Can You Mend My Broken Heart? - Chapter 288

Chapter 288

"This cannot be a coincidence", she muttered.

It was all too good to be true.

She stared at her plate and looked at the waiter who had turned to leave.

Closing her eyes for a while, she calmed herself down and then looked all around again. But there was no sign of him. Getting all fidgety, she picked up her phone and called up Mike.


"Um... tell, wa.s.sup?"

"Are you up?"

"Almost, courtesy your call", Mike replied all groggy.

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"Sorry Mike, but there is something I need to talk about."

"Spit it".

"I guess, I am seeing things these days".

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, I am feeling his presence, I think I am imagining his face on people who look a bit like him. It's horrible !!!"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I saw a guy at the airport, who looked like his mirror copy and I pounced on him and that guy was already married. The IT guy of the hotel who accompanied me to the meeting room felt like him. The more I see thing related to our past, t