Bound Hearts: Forbidden Pleasure - Bound Hearts: Forbidden Pleasure Part 29

Bound Hearts: Forbidden Pleasure Part 29

The soft weight of her, the warmth of her, it speared into his soul like sunlight.

"Then came Keiley," he whispered. "I took one look at you and felt the last of my defenses melting away. I couldn't speak to you. I couldn't go near you. You terrified the hell out of me, so I guided Mac to you."

Because he had known Mac would complete her more than he ever could. She had the shadows of lost dreams in her eyes, and a wariness he knew he would only make worse.

A wariness Mac could heal.

"I thought he would call me within a few weeks. A few months.

'Hey Jethro,' he'd say, 'come on over and play.'" He felt his expression twist at the memory of the loss he had felt when that call hadn't come. "Instead, he called and told me he was marrying you."

"And you just accepted it?"

"Yeah. I did." He nodded, heavily. "Because I love you both, Kei. Mac is my only true family, and you were my heart. You two suited each other."

"You were too scared."

Trust Keiley to get to the heart of the matter.

"The big tough agent was too scared of a girl to even speak to her." Her voice resonated with the beginning heat of anger.

"Yeah, he was." He could grin now, though it hurt. "You scared the hell out of me.

Because you made me feel. With those big hazel eyes and that wary smile. Mac though, he knew how to fix what hurt you, whereas I would have pushed and hurt you worse. A part of me knew I just had to wait. Mac and I-we balance each other out. We're both scarred, Keiley, but you heal us. I always knew you would heal us."

"I'm possessive, Jethro," she said then. "I'm so scared you're going to realize this isn't what you really want. That you need your own woman, one you don't have to share. Your own family."

"I have my family." His arms tightened around her. "You and Mac are my family, Kei.

You made me feel things I swore I would never feel. You made me dream of warmth and forever. Don't take it away now, not if it's in you to love me."

Keiley heard the reservation in his voice then, the automatic defense against rejection and wanted to weep. God help her, what she was going to do with him and Mac? They were breaking every rule ever created for a relationship and making her think it could work.

"Come on, you have to shower." He lifted her to her feet, rising behind her as he pushed her toward the bathroom. "Get in there. Or you'll be late.

She turned back to him instead. "I-"

He laid his fingers on her lips. "You just needed to know the why of it, Keiley. Don't make any decisions. Don't worry about any of it. Decisions can wait, but sometimes, they come easier later if the understanding is there. I just wanted you to understand."

Understand that everyone he should have been able to trust in as a child had betrayed him. As they had Mac. As she had been betrayed.

"Damn, we make a hell of a trio," she sighed. "I think dysfunction is going to be our middle name."

A grunt of a laugh surprised him. She made him laugh. She made him smile. She made him forget the shadows that had followed him the better part of his life.

"I love you, Kei," he said softly then, watching the somberness that filled her gaze. "If you can't love me, I'll live. But nothing will change what I feel for you. And only for you.

Now get that shower before the director demands my presence. Mac and I don't have a problem sharing you between us, but if that bastard sees you naked and soft I might have to kill him."

He pushed her gently toward the bathroom. "Go on sweetheart. Remember, decisions are for later. For now, we have the ogre of the Bureau to face."

Chapter 20.

"Director Williams, you remember my wife, Keiley." Mac held his hand out to her as she stepped closer.

"Hello, Director Williams. It's good to see you again."

Richard Williams was a broad, rounded little man. He could have been a perfect St.

Nick if his hair had been a bit more gray. His smile was wide, his cheeks ruddy, and sky-blue eyes twinkled back at her as he shook her hand.

"It's good to see you again, Mrs. McCoy. I'm just sorry it was under these circumstances. As I was telling Mac, I've sent several agents onto the property to check for any evidence the shooter may have left. I know he was uncomfortable leaving you here alone while he and Jethro took care of it."

"Mac and Jethro will handle the circumstances," she responded, aware of Jethro moving just behind her shoulder as Mac stood at her side. "But I appreciate the help."

"Jethro." The merriment in the director's gaze chilled as he glanced over his shoulder.

"You were supposed to be on suspension, if you recall."

"I'm enjoying my vacation greatly, Director Williams."

She wondered if the director caught the slight edge of tension in his voice, though.

He grunted at Jethro's comment before turning back to Mac.

"Tell me what you need," he ordered then. His deep voice would have been booming if it weren't for the control Keiley heard in it.

"The files I requested as well as access to the Bureau's database. I want to catch him while he's here, Director. It's time to end this."

"I'm sure his other victims feel the same." Williams nodded as he pushed his hands into the pockets of his slacks, pulling his jacket back as he stared back at them. "I've reinstated Jethro for this. We don't need any problems once the Playboy is in custody.

We'll discuss the disciplinary measures you ignored when you return to D.G.," he told Jethro.

"Discussion is the spice of life, Director. You know how much I enjoy it."

Keiley winced. There was no mistaking the edge in his voice this time.

The director shook his head reprovingly before turning to Mac. "Do something with him."

"I'm not his boss." Mac shook his head with a laugh. "I'll leave that up to you when this is finished. For now, I appreciate the help."

The director rubbed his whiskered chin thoughtfully. "I'm sending Agents Heinagen and Sheffield back in the morning. Heinagen will take a room in town and see what he can learn. Sheffield was raised on a farm. Hire his ass and don't give me any lip over it.

He'll watch your back and your wife's and allow you to investigate what you need to while protecting her."

Keiley glanced up at Mac before staring at the two agents. She had never seen two men least likely to have been raised on a farm.

"Agents Gregory Heinagen and Casey Sheffield," Director Williams introduced her to them. "They'll fly back with me to Mount Pilot and rent their vehicles before returning here early tomorrow. I agree with your assessment. The stalker won't return tonight, and with both of you in the house, it's doubtful he can breach the premises. Get this cleared up, though. I don't like having one of my agents targeted."

"Former agent," Keiley reminded him with a cool curve to her lips and a warning glint in her eye.

"Former agent," he agreed, but she knew, she could see the calculation in his eyes. He intended to have Mac back at the Bureau along with Jethro.

She pressed her lips together and stepped to the side, glancing back at Mac, then at Jethro.

"I forgot my shawl upstairs and we need to be leaving soon if we're going to get to that meeting on time."

She didn't give him time to accept or reject, but swung on her heel and moved for the foyer before heading up the stairs. There would be no return to the Bureau for Mac as far as she was concerned. And Jethro-her chest clenched at the thought of what he would do. Stay or leave, either scenario held the power to break her heart.

She was aware of the agent moving behind her, following her from the living room and up the stairs, just as she was aware of the tension she was leaving behind her.

Sheffield, Casey Sheffield, she remembered the agent's name. Short sandy hair, lean compact frame, and piercing brown eyes. He moved silently but efficiently. But he still moved like an agent. He wasn't going to fool anyone. Least of all a stalker.

"Well, Mac, it seems I might have upset your wife." The director turned back to them after motioning one of the agents to follow Keiley upstairs.

"She'll be fine." And she would be, as soon as he assured her that there were no incentives the director could give him that would bribe him back to the Bureau. He was perfectly content right here on the farm, living and laughing with Keiley without the additional risk of a dangerous occupation.

The director's gaze went to Jethro then, and Mac could see the suspicion in the other man's eyes. He knew the rumors, hell, he knew the facts of the lifestyle he and Jethro had lived. Mac had no doubt in his mind that Williams wasn't putting two and two together and coming up with a very pleasurable three.

"You should have told me you were heading this way, Jethro." The director's voice held a hint of reproval.

"Why? I came out here for a vacation. The stalker didn't show his hand until after I arrived."

"Mac, aren't you afraid rumors of an additional relationship here might push that stalker further than you anticipate?" the director inquired then.

"What the hell do you mean by that?" Jethro snapped, his gaze slicing to the other silent agent as Mac crossed his arms slowly over his chest.

Mac restrained a smile. He could see the protectiveness rising in Jethro. Jethro knew Keiley well enough to know that she wouldn't appreciate a discussion of certain aspects of her private life. Especially those aspects that included a menage.

"Director, let's not play games while we're standing here," Mac warned him. "I have a meeting to take my wife to and a stalker to stop. I don't have time to wade through the bullshit. Any extra relationship won't matter either way, and quite simply is none of you business."

"The bullshit," the director sighed. "Fine. I want you back. You were one of our best agents."

Mac was shaking his head before the words were out of the director's mouth.

"No way. This is where I'm happy. This is where I'm staying."

Williams turned to Jethro then, his gaze cool, hard.

"You'll be back as soon as this is over. Correct?"

There was a hesitation, just enough to have the director's eyes narrowing before Jethro nodded sharply. Mac restrained his smile. He had a feeling Jethro wouldn't be going anywhere. The hours he and Mac spent working the farm of the mornings were beginning to settle into the other man. Mac could see the peace gathering inside him. The farm had a way of doing that. Building inside a man, showing him what he could do with his own two hands and the sense of satisfaction that came from it.

"Well, I think I hear your wife, Mac," Williams breathed out heavily. "Keep me apprised of your progress here. I'll make sure you have everything you need to catch this bastard."

"I appreciate it, Director." Mac accepted the director's handshake, noticing that the other man pointedly ignored Jethro as he turned to go.

"I'll drop Heinagen and Sheffield off in Mount Pilot. They'll be back here in the morning sometime," Williams reminded them as they stepped into the hallway.

Keiley was stepping into the hardwood foyer, a creamy silk cob-webbed shawl over her arm and her purse over her shoulder. Her eyes were cool and challenging as she met the director's.

"Good evening to you, Mrs. McCoy." He inclined his head cordially. "It was good to see you again."

"Good evening, Director. I'm glad we had a chance to visit for a moment."

Mac had to smother his laughter. She was facing the director like a little terrier, determined to hold onto what she had claimed.

Stepping to her, Mac allowed his arm to curl around her before pulling her against his side. The steady warmth of her, the way she melted against him, the sweet acceptance she had always given him filled him once again.

He couldn't keep from tightening his hold on her, hugging her perhaps a bit closer than normal, inhaling the sweet scent of her. And he couldn't keep his body from responding to her. He hardened to the point of pain, to the point that he had to remind himself that the meeting had to come first, then the pleasure. So much pleasure and a sweet, hot, giving ecstasy that he had only found in her arms.

Nodding easily, Director Williams opened the door just as one of the investigative agents who had been sent into the treeline rang the doorbell.

"Director." The blond haired agent nodded respectively. "There was nothing there soon. Tracks were brushed out and no casings were left. It's clean."

"No more than we expected." Mac wrapped both arms around Keiley, holding her closer, wishing he could shelter her from all of the nastiness of the world. "He's never left evidence lying around before."

"He's never moved this fast, either," the director pointed out. "You've made him angry, Mac. Be careful."

"Always, sir." Mac nodded, feeling Keiley's nails biting into his arm as the director turned and left the house, followed closely by Heinagen and Sheffield.

"I don't want to go to that stupid meeting," Keiley snapped as the door closed behind the last agent.

She pulled herself from Mac's arms, turning on him angrily and glaring back at him.

"We're going to the meeting, Keiley." Mac's voice was firm, that commanding firmness that made her so crazy. That said he had made up his mind and that was that.

"This is insane, Mac. He's out there waiting on us. You know he is." She turned to Jethro for help. "Talk to him."

"I have, darlin', and I agree with him."

No help there. She felt her upper lip tremble, just a bit, that little movement that Mac always teased her over as a being a twitch. He claimed he was wary of it, but looking in his eyes at the moment, she saw no wariness, not so much as a hint of weakness.

"What if he gets in the house?" She looked from Mac to Jethro. "There's no one here to protect the house. He could be waiting in any room when we arrive."

Mac leaned close, his lips settling at her ear. "If he shows up, if anyone is in the house, then we'll know it. And we'll have him."

She jerked back, staring up at him in surprise.

"Shh," he warned with a grin, dropping a kiss to her lips. "I'll explain later sweetheart." Then he turned to Jethro. "Get us a jacket, Jethro. Let's head out of here and give Delia Staten something to gossip about." Keiley didn't like the vengeful light she saw glittering in his eyes then.