Blood Type: Dragon - 215 Darkness Taking Over

215 Darkness Taking Over

"So you have decided to betray them. Now, this is more interesting." The mouth of the insect faced Koto clung as it revealed a horrendous smile from the other mouth behind its larger front clipping fangs. 

Then the next moment, the surge of the incoming Shadows from the outside has also finally reached the exit, the moment the hungry and restless Shadows came out, they were greeted by the burning light of the Silaw strong and immediately shrieked in pain.

However, the moment they saw the dazed beautiful mermaid princess lying on the ground, who also happens to have a voluptuous body, their mind went out of their reasoning as they ignored the scorching light and sprinted towards the princess with their salivating mouth.

"How dare you bring your dirty flesh in my realm!"


But before they could even move closer, a sudden burst of white energy slash a.s.saulted them from their supposed to ally standing beside the mermaid princess. The G.o.d of the Elemental Realm, wielding his two bright swords that emitted a radiant light, unhesitantly hacked through the incoming crowd of hungry Shadows.


The moment the Shadows made contact with the Elemental G.o.d's beaming slash, their swift and agile body instantly evaporated like an extremely thin piece of paper against the full brunt of blazing fire.

The power was just too strong that the white beam of light managed to go through even to the outer water and continued incinerating more Shadows from far distances.

The bright energy attack that came out of the Elemental G.o.d has the combined attribute of all elemental essence. Fire, water, earth, wind, and even lightning was perfectly mixed to attain its current divine form only an Elemental G.o.d can control.

Paired with the Elemental G.o.d's powerful swordsmans.h.i.+p and perfect control of the elemental authorities, Koto felt a headache starting to throb in his insect head.

"I will tell you this for one last time. Pull out your troops from here and I will spare your lives." the Elemental G.o.d spoke as he started to float while his radiant sword started to glow brighter and length expanding. Cold and unhesitant eyes glared in his white radiant face.

The Elemental G.o.d's body is covered in a white flowing dress that seems to perfectly fit his slim yet well-toned body. Behind him can be seen a couple of long white straps that moved stylishly like a white glowing tail dancing elegantly on the wind.

"I am afraid I cannot do that Mister G.o.d of this realm. In fact, not even one us cared. Even if I tell them, I doubt they would listen to me right now! The temptation of your colorful lives is just too much eye candy for us creatures of the Dark realm. And as for your request, I am afraid you have you are only delaying the inevitable."

After Koto said these, the entire water realm suddenly quaked from all directions. 


Then a few moments later, hundreds of Shadow-made holes erupted from all sides of the hollow world of the Water Realm. Each hole was created using the manpower of almost endless Shadows. A couple of them would die along the way as they pounded their way in with brute force.

But with each fallen Shadow, a couple of hundred more are eager enough to replace them, hoping to force their way in first just to have a bite of the delicious water elemental rewards waiting on the other side.




More and more holes have suddenly sprouted from all sides and with each explosive entrance made the eyes of the Elemental G.o.d frown in displeasure.

Outside the water elemental realm, one could see the previous deep blue and peaceful state of the planet has long gone, as it is now replaced with pitch-black shade from all sides due to the overwhelming numbers of the Shadows.

These seen is not only exclusive to the water elemental realm. Except for the lightning elemental realm, the earth, wind and fire elemental realms are also currently under attack.

They too were taken aback as their own Lords have never revealed a hint of coming for help. In contrast, it seems like their Elemental Lords have already betrayed them, allowing the Shadows to take over their realm with the least resistance as possible.

To describe the current situation of the Elemental realm, a chaotic h.e.l.l is a word of an understatement.

Back on the water elemental realm, the thick black crowd of the Shadows excitedly pounced out from the tunnel, grabbing along the way every colorful and moving life forms and stuffing them greedily in their wide mouths.




Though some of them have mistaken the moving colorful corals as food, to their ignorance they just continued munching them and moved on to the next life-form they think is edible. Fortunately, the majority of the water elementals pretty much knew what to do as this is not the first time they were under attack. 

With every tunnel they dug, hundreds of thousands of Shadows poured out. 

"WHAHAHAHAHAHA!" watching the scene unfolding, Koto laughed maniacally as he started moving closer to the Elemental G.o.d.

"Don't you see it? This realm and the rest of the other realms are already out of your control. We have the backing of the Emperor of Dark Realm and the G.o.dly Beast of Dimensional Realms. You might be able to kill a couple of thousands from us but what difference thus that makes compared to the millions still waiting outside?!"

"You have underestimated me too much. It seems you lot have forgotten how terrifying one can be ones he has nothing to lose." replied the Elemental G.o.d as he panned his eyes across the hollow realm. A hint of regret and helplessness can be seen in them.

"What are you gonna do? Save them!? I told you it is too late! Hahahahaha!~"

But the next moment, the white figure of the Elemental G.o.d suddenly blurred before it exploded into a countless rays of light.


With each ray of light, another Elemental G.o.d is created, and in less than five seconds, the place was already filled by more than thousands of duplicates of the Elemental G.o.d. Though they look and sound the same, the only difference is the various forms of white weapons they were holding. 

Some were holding a bow, some were holding a spear, a hammer, a long pole, claw blades, daggers, and so forth. All in various sizes, shapes, and versions. Danna, whos was still in shock after everything, watched the bright replicates of the Elemental G.o.d in awe and admiration.

"Kill all the shadows." 




And before Koto could utter a single word, those thousands of different versions of the Elemental G.o.d swiftly moved to all directions. Flinging their bright weapons and wiping out crowds of Shadows in every second.










Without stopping, these clones of the Elemental G.o.d pushed through with unfazed courage. Soon enough, the entire hollow land of the water realm has become a battleground of white and black figures.

On the other side, the Merman army near the border of the Golden cave was just about to collapse from the Shadow's attack when the Elemental G.o.d's clone arrived.

Knowing that it was the most elusive Elemental G.o.d, the water elemental Soldiers were suddenly empowered, getting a healing and power buffs and aiding them just enough strength to fight back against the never-ending surge of creeping Shadows. 

Some Elemental G.o.ds has also divided themselves as if they were all thinking the same, each of them created a warp hole, teleporting themselves to the other Elemental Realms and providing help on them as well.

The Elemental G.o.ds' clone were extremely powerful, wherever they go, the Shadows have to either flee or the fight. But the cunning ones know how to avoid the stronger creature and aim for their objectives. 

They are here for the food, not to fight against G.o.d. At the moment, aside from the lightning elemental realm, only the four elemental realms are currently under attack. Thus, the Elemental G.o.d divided his clone and sent approximately two hundred fifty clones in each realm, providing them help despite the incredible disparity in terms of numbers.


Overlooking the whole events through a certain mirror artifact before him, the Emperor laughed in glee as he watched the struggle of the Elemental G.o.d and the rest of the Elemental residents. The scene of their pleading eyes, helpless struggle, and burning hatred were like a comedy show for him.

Chaos is indeed pleasing in his eyes.

"This is just too hilarious! Look at him force his way! What a funny Elemental guy." 

The rest of the Elemental Lords were just listening at the back, with a conflicted eye as they watched their own realm getting devoured by the darkness. 

Unfortunately for them, this has been their agreement. For their ultimate purpose, this is just a small price to pay.

 The loud laughter of the Emperor suddenly stopped as he revealed an evil grin.

"Now why don't we play..."

And the next moment, he turned into a black blur before instantly arriving at the water Elemental realm without sparing any effort. 

The moment he arrived, the Elemental G.o.d's clone suddenly felt a powerful pressure and chill that runs down their spine. They uniformly gazed in a certain direction, a frown formed on their eyes and continued what they were doing.

"What brings you here?" The original body of the Elemental G.o.d stood before the dark and tool figure of the Emperor.

"Your place is too bright. Should tone it down." 

"What do you-"

But before the Elemental G.o.d could finish his sentence, the emperor has already flicked his finger.


The Giant Silaw stone hanging in the middle of the sky suddenly shattered before the Elemental G.o.d's white unbelieving eyes.

In an instant, darkness has taken over the Water Realm.




The loud and cheerful shriek of the Shadows followed. It was like the wolves call for dinner time.