Can You Mend My Broken Heart? - Chapter 141

Chapter 141

Dr. Brooks wrote a couple of medicines as prescription and then said, Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"Miss Bennet these are the medicines that you need to start from today. My a.s.sistant Anna who is sitting outside will explain to you about the timings and everything".

"Thank you, Dr. Brooks. I shall take my leave then", Katherine said.

"But wait for a moment, Miss Bennet. These test reports are like 7 months old. Let's do an ultrasound now to see the status of your ovaries", Dr. Brooks said and pointed at the exam bed to her left-hand side.

"Oh b.o.l.l.o.c.ks !!!", screamed David, who was listening to everything live, outside the hospital and rushed in.

"Is that really necessary? My dress is quite expensive and this ultrasound gel will ruin it for sure", Katherine said throwing an air of tantrum.

"Well Miss Bennet, it is always better to take a second opinion. Let's get you checked. Maybe we can see if there is any way or any scope using surgery. Shall we?", Dr. Brooks said and got up from her seat.