CEO Of My Heart - 155 155

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"When I was walking, I was thinking about what your family's lawyer told us the day before. I spent some time looking words up and reading yesterday. I was trying to understand more." Ellie began slowly. 

"I have made a similar effort as this is all quite new to me. I'm not too familiar with marriage and getting out of being married. I found it odd when he spoke. His choice of words did not really make sense to me. Chou didn't ask anything about the basis for which we are getting annulled. In law, that is something that can be quite important. But he was more interested in ways we could convince the right judge to grant it to us quickly. I don't disagree, but I did find it strange."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

His walking partner narrowed her eyes before shrugging. "I'm sure it is nothing to worry about. Chou has served your family for three generations in legal matters. He is probably used to dealing with your father a bit more than he is with dealing with you. Your father may have preferred to only know the bare bones of legal issues whereas your style is different. You can speak with him about it if it really bothers you so much. But, my thoughts are that he does not want you to care too much about the backdoor dealings needed with this process."