGYPTOL'OGIST; EGYPTOL'OGY, the science of Egyptian antiquities.--EGYPTIAN DARKNESS, darkness like that of Exod. x. 22.

EH, [=a], _interj._ expressing inquiry or slight surprise.--_v.i._ to say 'Eh.'

EIDENT, [=i]'dent, _adj._ busy: (_Scot._) diligent. [M. E. _ithen_--Ice.

_iinn_, diligent.]

EIDER, [=i]'d[.e]r, _n._ the eider-duck, a northern sea-duck, sought after for its fine down.--_n._ EI'DER-DOWN, the soft down of the eider-duck, used for stuffing quilts. [Prob. through Sw. from Ice. _aear_, gen. of _aer_, an eider-duck.]

EIDOGRAPH, [=i]'do-graf, _n._ an instrument for copying drawings. [Gr.

_eidos_, form, _graphein_, to write.]

EIDOLON, [=i]-d[=o]'lon, _n._ an image: a phantom or apparition: a confusing reflection or reflected image:--_pl._ EID[=O]'LA. [Gr. See IDOL.]

EIFFEL-TOWER, [=i]f'el-tow'[.e]r, _n._ a colossal building--from the iron structure, 985 feet high, erected (1887-89) in the Champ-de-Mars at Paris by Gustave _Eiffel_.

EIGHT, [=a]t, _n._ the cardinal number one above seven: the figure (8 or viii.) denoting eight.--_adj._ noting the number eight.--_adjs._ and _ns._ EIGHT'EEN, eight and ten, twice nine; EIGHT'EENM[=O], same as OCTODECIMO (q.v.); EIGHT'EENTH, the ordinal number corresponding to eighteen.--_n._ EIGHT'FOIL (_her._), an eight-leaved grass.--_adjs._ EIGHT'FOLD, eight times any quantity; EIGHTH, the ordinal number corresponding to eight.--_n._ an eighth part.--_adv._ EIGHTH'LY, in the eighth place.--_adjs._ and _ns._ EIGHT'IETH, the ordinal number corresponding to eighty; EIGHT'Y, eight times ten, fourscore.--AN EIGHT, a crew of a rowing-boat, consisting of eight oarsmen; AN EIGHT-OAR, or simply EIGHT, the boat itself; AN EIGHT DAYS, a week; FIGURE OF EIGHT, a figure shaped like an 8 made in skating; PIECE OF EIGHT, a Spanish coin; THE EIGHTS, annual bumping boat-races which take place in the summer term in Oxford and Cambridge between the various colleges. [A.S. _eahta_; Ger. _acht_, L.

_octo_, Gr. _okt[=o]_.]

EIGNE, [=a]n, _adj._ first-born. [Corrupt spelling of _ayne_--Fr. _aine_.]

EIKON, [=i]'kon, _n._ Same as ICON.

EILD, [=e]ld, _adj._ (_Scot._) not yielding milk. [See YELD.]

EILD. Same as ELD (q.v.).

EINE, [=e]n, (_obs._) eyes. [See EEN, under EE.]

EIRACK, [=e]'rak, _n._ (_Scot._) a young hen.

EIRENICON, [=i]-r[=e]'ni-kon, _n._ a proposal calculated to promote peace.--_adj._ EIR[=E]'NIC. [Gr.,--_eir[=e]n[=e]_, peace.]