CEO Of My Heart - Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Ellie's memory suddenly cleared and she remembered the unsteady lurching of her body as she tried to reach the candelier .  She knew it was a dangerous drop to the cold marble below but she's been too out of it to care . It was a very dangerous situation indeed .  She was very surprised that even with all of these servants constantly around her, accidents like that were even possible . It would have been such to shame to have wasted all of her effort getting better by dying again .  "I suppose you're the one who made sure I'm all in one piece, Henry?"


Henry made a sort of noise before looking everywhere but her face .  His eyes darted to her mouth before resuming to look at the wall . Ellie felt her stomach drop as she remembered something else .  She had, in her drug withdrawal induced state, kissed him . Ellie remembered the way he'd held her when she had done so . It was nice before the rational part of his brain had turned back on and deftly changed the tone back to polite business . Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting .

Ellie didn't want things to change between them as she had changes within her life that she needed to tackle first .  As that was her priority she decided that it would be best to act as if intimacy was out of the equation, for now . Her tone was casual as she said, "I guess after you saved me back there, you brought me here .  I must have fallen asleep immediately and you decided you didn't want to disturb staff until they were back at the house . "

"Of course .  That is what a perfectly rational person would do .  I am that . " Henry said quickly, his eyes darting to her face quickly .  "It's logic that I would take you to the safest location and make sure you could last the night here .  And you're right, it would have been quite difficult for me to carry you all the way back to your room without a.s.sistance .  I was drunk as well and it was dark so I thought the best idea for both of us was here . I have a bed that's large enough for two to sleep comfortably .  I slept on the floor before sneaking up when it was dawn . "

"You slept on the floor?" Ellie looked at him in alarm, then down to the tangle of blankets and pillow .  It was strange thinking that he had been uncomfortable the whole night after gus efforts .  It was stranger being this close to him . His hand was pus.h.i.+ng his hair back against his brow, where there were little professional highlights that Ellie hasn't seen before as she has never been this close to him .  "You really are the dream gentleman for saving a girl and then sleeping on the floor . For me to say thank you feels wrong . It doesn't feel like enough . "

"Enough?" Henry's voice caught on the word .  His eyes narrowed as his mouth curled in displeasure at her concern for him .  "If you did have an accident, all of my hard work in spoiling you and making you better would have been ruined . "