Birds of the Rockies - Part 17

Part 17

501b. =Western meadow-lark.= STURNELLA MAGNA NEGLECTA. Abundant summer resident.

506. =Orchard oriole.= ICTERUS SPURIUS. Summer visitor; rare, if not accidental.

507. =Baltimore oriole.= ICTERUS GALBULA. Marked as a rare summer resident, though no record of nesting.

508. =Bullock's oriole.= ICTERUS BULLOCKI. Abundant summer resident; breeds on plains and in mountain regions below 10,000 feet.

509. =Rusty blackbird.= SCOLECOPHAGUS CAROLINUS. Migrant; rare, if not accidental; two records.

510. =Brewer's blackbird.= SCOLECOPHAGUS CYANOCEPHALUS. Abundant summer resident.

511b. =Bronzed grackle.= QUISCALUS QUISCULA aeNEUS. Summer resident; not uncommon locally; comes only to eastern base of mountains.

514a. =Western evening grosbeak.= COCCOTHRAUSTES VESPERTINUS MONTa.n.u.s.

Resident; found every month of the year; no nests found, but evidently breeds.

515a. =Rocky Mountain pine grosbeak.= PINICOLA ENUCLEATOR MONTANA.

Resident; not uncommon; most common in late summer and fall when most of them are just below timber-line; stragglers descend to foothills and plains.

517. =Purple finch.= CARPODACUS PURPUREUS. Migrant; rare, if not accidental; only one specimen, and that a female.

518. =Ca.s.sin's purple finch.= CARPODACUS Ca.s.sINI. Common resident; winters from plains to 7,000 feet; breeds from that alt.i.tude to 10,000 feet.

519. =House finch.= CARPODACUS MEXICa.n.u.s FRONTALIS. Abundant resident.

521a. =Mexican crossbill.= LOXIA CURVIROSTRA STRICKLANDI. Resident; not uncommon; has been seen in summer at 11,000 feet; breeds in mountains, perhaps in winter like its eastern ant.i.type.

522. =White-winged crossbill.= LOXIA LEUCOPTERA. Rare winter visitor; one record.

524. =Gray-crowned leucosticte.= LEUCOSTICTE TEPHROCOTIS. Rare winter visitor; western species.

524a. =Hepburn's leucosticte.= LEUCOSTICTE TEPHROCOTIS LITTORALIS. Rare winter visitor; summers in the North.

525. =Black leucosticte.= LEUCOSTICTE ATRATA. Rare winter visitor; summer range unknown; winters in the Rockies.

526. =Brown-capped leucosticte.= LEUCOSTICTE AUSTRALIS. This little bird and the white-tailed ptarmigan have the highest summer range of any Colorado birds.

528. =Redpoll.= ACANTHIS LINARIA. Common winter resident; lives from plains to 10,000 feet.

528b. =Greater redpoll.= ACANTHIS LINARIA ROSTRATA. Rare or accidental winter visitor; one record.

529. =American goldfinch.= ASTRAGALINUS TRISTIS. Resident; quite common in summer; sometimes reaches 10,000 feet.

529a. =Western goldfinch.= ASTRAGALINUS TRISTIS PALLIDUS. Migrant; probably common; added by Mr. Aiken.

530. =Arkansas goldfinch.= ASTRAGALINUS PSALTRIA. Common summer resident; breeds from plains to over 9,000 feet.

530a. =Arizona goldfinch.= ASTRAGALINUS PSALTRIA ARIZONae. Summer resident; not common.

530b. =Mexican goldfinch.= ASTRAGALINUS PSALTRIA MEXICa.n.u.s. Rare, but believed to be a summer resident at Trinidad.

533. =Pine siskin.= SPINUS PINUS. Common resident; breeding range from plains to timber-line.

000. =English sparrow.= Pa.s.sER DOMESTICUS. Rapidly increasing in numbers; has settled at points west of the range.

534. =Snowflake.= Pa.s.sERINA NIVALIS. Rare winter visitor; one record west of the range; several east.

536a. =Alaskan longspur.= CALCARIUS LAPPONICUS ALASCENSIS. Common winter resident; breeds far north.

538. =Chestnut-collared longspur.= CALCARIUS ORNATUS. Rare summer resident; winter resident, not common; common in migration.

539. =McCown's longspur.= RHYNCOPHANES MCCOWNII. Common winter resident, dwelling on the plains.

540a. =Western vesper sparrow.= POOCaeTES GRAMINEUS CONFINIS. Abundant summer resident; breeds from plains to 12,000 feet.

542b. =Western savanna sparrow.= AMMODRAMUS SANDWICHENSIS ALAUDINUS.

Common summer resident; breeds from base of foothills to almost 12,000 feet.

545. =Baird's sparrow.= AMMODRAMUS BAIRDII. Migrant; not common; a number taken east of the range, and one west.

546a. =Western gra.s.shopper sparrow.= AMMODRAMUS SAVANNARUM PERPALLIDUS.

Not uncommon summer resident; breeds on plains and in lower foothills.

552a. =Western lark sparrow.= CHONDESTES GRAMMACUS STRIGATUS. Common summer resident; breeds on plains and in mountain parks to 10,000 feet.

553. =Harris's sparrow.= ZONOTRICHIA QUERULA. Rare migrant; abundant migrant in Kansas.

554. =White-crowned sparrow.= ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS. Abundant summer resident.

554a. =Intermediate sparrow.= ZONOTRICHIA LEUCOPHRYS GAMBELII. Common migrant, both east and west of the range; breeds north of the United States.

557. =Golden-crowned sparrow.= ZONOTRICHIA CORONATA. Accidental winter visitor; Pacific Coast species; breeds in Alaska.

558. =White-throated sparrow.= ZONOTRICHIA ALBICOLLIS. Rare migrant; but three records.

559a. =Western tree sparrow.= SPIZELLA MONTICOLA OCHRACEA. Common winter resident; mostly on plains and in lower mountains.

560. =Chipping sparrow.= SPIZELLA SOCIALIS. Rare summer resident; common in migration; goes as far west as base of the mountains.

560a. =Western chipping sparrow.= SPIZELLA SOCIALIS ARIZONae. Abundant summer resident; breeds from base of foothills to 10,000 feet.

561. =Clay-colored sparrow.= SPIZELLA PALLIDA. Summer resident; not uncommon; scattered over State east of mountains.

562. =Brewer's sparrow.= SPIZELLA BREWERI. Summer resident; not uncommon; breeds from plains to 8,000 feet.

566. =White-winged junco.= JUNCO AIKENI. Common winter resident; on plains and 8,000 feet up in the mountains.

567. =Slate-colored junco.= JUNCO HYEMALIS. Winter resident; not common; not found above 8,000 feet.