Burnt Norton - Burnt Norton Part 12

Burnt Norton Part 12

Dorothy added another class to the curriculum: geography. She brought down her nursery globe, and with Miss Byrne's voice echoing in her ears, she took the children on a voyage of discovery.

With the inconstancy of youth, she forgot her sorrows. Thomas, the future baronet, was in great demand socially, and as his popularity in the local community increased, so did his visits to The College. In the evenings, they went to balls and social gatherings, concerts and dancing classes. Elizabeth came for her weekly visits as she had promised, brought by Lorenzo.

Life, Dorothy thought, was getting better.


'The coachman is here,' Molly's mother called. 'Good luck, God bless. I won't see you off, my duck, it's too painful. But you remember, hold that pretty head up and make them treat you right, promise me?'

'I promise, Ma. I'll do my best.'

Molly was returning to Norton; her father had summoned her only the week before. She had been cleaning the grate in the best bedroom when she heard his angry voice.

'Molly, get here this minute! In the parlour, now!'

She stood up, stretched her aching back, and wiped her reddened hands. 'What is it, Father?'

He shook a letter in front of her face, a thick envelope marked with the Keyt crest.

'You've been back at the Charter House for months now, yet I still worry every time the post comes. Will I always be punished for my daughter's behaviour?'

His hands ripped at the envelope. Molly waited for the rage, but a grin spread over his face.

'Good Lord in his mercy. He wants you back. Go, Molly. Go this instant, clean yourself up and pack your belongings.'

'I can't go back.'

'Don't look at me like that. You're nothing but trouble.'

'Don't you love me any more? Once upon a time I was your special girl,' she asked sadly.

'You ruined that when you spread your legs, so do as I bid or it's the workhouse for you.' Molly's shoulders sank; she was still one of his bloody pigs, sent off to slaughter.

'Ma, help me! I won't go back.'

'Darling Molly, you have to go. There's naught for you here. No local man worth his salt will take you now. News travels fast.'

'Please, Ma.' She threw her arms around her neck. 'Don't make me go, not this time.'

'Look now, you have a big heart. Think of it this way: that poor young cripple needs you; she wants you back. Your father told me that it's her wish, not only his. I am afraid we do what our betters tell us. Do you want to be emptying slops for the rest of your days?' She picked up her daughter's chin, and looked deep into the tawny eyes. 'I'm sorry, child, but your sweet beauty is also your downfall. Go, my lovely girl, and make a good life for yourself.'

Her sisters tugged at her cotton dress, pulling her back to the present. 'Molly, can we work in the big house when we grow up?'

Will stared at her with a face full of hurt and confusion.

'But why, Molly, when you hate him?'

'I have no option. Da says I'm no use to anybody, and Mother says that something good may come of it, though I can't think what.'

'What about me? I'll miss you so much.'

'I know, love, but I'll learn to write, I really will, and then I can send you letters. In the meantime, make sure you work hard, for you're going to be a lawyer and a fine gentleman.'

They clung together once more, and though she ached inside she knew that there are some who had choices and some who did not.

Molly tucked her feet beneath her on the velvet cushions and drew back the curtains. The mud had given way to the freshness of early summer. The sky outside was a crisp blue, and the trees were the brightest green. With the world bursting with God's beauty, it was hard to feel miserable for long.

After a stop in Clifford Chambers the carriage drove through the gates of Norton, the horses trotting briskly along the newly finished driveway. The fencing was repaired, the crops were sown, and in the walk-round, fat lambs jumped in the air, all feet off the ground together. Molly's spirits rose.

They pulled into the courtyard and Lorenzo jumped down.

'So I bring your bag to the door.' He almost smiled, and she thanked him, and less than a year after being sent home she walked towards the servants' entrance once more.

'Miss Johnson, you have arrived. Would you please follow me?'

It was a new butler, polite and courteous. He led her to the drawing room, where Sir William waited for her.

'I hope you are well, and the journey not too uncomfortable?' Sir William was smartly dressed, jewelled buckles, newly polished shoes, the little snake burnished. She looked up cautiously, and then turned away. His eyes were bright, his complexion clear.

'Yes, Sir William, it was quite comfortable, thank you.'

When she heard Elizabeth's chair in the passage outside, she looked towards the door.

'Miss Elizabeth,' she said, and Elizabeth smiled. There were the same grey-green eyes, but if she was fragile before, a puff of wind would now blow her away.

'Hello, Molly. We are pleased you have returned.'

Molly smiled warmly, for Elizabeth would never want her pity.

'Only Father and I live here now. Thomas is away at Oxford and comes rarely, so your duties will be as my companion. If you wish, you may still dress my hair, but you will no longer need to act as a lady's maid. I hope this suits you and you will want to stay, for I'm afraid I've been a little lonely.'

'Thank you, miss,' she said relieved. 'Thank you,' she whispered again.

'You will be in your old room, and if there is anything that you need, be sure to let us know.'

Upstairs in her bedroom, she unpacked the small leather case and put her coat on the hook. She opened the cupboard; the dresses were there, untouched, even the remains of her mint-green gown.

'Hello, Molly.' A shy face peeped around the door.

'Hello, Ruth.'

'Look here, I'm sorry we weren't kind when you were sent home, but I've had time to think. It was me that did out your room, and I saw the dress, and I said to Annie that I think the master had more than a little to answer for, so I did.'

Such gratitude overcame Molly that she went right up to Ruth and put her arms around her, finding comfort in her sturdy frame. She knew the truth, and Molly felt free to cry at last.

When she had dried her eyes she asked Ruth to tell her how life had been at Norton.

'After you were gone, blimey, what a fuss. The mistress, off she goes to The College, taking Mrs Wright and Mr Whitstone. Master Thomas went to Oxford straight after Christmas. What a Christmas it was, long faces all round. Anyway, it's better again, thank the Lord. Miss Elizabeth is in charge. She's employed a new butler and housekeeper, and two new girls for the dirty jobs, and I'm risen to first housemaid. So there we are, and you are back and Annie is still here, and we are sorry.'

After her little speech they laughed, and Molly felt confident that she could deal with anything.

'I'll be a real friend now,' Ruth said on her way out. 'And if it happens again, I won't run out on you like the last time.'

'Thank you, but God willing, it will never, ever happen again.'

Despite her worsening health Elizabeth seemed at peace. She had taken control of the household with her mother's grace. But in her dealings with Molly, Elizabeth remained tentative and formal.

'Miss Johnson, are your parents well, and your brother Will?'

'Miss Johnson, I would be extremely grateful if you could darn a small tear in my blue petticoat.'

A bout of grippe forced them past their formality. When Molly found Elizabeth's nurse also coughing and wheezing, she banished her from the sickroom and took over herself. For five days she tended to Elizabeth's every need. She changed the linen, washed her feverish body and prepared her food. She also banished Sir William.

'I'm sorry, sir, but she must remain quiet and on her own.' He complied reluctantly, but she noted new respect in his eyes.

When Elizabeth regained her health, their former friendship resumed. One day Elizabeth put down her needlework. 'Molly, I wish to ask you something.'

Molly looked up from her own sewing. 'Yes, Miss Elizabeth?'

'Did you hate coming back here? Were you coerced, or was it of your own free will?'

Molly was not sure how she should reply, but within certain parameters she could be truthful. 'It wasn't my choice, miss; it was my mother who persuaded me. She said that there was no future for me at home. It's true, I don't want to spend my life emptying the slops. Then of course there were the letters; Will read them to me, and yours was very persuasive, but when Sir William said you needed me, I couldn't say no.'

Elizabeth smiled gently.

'Of course I needed you,' she replied.

After her sickroom ministrations, Sir William treated Molly with more consideration. He remembered the day when his daughter had suggested Molly should return.

'Would you like her to, Lizzie?' he had asked, choosing his words carefully. 'I am not sure she'll want to come.'

'Yes, Papa, I would love her to return.'

'How do we persuade her that I'm a changed man?'

'You write to her, and I shall write a separate letter. In that way I can assure her of our good intentions. I will of course tell her that she must come only if she wants to. We would never want her to return against her will.'

'You have it all worked out, don't you?' he said, smiling at his daughter.

To Molly's surprise, Sir William acted with a degree of uncertainty in her presence. He made no further advances, and gradually she began to relax and even enjoy his company. He had stopped drinking, and Molly could only be touched by the concern he showed for his daughter.

'Lizzie darling, I will fetch a rug for your knees.'

'Lizzie, can I carry you into the garden?'

These small gestures made her regard him in a new light. She would never be able to forgive him, but she managed to push the unspeakable incident to the back of her mind.

One evening, as she piled Elizabeth's thick hair on top of her head in preparation for supper, Elizabeth touched her arm.

'Molly dear, I know you have dresses from Mama, but would you be offended if I added one to your collection? As you can see, I have lost a little weight and the aqua gown with the cream trim is far too big. I think it will suit you.'

Molly could hardly refuse.

Shortly afterwards she was invited to dine.

'Molly, would you be embarrassed to join my father and me for supper? I understand if you would prefer to be with Annie and Ruth, but I find myself missing your delightful company.'

Unable to turn down such a sweet and thoughtfully worded request, Molly was more than happy to join them.

That night, dressed in aquamarine silk with cream lace ruffles that cascaded to her elbow, she joined Elizabeth and Sir William in the dining room. Tapered candles burnt in the silver candelabra and venison was served on crested platters. As she sat amongst the velvet hangings, Mr Heron, deferential and inscrutable, poured wine into her etched glass goblet. She couldn't help but smile: if only her father could see her now.

Thomas returned to Norton infrequently, his studies at Oxford taking up most of his time. When he did come to see Elizabeth, Molly remained out of sight.

Very occasionally he dined with his father, but according to Ruth, 'You could cut the atmosphere with a knife, so you could.'

When Thomas had left, Molly would stand at the same attic window where she had stood once before. For a while she would dream the same dreams, but then she would shake her head and turn away.


Elizabeth looked across the fields. 'Do you see up there on the hill? There is evidence of a Roman settlement. I used to love going there.' She shrugged. 'I'll ask Father to show you where they found the ring.'

Molly was intrigued. While she would not have chosen an expedition with Sir William, when he asked her she couldn't bring herself to say no. It was fixed for the following week and, despite herself, she looked forward to it.

In the meantime, she was learning to read.

Elizabeth drew the familiar characters in her notebook and called Molly over. 'The alphabet is made up of twenty-six letters, and you must learn them all.'

Molly practised and repeated, until slowly the mysterious puzzle came together.

'I've done it, Miss Elizabeth, I've done it!' she cried.

When Sir William came across them, he was amused by their girlish laughter.