Can You Mend My Broken Heart? - Chapter 354

Chapter 354

Sensing the awkward silence creeping in between them, Akira asked,

"Dr. Nelson, are you there?"

"Yes, I am", he said taking a deep breath, unable to find words to reciprocate to her questions.

"So are we clear here? I mean I know you are a very kind and helpful man, but I don't want to take unwanted and undue advantage of that."

Hearing her words he could clearly understand that she didn't say any of it in a bad way. Her intent was good. So for a moment, he was unable to think what to say and how to say, for there were so many things that were running through his mind. So finally, he said, Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"To be honest, I seriously will feel bad if you offer me money like that. I mean I never met you as someone with a patient. I was the first one to talk with you because I just wanted to help the girl who was scribbling all the medical terms on her notepad."


"Let me finish Akira", saying that Dr. Nelson made her pause in between and then he said,