Boston Love: One Good Reason - Boston Love: One Good Reason Part 31

Boston Love: One Good Reason Part 31

I wait, knowing there's more to come.

"But it's Christmas Eve, and I think I'd hate myself if I went to sleep tonight without doing everything possible to make the people in my life happy. Because that's what this whole damn holiday is about, isn't it? Joy. Love. Togetherness." Her voice gets lower. "That's why I have to tell you that, even though it totally freaks you out... I don't think I'm wrong. About any of it."

I take a breath.

"You said you're fucked up. That if Parker sees that, it might make him leave for good. And I just have to flat-out disagree with you on that point, Tink." Phoebe's words come out in a rush, as though she expects me to cut her off at any given moment. "The thing is, you're kind of my hero. Maybe that's weird for you, but I refuse to hide that fact. You saved my life. Nate says you're trying to save thousands of other lives, in this case you're working on with him. Parker says, beneath that tough shell, you're a big softie who pays for strangers' groceries and gives money to people on the street who need it more than you do." She takes a quick pause. "In my book, that makes you a pretty big hero."

My heart clutches inside my chest.


"Thanks, Phoebe," I whisper when I think I have my voice under control. It shakes anyway.

"Don't thank me. Just... see yourself. See the woman you are. You're pretty amazing. And, I won't apologize if I want someone like you for my big brother."

My hand tightens around my phone. I have to keep my eyes averted from Parker, afraid if I look at him I'll start crying again.

"Still there?" Phoebe asks a minute later.

"Yeah," I say, voice breaking. "I'm here."

She pauses. "For the record... you'll always be Tinkerbell to me. And Parker... well, he's the perpetual man-child. The boy who never grew up. He's Peter Pan." I hear the smile in her voice. "That makes you guys Peter Pan and Tinkerbell. A perfect pair, if there ever was one."

I laugh. "You're crazy."

"Peter and Tink were an unstoppable duo. A team. They were totally different... but they somehow completed each other." She sighs happily. "Just think about it, okay?"

I roll my eyes. "Goodbye, Phoebe."

Her voice is warm. "Merry Christmas, Tink."

I swallow and make myself say it. And, surprisingly, it's not as tough as I thought it would be to get the words past my lips.

"Merry Christmas, Phoebe."

As soon as she clicks off, I set the phone down and walk across the loft to where Parker is sitting. Pulling the computer from his lap, I straddle his legs, push his headphones off, and wind my arms around his neck. Before he can say a word, I plant a soft kiss on his lips.

"What was that for?" he asks, smiling at me. "Not that I'm complaining."

"Do I need a reason?" I shrug.

"No." His eyes narrow. "But you never kiss me first."

"I don't?" I ask, genuinely surprised. I hadn't realized.

He shakes his head. "No. You don't."

I stare at him and swallow hard, feeling like a terrible person. "Well... I'll work on it."

His brows lift. "Did Phoebe brainwash you during that call?"

I flick him on the forehead. "Oh, shut up, idiot."

"It's so sexy when you shower me with compliments."

I laugh and snuggle into his chest. "It's sexier when we shower together. Period."

"Not arguing with that."

Tilting my head, I meet his eyes. "I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I don't want to be with you. This is... new to me."

"It's new to me too, darling." He shrugs. "Just because something's new doesn't mean it has to be bad."

"So wise, in your old age."

"Old!" He scoffs. "I may be nearing thirty at an alarming pace, but I'll never grow up."

"Phoebe said..." I hesitate, not sure whether I should tell him.

His tone is amused. "Phoebe said...?"

"She called you Peter Pan," I say quickly, before I chicken out.

His eyes get warm as he thinks about it for a minute. "Peter Pan and Tinkerbell." A kiss lands on the tip of my nose. "I'd be lying if I said I didn't like that."

My heart flips. I bring my mouth to his and kiss him.

"I'll never admit it if you tell her," I whisper. "But I like it, too."

"Don't worry, darling." He grins against my lips. "Your secret is safe with me."

His arms tighten around me and his mouth lands in my hair. He doesn't say anything else, and neither do I - we don't need to. He holds me close and hits play on the movie, and I feel something warm inside my chest in a place that used to be iced over with sadness and fear.

"Shit." My eyes widen. "Holy fucking shit."

"What is it?" Parker walks toward me and crouches beside my computer. "You find something?"

I glance at him. "I found the employee medical records. All of them." I swallow. "If you believe these reports, every Lancaster Consolidated worker is the perfect picture of health."

"Can you put them all on a flash drive so we can show Nate?"

"Already done."

Parker pulls me from my seat. "Come on, then."

"Where are we going?"

"Knox Investigations."

"It's Christmas Eve," I say dumbly. "Isn't Knox busy with Phoebe or something?"

Parker shrugs as he hands me my black peacoat and a scarf. "Nate doesn't take time off. He's a workaholic." He shoots me a pointed look. "Kind of reminds me of someone else I know."

"I'm not a workaholic," I protest.

His brows lift.

"Okay, so I keep busy." I shrug and slide my arms into my coat. "Is that such a crime, Mr. CEO?"

"No - not technically illegal, just heavily frowned upon."

I roll my eyes.

He reaches over and starts doing up the buttons on my coat, which is such a boyfriend-like task it should totally repulse me. Instead all it does is make my insides melt.


"Speaking of you being an all-important CEO, don't you have lots of work to do?" My nose wrinkles as he gently wraps the scarf around my neck. "By my account, all you've done for the past few days is watch a Christmas movie marathon," I tease.

"And given you multiple orgasms," he says seriously. "Don't forget the multiple orgasms."

"I don't recall any orgasms."

"An insult to my manhood?" He gasps in outrage. "I'd be worried, if you hadn't spent all last night crying out my name."

I laugh. "Oh, that was you doing all that work? I thought it was the other Parker I've been spending time with..."

"So much evil in such a small package." He grimaces. "Are your other boyfriends also worried you'll kill them in their sleep?"

"What other boyfriends?" I scoff... and then proceed to turn beet red as I realize I've just admitted he's the only man in my life. "I mean- that came out wrong," I protest, watching a shit-eating grin light up Parker's entire face.

"Oh, no, Zoe." His eyes are bright with humor and happiness. "It's too late. You can't take it back now."

"Yes, I can." My voice is a grumble. "In fact, that's exactly what I'm doing. I'm taking it back."

"Nope." He grabs my hand and places it over his heart. "I already know the truth. We're dating." His eyebrows waggle. "Exclusively."


"Do you want to wear my letterman's jacket?"

"I'm going to vomit."

"Should I buy you a corsage?"

"Seriously. Gagging."

"Okay, no corsage." He laughs. "Just the matching tattoos, then?"

"Seriously." I fight the urge to stomp my foot. "Let it go, Parker. Let it go."

"Hey, Elsa, don't quote Frozen to me unless you're prepared to listen to the entire soundtrack in my car on the way to Seaport."

I stare up at him. "I'm not sure whether I should be disturbed or turned on by the fact that you know all the words to Let It Go."

He grins. "Definitely turned on."

"Downloaded in your iTunes library, no doubt." I shake my head. "This is nearly as disturbing as the time I learned the song A Whole New World from Aladdin is a metaphor for mind-blowing sex."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"I can open your eyes? Lead you wonder by wonder? Over, sideways, and under?" I snort. "Come on. That's basically soft-core porn."

"Thank you, Zoe, for ruining a beloved Disney classic for me."


"For the record..." He trails off.

I wince, anticipating the worst. "What?"

"I'll take you on my magic carpet ride any time you want, snookums."


"So, that's a no on rubbing my lamp then?"

"You know, I think I'll just find my own way to Nate's..." I turn and start walking to the elevator.

"Oh, come on." Parker twines his fingers with mine and pushes the call button, humming under his breath. "I'm a genie in a bottle, baby, gotta rub-"

"AH!" I stare at him in horror as the elevator arrives. "So help me god if you start singing vintage Christina Aguilera lyrics right now, I will murder you with my bare hands."

"With these dainty things?" He grabs one and pulls it to his lips, depositing a quick kiss in the center of my palm as we walk onboard.

I use my free hand to flick him in the temple.

"Ow!" He drops my hand and rubs at the spot I flicked. "What was that for? Christina, Aladdin, or Frozen? I'd like to narrow it down, so I know what most annoys you, in the future. It's still a bit of trial and error when it comes to driving you totally nuts in the shortest amount of time."