British Supremacy & Canadian Self-Government, 1839-1854 - Part 15

Part 15

[16] _Life and Speeches of the Hon. George Brown_, p. 72.

[17] Cauchon, L'Union des provinces de l'Amerique Britannique du Nord, p. 45.

[18] _Report from the Select Committee of the Legislative Council_, p.

xiv., Quebec, 1855.

[19] Pope, _Life of Sir John Macdonald_, p. 149.

[20] _Life and Speeches of the Hon. George Brown_, p. 271.

[21] Sir Richard Cartwright, _Reminiscences_, pp. 20-21.

[22] The Independence of Parliament Act--20 Victoria, c. 22.

[23] _Life and Speeches of the Hon. George Brown_, p. 299.

[24] See the volume containing the Parliamentary Debates on confederation, in 1865.

[25] Pope, _Life of Sir John Macdonald_, i. p. 283.

[26] Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 13 July, 1847.

[27] The Secretary of State for the Colonies to Monck, 10 July, 1863.

[28] _Confederation Debates_ (1865), p. 34.

[29] _Life and Speeches of the Hon. George Brown_, p. 272.

[30] See the previous chapter, pp. 283-290.

[31] See the most important statement by Galt, dated 25 October, 1859, and contained in _Sessional Papers of the Canadian Parliament_, vol.

xviii., No. 4.

[32] Monck to Newcastle, 28 July, 1863.

[33] See, on the Annexation movement, Allin and Jones, _Annexation, Preferential Trade, and Reciprocity_, a useful summary of Canadian opinion in 1849 and 1850.

[34] Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 23 April, 1849.

[35] Christie, _History of Lower Canada_, iv. p. 539.

[36] See _La Revue Canadienne_, 21 December, 1847.

[37] _Confederation Debates_, p. 56. In answer to Cartier, "the Hon.

Mr. Dorion said that was not the case. The honorable gentleman had misquoted what had pa.s.sed there (_i.e._ at the _Inst.i.tut_). The Hon.

Mr. Cartier said he was right. If resolutions were not pa.s.sed, sentiments were expressed to that effect. Then the organ of the Inst.i.tute--_L'Ordre_ he thought--had set forth that the interests of Lower Canada would be better secured by annexation to the United States than by entering into a Confederation with the British American Provinces."

[38] _The Irish Position in British, and in Republican North America_--a lecture, p. 13.

[39] Elgin-Grey Correspondence: Elgin to Grey, 3 September, 1849.

[40] Allin and Jones, _op. cit._ pp. 91 and 164.

[41] _Montreal Gazette_, 25 April, 1849.

[42] Allin and Jones, _op. cit._ p. 115.

[43] Pope, _Life of Sir John Macdonald_, i. p. 71.

[44] _Convention of the British American League_, 1849, p. li.

[45] Joseph Cauchon, _L'Union des provinces de L'Amerique Britannique du Nord_, p. 51.

[46] _Further Papers relative to the Affairs of Canada_ (7 June, 1849), p. 25.

[47] Quoted from Dent, _The Last Forty Years_, ii. pp. 181-2.

[48] Sir Richard Cartwright, _Reminiscences_, pp. 9-10.

[49] _Life and Speeches of the Hon. George Brown_, p. 50.

[50] Written from England. Pope, _Life of Sir John Macdonald_, ii. p.


[51] _Ibid._ p. 32.

[52] _Confederation Debates_, p. 44.