CEO Of My Heart - 125 125

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Ellie looked uncomfortable. But, she put on a brave face and turned to face Henry's stone cold expression. Her voice was weak. "I don't want to believe him. Do I have to? Can you say anything?"

Henry nodded slowly. "Most of that is true. I cannot say much on that account. I abhor messes and distraction."

Nolan took a breath but his tirade was not over yet. "You know that scholars.h.i.+p . . . The one you threw away your life for? I came here to get a payment and do you know what he gave it to me with cash instead of a check. Do you know what he said? A check is for buying people off and cash is for making investments. Like I, your brother, am some company that he bought into. Not his living breathing flesh." Nolan pointed a shaking accusatory finger at Henry while he said this. 

Ellie could not believe what she was hearing. "Is this true? Why would you do such a thing? You know that he has a temper."

"I do now." Henry said sheepishly. He looked Bery young for a moment like a kid caught stealing candy at the corner store rather than the CEO of a multimillion dollar conglomerate. The difference was actually a bit funny. "Yes I did say those things."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Ellie could not help but burst into laughter which Nolan looked disturbed by. She laugh fully until tears began to come from the corners of her eyes. Ellie took a tissue from the corner nightstand and dabbed her eyes before she spoke. "Is this why you two are pointing fingers?" A little laugh threatened the corners of her mouth as she struggled to continue. "I always knew men fought. But, I didn't know tjat these fights would be over something so ridiculous."

Both Henry and Nolan looked at one another with narrowed eyes. Their eyes like lasers which cut across the room. Nolan look at her with revulsion. "All of this . . . All of this that I've done for you. Why can't you take my side? Be the big sister I need right now to deal with him. Give me more. I don't understand why you of all people would do this."