Business English - Part 13

Part 13

11. _Home_ is the best place in the world.

12. We must _fine_ you for such an offense.

13. Your _fine_ is five dollars.

14. We use _fine_ sand in our concrete.

15. I can talk _better_ than I can write.

16. John wrote the _better_ circular.

17. Talking will not _better_ the matter.

18. Young people should learn to respect their _betters_.

19. Suddenly there was a _pause_ in the music.

20. Did you see those men _pause_?

21. He was our guide for he knew the _ins_ and _outs_ of the place.

22. Have you ever been _in_ the house?

23. Where are you going--_in_ or _out_?

24. _Good_ apples are expensive.

25. The _good_ of the people is our first consideration.

26. I shall not go _if_ it rains.

27. What is the use of saying _if_?

28. I _like_ to see her just _like_ this, for in _like_ mood I do not know her _like_.

29. _Little_ drops of water make the mighty ocean.

30. I can do _little_ of the work until the typewriter is repaired.

31. Do not _belittle_ your work.

32. She studies too _little_.

=Exercise 64=

Each of the following may be used as different parts of speech. Write sentences ill.u.s.trating as many uses as possible for each word.

sound paper dress ring light shoe box dawn ride long ink curb iron warm walk use hear cold rule cement

=Exercise 65=

Tell which of the words in italic are adjectives and which are adverbs.

Remember that an adjective goes with a noun or p.r.o.noun; an adverb with another adverb, an adjective, or a verb, and usually answers the question _how?_ _when?_ _where?_ _why?_ _how much?_ or _how long?_

1. You are walking too _fast_.

2. Send perishable articles by _fast_ freight.

3. He has been a _well_ man since he has stopped working indoors.

4. He writes very _well_.

5. The fire is _bright_.

6. It burns _brightly_.

7. That is a _very poor_ reason.

8. The berries look _good_, but they taste _sour_.

9. They are not _good_ berries.

10. The sun shone _brilliant_ above us. (Compare with _brilliantly_.)

11. The bookkeeper looks _angry_.

12. He looked at us _angrily_.

13. The flowers are _sweet_.

14. They smell _sweet_. (May we say, _The flowers smell sweetly?_)

15. Act _frankly_, speak _gently_.

16. Let your actions be _frank_, your speech _gentle_.

17. Laborers complain that they have to work _too hard_.

=Exercise 66=

Change the following adjectives to adverbs. In each case use both parts of speech in sentences.

cold sure polite courteous smooth exact precise easy bitter bad extreme nice loud general honest glad

=Exercise 67=