Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary - Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 28

Chambers's Twentieth Century Dictionary Volume IV Part 28

SENILE, s[=e]'nil, _adj._ pertaining to old age or attendant on it: aged.--_n._ SENIL'ITY, old age: the imbecility of old age. [L.

_senilis_--_senex_, _senis_, old.]

SENIOR, s[=e]n'yor, _adj._ elder: older in office.--_n._ one older than another, the elder of two persons in one family bearing the same name: one older in office: an aged person: one of the older fellows of a college, a student in the fourth year of the curriculum.--_v.i._ S[=E]'NIORISE, to lord it over.--_n._ S[=E]NIOR'ITY, priority of birth, or of service: a body of seniors--also S[=E]'NIORY (_Shak._). [L., comp. of _senex_.]

SENNA, sen'a, _n._ the purgative dried leaflets of several species of cassia. [Fr.,--Ar. _sena_.]

SENNET, sen'et, _n._ (_Shak._) a particular set of notes on the trumpet or cornet.

SENNIGHT, sen'n[=i]t, _n._ a week. [_Seven night_.]

SENNIT, sen'it, _n._ a sort of flat, braided cordage.--Also SINN'ET.

SENOCULAR, s[=e]-nok'[=u]-lar, _adj._ having six eyes.

SENONIAN, s[=e]-n[=o]'ni-an, _n._ (_geol._) a division of the upper Cretaceous in France and Belgium.

SEnOR, se-ny[=o]r', _n._ a gentleman: in address, sir: as a title, Mr:--_fem._ SEnORA (se-ny[=o]'ra), a lady: in address, madam: as a title, Mrs.--_n._ SEnORITA (sen-y[=o]-r[=e]'ta), a young lady: in address, miss: as a title, Miss. [Sp.]

SENS, sens, _adv._ (_Spens._) since.

SENSATION, sen-s[=a]'shun, _n._ perception by the senses: the change in consciousness which results from the transmission of nervous impulses to the brain, feeling excited by external objects, by the state of the body, or by immaterial objects: a state of excited feeling.--_adjs._ SEN'S[=A]TE, -D, perceived by the senses; SENS[=A]'TIONAL, pertaining to sensation: having sensation: intended as a literary work to excite violent emotions: adhering to a philosophical sensationalism.--_ns._ SENS[=A]'TIONALISM, the doctrine that our ideas originate solely in sensation, and that there are no innate ideas: sensualism: sensational writing; SENS[=A]'TIONALIST, a believer in sensationalism: a sensational writer.--_adj._ SENS[=A]TIONALIST'IC.--_adv._ SENS[=A]'TIONALLY.--_adjs._ SEN'SATIVE; SENSAT[=O]'RIAL, pertaining to sensation.--SENSATION NOVELS, novels that deal in violent effects, strained emotion, and usually improbable situations.

SENSE, sens, _n._ a faculty by which objects are perceived: perception: discernment: understanding: power or soundness of judgment: reason: opinion: conviction: import: immediate consciousness.--_ns._ SENSE'-BOD'Y, a sense-organ in acalephs supposed to have a visual or an auditory function; SENSE'-CAP'SULE, a receptive chamber for sensory perception, connected with the ear, eye, and nose; SENSE'-CEN'TRE, a centre of sensation.--_adj._ SENSED, chosen as to sense or meaning.--_ns._ SENSE'-EL'EMENT, an external sensation, as an element of perception; SENSE'-FIL'AMENT, a filament having the function of an organ of sense.--_adjs._ SENSE'FUL (_Spens._), full of sense or meaning, reasonable, judicious, perceptive; SENSE'LESS, without sense: incapable of feeling: wanting sympathy: foolish: unreasonable.--_adv._ SENSE'LESSLY.--_ns._ SENSE'LESSNESS; SENSE'-OR'GAN, any organ of sense, as the eye, ear, or nose; SENSE'-PERCEP'TION, perception by means of the senses; SENSE'-RHYTHM, Hebrew parallelism; SENSE'-SKEL'ETON, the framework of a sense-organ; SENSIBIL'ITY, state or quality of being sensible: actual feeling: capacity of feeling: susceptibility: acuteness of feeling: delicacy: mental receptivity.--_adj._ SEN'SIBLE, capable of being perceived by the senses or by the mind: capable of being affected: easily affected: delicate: intelligent, marked by sense, judicious: cognisant: aware: appreciable: sensitive: amenable to.--_n._ SEN'SIBLENESS.--_adv._ SEN'SIBLY.--_adjs_ SENSIF[=A]'CIENT, producing sensation; SENSIF'EROUS, SENSIF'IC, SENSIFIC[=A]'TORY; SENSIG'ENOUS, giving rise to sensation; SEN'SILE, capable of affecting the senses.--_ns_ SEN'SION, the becoming aware of being affected from without in sensation; SEN'SISM, sensualism in philosophy; SEN'SIST, a sensationalist.--_n._ SENSITIS[=A]'TION.--_v.t._ SEN'SITISE, to render sensitive, to render capable of being acted on by actinic rays of light.--_n._ SEN'SITISER.--_adj._ SEN'SITIVE, having sense or feeling: susceptible to sensations: easily affected: pertaining to, or depending on, sensation.--_adv._ SEN'SITIVELY.--_ns_ SEN'SITIVENESS, SEN'SITIVITY, the state of being sensitive: keen sensibility: the state of being delicately adjusted, as a balance: (_chem._) the state of being readily affected by the action of appropriate agents; SENSITOM'ETER, an apparatus for testing the degrees of sensitiveness of photographic films.--_adjs_ SENS[=O]'RIAL, pertaining to the sensorium, sensory; SENSORIDIGEST'IVE, partaking of digestive functions and those of touch, as the tongue of a vertebrate animal.--_ns_ SENS[=O]'RIUM, SEN'SORY, the organ which receives the impressions made on the senses: the nervous centre to which impressions must be conveyed before they are received: the whole sensory apparatus of the body, the nervous system, &c.--_adj._ SEN'SUAL, pertaining to, affecting, or derived from the senses, as distinct from the mind: not intellectual or spiritual: given to the pleasures of sense: voluptuous: lewd: carnal: worldly.--_n._ SENSUALIS[=A]'TION.--_v.t._ SEN'SUALISE, to make sensual: to debase by carnal gratification.--_ns_ SEN'SUALISM, sensual indulgence: the doctrine that all our knowledge is derived originally from sensation: the regarding of the gratification of the senses as the highest end; SEN'SUALIST, one given to sensualism or sensual indulgence: a debauchee: a believer in the doctrine of sensualism.--_adj._ SENSUALIST'IC, sensual: teaching the doctrines of sensualism.--_n._ SENSUAL'ITY, indulgence in sensual pleasures: lewdness.--_adv._ SEN'SUALLY, in a sensual manner.--_ns_ SEN'SUALNESS; SEN'SUISM; SEN'SUIST.--_adj._ SEN'SUOUS, pertaining to sense: connected with sensible objects: easily affected by the medium of the senses.--_adv._ SEN'SUOUSLY.--_n._ SEN'SUOUSNESS.--SENSITIVE FLAMES, flames easily affected by sounds; SENSITIVE PLANT, one of certain species of Mimosa--from the peculiar phenomena of irritability which their leaves exhibit when touched or shaken; SENSUOUS COGNITION, cognition through the senses.--A SENSITIVE PERSON, one sensitive to mesmeric influence; THE SENSES, or FIVE SENSES, sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. [Fr.,--L. _sensus_--_sent[=i]re_, to feel.]

SENT, sent, _n._ (_Spens._) scent, perception.

SENT, sent, _pa.t._ and _pa.p._ of _send_.

SENTENCE, sen'tens, _n._ opinion: a judgment pronounced on a criminal by a court or judge: a maxim: (_gram._) a number of words containing a complete thought: sense: meaning: matter.--_v.t._ to pronounce judgment on: to condemn.--_n._ SEN'TENCER, one who sentences.--_adj._ SENTEN'TIAL, pertaining to a sentence: comprising sentences.--_adv._ SENTEN'TIALLY.--_adj._ SENTEN'TIOUS, abounding with sentences or maxims: short and pithy in expression: bombastic, or affected in speech.--_adv._ SENTEN'TIOUSLY.--_n._ SENTEN'TIOUSNESS, brevity with strength.--MASTER OF THE SENTENCES, the great 12th-century schoolman, Peter Lombard (died 1160), from his work _Sententiarum Libri IV._, an arranged collection of sentences from Augustine, &c. [Fr.,--L. _sententia_--_sent[=i]re_, to feel.]

SENTIENT, sen'shi-ent, _adj._ discerning by the senses: having the faculty of perception and sensation: (_phys._) noting those parts which on stimulation give rise to sensation.--_n._ the mind as capable of feeling.--_ns_ SEN'TIENCE, SEN'TIENCY.--_adv._ SEN'TIENTLY, in a sentient or perceptive manner.

SENTIMENT, sen'ti-ment, _n._ a thought occasioned by feeling: opinion: judgment: sensibility: feeling: a thought expressed in words: a maxim: a toast: emotion: an exhibition of feeling, as in literature or art: (_pl., phren._) the second division of the moral faculties.--_adj._ SENTIMEN'TAL, having or abounding in sentiments or reflections: having an excess of sentiment or feeling: affectedly tender.--_v.t._ SENTIMEN'TALISE, to talk sentiment.--_ns_ SENTIMEN'TALISM, SENTIMENTAL'ITY, quality of being sentimental: affectation of fine feeling; SENTIMEN'TALIST, one who affects sentiment or fine feeling: one guided by mere sentiment: one who regards sentiment as more important than reason.--_adv._ SENTIMEN'TALLY.

[Fr.,--Late L.,--L. _sent[=i]re_, to feel.]

SENTINE, sen't[=e]n, _n._ (_obs._) a sink. [L. _sentina_.]

SENTINEL, sen'ti-nel, _n._ a soldier or soldier-marine at a point with the duty of watching for the approach of an enemy, or guarding the gun-park, camp, magazine, or other locality: a sentry.--_adj._ acting as a sentinel.--_v.t._ to watch over, as a sentinel.--_adj._ SEN'TINELLED, furnished with a sentinel.--SENTINEL CRAB, a crab of the Indian Ocean with long eye-stalks. [Fr. _sentinelle_--It. _sentinella_, a watch, prob. the L.

_sentinator_, one who pumps bilge-water out of a ship--_sentina_, the hold of a ship. Others explain Fr. _sentinelle_ as a dim. of _sentier_, a path--Low L. _semitarius_--L. _semita_, a footpath.]

SENTISECTION, sen-ti-sek'shun, _n._ painful vivisection--opp. to _Callisection_.

SENTRY, sen'tri, _n._ a sentinel: a soldier on guard to observe the approach of danger: a watch-tower.--_ns_ SEN'TRY-BOX, a box to shelter a sentry; SEN'TRY-GO, any active military duty. [Prob. a corr. of _sentinel_--Low L. _semitarius_--L. _semita_, a path.]

SENVY, sen'vi, _n._ (_obs._) mustard-seed. [O. Fr. _seneve_--L.

_sinapi_--Gr. _sinapi_, mustard.]

SENZA, sen'tsa, _prep._ (_mus._) without. [It.]

SEP, sep, an abbreviation for _sepal_.


SEPAL, sep'al, or s[=e]'pal, _n._ a leaf or division of the calyx of a flower.--_adjs._ SEP'ALINE, SEP'ALOID, SEP'ALOUS.--_n._ SEPAL'ODY, change of petals into sepals. [Fr. _sepale_--L. _separ_, separate.]

SEPARATE, sep'a-r[=a]t, _v.t._ to divide: to part: to withdraw: to set apart for a certain purpose: to sever.--_v.i._ to part: to withdraw from each other: to become disunited.--_adj._ separated: divided: apart from another: distinct.--_n._ SEPARABIL'ITY.--_adj._ SEP'ARABLE, that may be separated or disjointed.--_n._ SEP'ARABLENESS.--_advs._ SEP'ARABLY; SEP'ARATELY.--_ns_ SEP'ARATENESS; SEP'ARATING-DISC, an emery-wheel for cutting a space between teeth; SEPAR[=A]'TION, act of separating or disjoining: state of being separate: disunion: chemical analysis: divorce without a formal dissolution of the marriage-tie; SEPAR[=A]'TIONIST; SEP'ARATISM, act of separating or withdrawing, esp. from an established church; SEP'ARATIST, one who separates or withdraws, esp. from an established church, a dissenter: a name applied by the Unionists to those Liberals in favour of granting Home Rule to Ireland.--_adj._ SEP'AR[=A]TIVE, tending to separate.--_ns._ SEP'AR[=A]TOR, one who, or that which, separates: a divider; SEP'AR[=A]TORY, a chemical vessel for separating liquids of different specific gravities; SEP'AR[=A]TRIX, the line separating light from shade on any partly illuminated surface; SEPAR[=A]'TUM, a separate copy of a paper which has been published in the proceedings of a scientific society.--SEPARATE ESTATE, property of a married woman over which her husband has no right of control; SEPARATE MAINTENANCE, a provision made by a husband for the sustenance of his wife where they decide to live apart. [L. _separ[=a]re_, _-[=a]tum_--_se-_, aside, _par[=a]re_, to put.]

SEPAWN=_Supawn_ (q.v.).

SEPHARDIM, se-far'd[=e]m, the Spanish-Portuguese Jews, descended from those expelled from Spain in 1492--as distinguished from _Ashkenazim_, or German-Polish Jews.--_adj._ SEPHAR'DIC.

SEPHEN, sef'en, _n._ a sting-ray of the Indian Ocean, valued for shagreen.

SEPHIROTH, sef'i-roth, _n._ in the cabbala, the first ten numerals identified with Scripture names of God.

SEPIA, s[=e]'pi-a, _n._ a fine, brown pigment used as a water-colour--from the ink-bag of a few species of cuttle-fish: Indian or China ink: a genus of S[=E]PI[=A]'CEA, a group of cephalopods, same as S[=E]PIIDae.--_n._ S[=E]PIAD[=A]'RIUM, a genus of cuttles.--_adjs._ S[=E]PI[=A]'RIAN, S[=E]'PI[=A]RY, S[=E]PID[=A]'CEOUS, S[=E]'PIOID; S[=E]'PIC, done in sepia, as a drawing.--_ns._ S[=E]'PIOST, SEPIOSTAIRE', S[=E]'PIUM, cuttle-bone. [L.,--Gr. _s[=e]pia_, the cuttle-fish.]

SEPIMENT, sep'i-ment, _n._ a hedge, a fence. [L. _saepimentum_, a hedge.]

SEPOSE, s[=e]-p[=o]z', _v.t._ (_obs._) to set apart.--_v.i._ to go apart.--_n._ S[=E]POSI'TION.

SEPOY, s[=e]'poi, _n._ a native soldier, whether Hindu or Mohammedan, in the British army in India. [Hind. _sip[=a]h[=i]_, a soldier--Pers.

_sip[=a]h[=i]_, a horseman.]

SEPPUKU, sep-puk'[=oo], _n._ the hara-kiri. [Jap.]

SEPS, seps, _n._ a genus of scincoid lizards. [Gr.]

SEPSIS, sep'sis, _n._ putridity, rot: a genus of dipterous insects. [Gr.

_s[=e]psis_, putrefaction.]

SEPT, sept, _n._ in Ireland, a subdivision of a tribe: an enclosure, a railing.--_adj._ SEP'TAL, belonging to a sept: partitional. [Probably a corr. of _sect_.]

SEPT.=_Septuagint_; _September_.

SEPTAN, sep'tan, _adj._ recurring every seventh day.

SEPTANGLE, sep'tang-gl, _n._ a figure with seven angles and seven sides.--_adj._ SEPTANG'[=U]LAR, having seven angles. [L. _septem_, seven, _angulus_, angle.]

SEPTARIA, sep-t[=a]'ri-a, _n._ a genus of shipworms--_Teredo_.

SEPTARIUM, sep-t[=a]'ri-um, _n._ an ovate flattened nodule of argillaceous limestone or ironstone--turtle-stone:--_pl._ SEPT[=A]'RIA.--_adj._ SEPT[=A]'RIAN.

SEPTATE, -D, sep't[=a]t, -ed, _adj._ divided into compartments.

SEPTEMBER, sep-tem'b[.e]r, _n._ the ninth month of the year.--_adj._ SEPTEM'BRAL.--_n._ SEPTEM'BRIST, one of the perpetrators of the atrocious massacres in the prisons of Paris, Sept. 2-7, 1792.--SEPTEMBER THORN, a British geometrid moth. [L. _septem_, seven.]

SEPTEMPARTITE, sep-tem-par't[=i]t, _adj._ divided into seven parts.