CEO Of My Heart - Chapter 152

Chapter 152

"You know there is a stone arch at the end where the vines grow so it creates a little alcove .  It's one of my favorite places to go because there is a little table my mother put there . It's a great spot to go have breakfast or have a book to read on a lazy day . " Henry deftly handed her a warm cookie which she looked surprised that he had brought . "I know you don't change your mind when you've set on something . I also doubt you're going to sit down anywhere in this lovely garden soon, so munch on one of these to conserve your strength while you prove yourself . "


Ellie bit into the cookie and her eyes rolled back into her head as she made a pleasurable sound .  "Wow . This is amazing . I can't believe this isn't store bought . I know the food here was good, but this is really nice .  You're very lucky to have whoever is on your staff making these . "

"I'm very lucky in the staff I have, you're right . " Henry nodded while taking a crisp bite of his own cookie .  Ellie realized that he had only shared one with her and that he had kept most of it to himself .  He continued, ignoring her perusal . "You know since my uncle did keep our family's charitable foundation and subsidiaries, I have tried to make the most of what I have .  This house for now will remain mine and my family's instead of someone else's . "

Ellie felt a bit chilled by his dark tone as she peered up at his profile .  "Seeing the way that Chou was talking, I guess I will be enjoying these cookies for a while longer .  I'm glad that I got to enjoy the Wong family kitchen while I could . I was thinking about moving in with Nolan soon, but seeing the will is airtight about living arrangements I guess I can't extricate myself from you for the time being . I hope this won't be a problem for you .  I am as trapped in this situation as you are, but I hope the progress we are making is satisfactory . "Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www . webnovel . com for visiting .

"Satisfactory? Where did you pick up such formal speech? Have you been listening to Michael? I know he's stiff and British .  I don't need that from you . Don't ever say sorry for anything . You are a guest . " He quickly ate a cookie so fast that he coughed on it . "You have done more for me than any of my close friends .  You are special and will always with your family have a place here at Wong manor . We have too many floors that have no use .  I'm tired of spending time staring at empty s.p.a.ce . You are actually believe it or not company that I quite enjoy keeping around .  Ellie Chen is a welcome addition to any of my days . " 

In truth, Ellie was someone who he found more companionable than his closest friends .  He looked at the arch of her neck and graceful small features . She was lovely to watch like a swan on a sparkling lake .  She was much better than a pretty younger sister who would have been a pain to deal with, if his parents had bothered to have more than one child .