BornAndTorn - Chapter 116

Chapter 116

The sun was s.h.i.+ning brightly illuminating everything .

But not much of the warmth from the outside could be felt at this place . It was cold and detached, it lacked everything the outside had to offer .

Inside this s.p.a.ce, only a constant monotonous beeping could be heard . There was nothing else besides the noise that kept on repeating itself after some time had pa.s.sed .

This rhythm was neither agitating nor soothing, it was just as cold and detached as the room itself . It was unknown since when this noise had existed or when it was supposed to end .

This entire s.p.a.ce seemed unaffected by its surroundings and appeared to be the entire opposite of it .

Despite this sharp contrast, it did not invoke a feeling that it was missing its qualities . It felt complete and whole the way it was .

The noise that routinely filled this s.p.a.ce does not stem from human or animals it did not have any life in it though it strangely felt connected to it .

There was something else attached to it but solely this beeping sound could be heard . This tone did not change in its volume or frequency as it resumed to appear and fade over and over again .

This continued until 2 voices could be heard inside of it . The beeping sound continued without any form of interruption but the atmosphere had become even colder .

The absence of warmth did not seem to affect anyone inside of this place . Neither of them did even bother with this detail . The voices were happy and upbeat not as solemn as it had been before their appearance .

Their presence was weirdly complementing the chilly counterpart, although their mood would suggest otherwise .


It was as if this noise itself was the cause of their happiness . A weird melody accompanying the pure joy born inside of this room .

This laughter resumed for quite a while before the first words were about to be spoken . No one involved seemed to be in a hurry to change the status quo .

They were enjoying it far too much to even think something like this . Before the laughter finally came to an abrupt end by the beeping sound that kept on resounding through this place a long time had pa.s.sed .

" Is it really necessary to hold this kind of discussion here? Isn't it a bit cynical to do so?"These questions were spoken casually without any kind of weight behind them .

" Given the nature of this discussion I seemed to fit perfectly", came the reply sounding as indifferent as the question itself .

The joy and happiness had diminished and only a calm and serene atmosphere remained . While the beeping continued with its usual rhythm, the entire previous Dynamique had taken a sudden turn and became a lot more serious .

The noise which had been prevalent the entire time did not matter any more . As of now, only these 2 voices ruled this strange place, banis.h.i.+ng the noise to irrelevancy, where it resumed its duty without anyone caring about it .

" So how is the progress on your end?"

" The others have started to view him as a monster, it did not take much to convince them about this . His behaviour in the past was enough proof to them . This kind of opinion had formed even without any sort of interference from my side . I only had to exaggerate a bit . "

The voice replied in a nonchalant fas.h.i.+on narrating the development on their end . It was not enough to stir any kind of emotional response but a sardonic undertone still formed without anyone noticing .

During the brief monologue, the other party had listened attentively without interrupting it . A faint chuckle could be heard from time to time as more and more details were delivered to her .

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" Gaining his trust had been way too easy . Someone like him was even easier to win over then the rest . It truly makes me wonder why he caused you that much trouble . Or is there something else to him, that I have missed out on?"

This question was left unanswered as the other party only laughed heartily after the message had been spoken .

" Not that it would matter anyway, what is important is to figure out how to proceed with our plan . "

" Focussing on such insignificant details is not worth our time . Besides nothing would change if we had an answer to this question . It is quite unlikely that he can spoil our plans the way he is now . " the voice turned twisted for a few seconds but returned to normality shortly after .

This short emotional outburst did not go unnoticed but was promptly ignored as if no one present was truly surprised by it . This familiar sight was casually glossed over and the discussion resumed without a hitch .

" True, there is no way he could do anything to our little scheme . Someone like him will never be enough to pose a threat to our aim, not in the past and especially not in the future . He had been a puppet for all this time, a tool which will be discarded after it has served its purpose . "

This statement was made full of conviction and confidence as if it was only a matter of when and how . The context of her words did not a.s.sign the object any worth aside from its usefulness to their plans .

" There are still a lot of obstacles in the way before he has lost his usefulness . For the time being, he is still save but the future ahead of him is not very bright . We will discuss how to get rid of said burdens on a later date . "

Despite the mentioning of obstacles, there was no emphasis on this subject as the primary concern lied entirely elsewhere . This subject was merely enough to raise an eyebrow and not enough to warrant their full attention . The obstruction of their plans was far from enough to stop their implementation, it was nothing which a little more effort could not solve .

" Forget about those small fries, a certain someone is the true cause of all my headaches . Why does this old sentimental fool still have to cling to this useless hope, how did he even reach this position being this soft-hearted I will never understand that . "

" Even G.o.ds are useless in the end no matter how much time . " the reply was full of ridicule and cleary mocking in nature .

" Calling the likes of him a G.o.d is quite a stretch . If the rest of the G.o.ds would be like him, we would be doomed for all eternity . " This answer was just as scoffing and was just dripping from the sarcasm contained in it .

" The G.o.ds of today will disappear one by one in the future and that is only a matter of time . " A prophecy like this would normally cause a ruckus and gather a lot of attention regardless of where it was uttered but strangely the only thing which came back was a sweet laugh .

This sweet laugh continued for quite a while the other party only clicked their teeth in annoyance and waited patiently until the laughing finally stopped .

" That little declaration of yours and your plans for the future do not matter in my eyes, but I would advise not to push your luck . DO not interfere in my business . " This blatant threat was met with another laugh, which only lasted for an instance .

" You do not have to worry, our interests align . After all, we still aim for the same thing . It would be a shame if we were to antagonize over something like this . Risking success and everything one holds dear is not something I would like to consider . Otherwise, you could share the fate of our little tool and n.o.body would want that . "

Absolute silence followed and this tense atmosphere lasted for a few suffocating seconds before disperging again .

It was replaced by a fit of genuine laughter coming from both of them . The previous tension had been replaced by a general feeling of serenity, which clashed heavily with the deadly seriousness of the room itself .

This weird contrast formed a weird equilibrium which felt suffocating yet liberating at the same time . This feeling was even leaving an impact on them, even though they tried their best to avoid it . But these emotions were quickly suppressed as the normal discussion started once more .

" We both sit in the same boat, so sorry for this crude joke . " said the voice in an apologetic tone . But despite the apology, there was no ill-will in the air . The joke was well received and did not leave any lasting wounds .

" I do not mind, getting offended by something like this would only shed a bad light on my big dreams and aspirations . You know me, everything is subsidiary to success . Everything else comes second . "

This statement was presented in a way as if it was a well-known truth . There was no room for debate something so obvious .

"It is not like we met each other just yesterday . " The response was snarky and slightly gloating . Though this teasing fell on deaf ears and was just met with a weary smile . Disappointed by such a lackl.u.s.tre result the other party resumed the discussion without trying to get a reaction .

" Should I resume my current task and play my part? It will take a while until we can meet in person again . We should try to avoid drawing any suspicion towards us, sabotaging our own plans should not be our aim . We have enough hindrances to take care of already . "

" Our biggest priority is to prevent others from meddling in our affairs . For the time being, we should prioritize not getting caught in the tide, while everyone else is at each others throat . We should utelize this period of time to spread out our influence while everyone else is preoccupied . "

Calm and collected the entire plan was spoken without any form of hesitation . This entire scheme was not something, which had been devised in the spur of the moment . Countless hours had been spent designing a plan for their grand ambition .

Such a scheme could not be done without the necessary preparation and with a lack of knowledge . The requirements to succeed with this kind of ploy were rigorous and every mistake could prove fatal .

" The same as usual then? We do not know each other and have never met one another either . We are total strangers, who share no connection . After all, we live in entirely different worlds . "

Leaving these words behind it did not take long before the voice had vanished . The other party disappeared quietly as well .

This entire s.p.a.ce had returned to its former state with the beeping sound continuing over and over again as if nothing had ever taken place in this room .

As if nothing had ever happened .

There were just silence and the reoccurring noise .

And nothing else .