Can You Mend My Broken Heart? - Chapter 100

Chapter 100

"I... I don't know", Akira gasped for air and spoke with a stutter. All her strength had been diminished by his touch. Neither she could feel her legs not her hands. All that she could do was to whisper and whimper in response to his touch. Such was the intoxication of it that she became completely malleable.

"I need to know".

He too whispered and then wandered around the nook and corners of her neck. His electric touch, mixed with the warmth of his breath, made her body go limp. He slightly lifted himself from the kneeling position in which he had been sitting and held the nape of her neck with his hands to support her head as he saw her losing all her control.

"Tell me Akira", he said, but this time it was more like a command.

"What do you want me to do?", he asked again. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"If you want me to stay, then tell me right now".

"If you want me to leave, then also just tell me right now".

"Tell me what your heart has to say to me, please tell me right now Akira", he sa