A Wife's Cry - Chapter 25

Chapter 25

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“W-WHAT?! W-wait, wait… Did I hear it right? SHE'S INVITING YOU TO HER WEDDING?!”

“Stop it, Leila! Your voice is too loud!” I told her as I slightly hit her with my elbows.

“S-sorry!” She said, lowering down her voice. “But seriously? She's inviting both of you?”

“You heard it right.”

She didn't say anything else; she just suddenly laughed out loud, as if teasing.

“F*ck! That's awkward!” She exclaimed, still laughing. “Then what happened after she gave you the invitation?”

“She left.” I responded directly.

“She left right away? You didn't even invite her inside your house? To have some juice? Or coffee? She left just like that?”

Leila's nutty as a fruitcake. I gave her a look, then I said, “Of course no! What are you thinking?! Why would I let her in? What are we going to do then? Exchange stories? And… You know…” I bowed my head, “It's kind of messy in our living room. It's embarra.s.sing.”

Then again, she laughed hard. She seemed to have understood what I meant. Well, it's true. Our clothes were in a slovenly clutter on the floor of our living room. I thought it won't be a good sight for Lauren.

“You're such an idiot! That's your chance! You should've shown her you just had a good s.e.x.” Then she laughed out loud again.

I rolled my eyes on her. This woman - the way she speaks 's.e.x', it's as if she has a good number of experiences. I'm not even sure she had a boyfriend already.

“What did she exactly say when she handed you the invite?” She added.

And oh her inquisitions! She really wouldn't stop until she gets the full details.

“Hmm. She was just casual.” I said. “T'was as if I'm one of her close friends.”

“For real? Imagine, she went into your house just for that? Doesn't she have a messenger? Poor woman!” She provoked. “Well Vannie, I'm pretty sure she just tried her luck coming to your house to see if Allen was alone, but the G.o.ds weren't in her favor – you were here.”

I smirked. Deep inside I thought, yes, good thing I was here.

And yes, we're talking about Lauren's visit yesterday. I don't wanna bother about it much, but Leila insists. She wants me to tell her about it, and so I did.

Lauren dropped by at our house to hand me over an invitation to her wedding.

“I just pa.s.sed by to personally give you this.” She greeted me as she handed me a plum-colored envelope.

I tried to act as normal as I could even if I was already ticking off. I reached for it and immediately looked at what's inside – it's an invitation. A wedding invitation.

“I know it's impossible, but I still hope you and Travis could come.” She added.

I actually wanted to laugh at that scene of ours, but I held myself back.

Like seriously? She wanted to invite Allen and I to her wedding? Wow! Just wow. For her this might not be a big deal. She might really have moved on completely, but she should've tried putting herself in my shoes. I think it's not a good idea to invite us, considering that the media almost publicized that my husband is her ex-boyfriend, and obviously, I'm the reason they didn't end up together.

For G.o.d's sake, why is she doing this?

“I'm sorry if this seems to be surprising for you…” It looks like she has read my mind. “But I just thought of inviting you, guys. You see, Travis has been my friend and I would like to–”

“I'll just tell my husband about this.” I interrupted.

My att.i.tude might have knocked her like a feather when her jaw slightly dropped open. I admit, I was wrong putting on a bold front, but then I wouldn't wanna hear what else she had to say about my husband and her, and anything about their past.

She didn't have to tell me those things; I know them all. Aside from that, g*ddammit, I don't want to hear her calling my Allen, ‘Travis'.

“Good thing you didn't have a hard time going to our place?” I asked, changing the topic as I returned the invitation back inside the envelope.

The truth is, I really wanted to ask how she knew our address. I just had to do it in a different way, so she wouldn't notice I didn't want to see her.

“Uhm, I asked your home address from Allen's secretary. Good thing she gave me clear directions so I didn't have a hard time.” She responded, smiling.

Annoying is an understatement of my feelings towards her at that moment. How can she smile and talk to me casually? Why does she appear so confident, as if there's no awkward feeling between us?

Is it just me?

“His secretary told me he didn't report to work today?” She added.

“Ah, yeah…” Then something wicked popped inside my head, “He didn't want to go to work. He said he wanted to stay here with me. I was forcing him, though, 'cause I know he has a meeting, but he really didn't want to.”

Okay. I think I need to go to confession. Lies comprised my day.

She didn't speak a word; she only smiled and said 'aah'.

“D-do you want to talk to him? Do you want me to wake him up?” I asked. She seemed to have no plans of leaving. She might have other agenda. I thought she was only giving me the invite. Well, now that I already have it, she can leave.

“No, no, no.” She said, as she waved her hand in gesture of refusal. “I really just came to here to give you that.” Then she pointed to the invitation I was holding.

“Ah, yeah.” I responded. “Oh, by the way, I can't wake him up. He doesn't like that. Besides, he's sleeping like a baby. He's tired.”

I caught her sneer as she took a glimpse of what I'm wearing. There she goes again. She's been eyeing me from head to toe. I'm just being overmodest not to speak, but of course, I'm feeling embarra.s.sed. She's giving me sharp looks.

I'm wearing only Allen's polo. It's kind of see-through and light in color, so I'm sure she discerned I am not wearing any underwear. There's nothing wrong with that right? Allen's my husband. Unless she has something different in mind.

“Uhm… Vanessa…” She was about to tell me something, but she halted.

I also got surprised that the gates opened wider and I felt someone behind me. I looked at my side and saw my husband – his hair's a mess, like he just got up from bed, and he's wearing nothing but his bluish grey, striped boxers.

Tsk! Ugh! I want to push him back inside the house! Is it even right to go out wearing only his boxer shorts?

And Lauren… She doesn't even know how to hide the amus.e.m.e.nt from her facial expression. d.a.m.n it, I caught her staring, with mouth open, at my husband!

I raised an eyebrow. What? Don't tell me she's still affected seeing my husband half-naked? Oh, please! I know my husband's really handsome, especially after he wakes up - when his hair is a mess and his eyes are enticing. He's the hottest s.h.i.+t ever! But Lauren doesn't have the right to look at my husband like that. Only I have the right to see him in his s.e.xiest state.

“Yes?” My husband suddenly asked Lauren.

He asked her very casually. He wasn't even distressed that his ex-girlfriend is in front of our house; no signs of surprise even.

Lauren was about to answer, but I preceded her. I handed the invitation over to my husband. “She wants us to come to her wedding.” I said.

Allen reached for the envelope from my hands. He looked at it before he spoke, “I… I thought it would be next year?”

My eyes narrowed. Is it just me or they are still updated about each other? It looks like they exchanged long stories when they were in Madrid.

“Ah, yeah. That was the initial plan.” Lauren said, smiling. “But we moved it much earlier. I don't wanna wear my wedding gown with a big baby b.u.mp.” Then she stroked her core.

Oh. So, she's pregnant. I didn't know that; Allen didn't tell me the whole story. Or maybe he also didn't know?

I can't help but feel envious of her. She'll be having a baby soon. I suddenly remembered what Allen told me earlier, that he wants us to have a baby… And I want to get pregnant and have a baby, too.

“I hope you two could attend.” She added. “I know it's impossible, but I'm still hoping. I could help you book your flights if you want. J-just tell me.”

“Hey, your face looks blank! Are you okay?” Leila suddenly hit me with her elbow, then I regained my senses.

“Yes, I'm okay.” I answered, stunned.

“Continue your story later. We're almost there.”

I half-smiled. Good thing we're almost there. I'm tired; we've been walking for so long.

Today is Leila's birthday. She booked dinner for two here in an eat-all-you-can restaurant at Bonifacio Global City. I told her not to choose an eat-all-you-can diner knowing that I'm not a big eater. It would just be a waste if I couldn't enjoy all the food. One more thing, my appet.i.te hasn't been in a good condition the past week. Gastric reflux. I'm not sure, though; I still try to eat a spoonful as often as I could.

But of course, like Allen, my cousin insists. We do this only once in a while and she has not dined in a buffet for quite some time. She told me it's her birthday, so I should grant her wish. What can I do? I couldn't say no to her.

Well, I'm glad she chose to celebrate her birthday with me – just me and n.o.body else. Knowing Leila, she really has a huge circle of friends and she has a wide connection. Despite that fact, it's me she's with on her special day. It still feels new to me, though, because I'm used to celebrating occasions with our families. Before, her parents would even host a big party just for her - and I miss that! But it's long odds that it would happen again.

Until now, she and her parents are still not in good terms. Since the day she left because she didn't want to marry Allen, there have been no grand and happy reunions held among our families. I advised her several times to sort things out with her parents already, but she really didn't want to. She's tough, making the disagreement all the more worse. More often than not, I'm the one being caught in the middle.

“Oh, I remember…” She said, cracking down the silence. “Your good husband texted me earlier.”

“R-really?” I tickled pink. Knowing my husband, it's not in his nature to send text messages, especially to my cousin whom he's not in good vibrations with. “What did he say?”

“He told me not to leave you alone and bring you back home safely. Tss, commanding like he's my boss!”

My lips drew a smile, but I immediately held back after I saw my cousin gave me a look.

“And what's that smile? You're flus.h.i.+ng like a virgin, huh?! So what's his deal? Why is he acting sweet? He even texted me. He should've started doing that before. He was worse than a lady, acting hard to get, eh!” She ranted in irate.

I just kept silent; I didn't want to fuel her frustration as I'm happy with how it's going between Allen and I. I'm happy that he's changed.

And speaking of that man… Maybe he sent me a text message, too, so I peeked at my phone from the pocket of my mini skirt. Sadly, there's none; there's not a missed call even.

Maybe he's busy with work. He told me he'll be working overtime because he wasn't able to report yesterday. He even blamed me that I didn't let him go. Well, I just didn't want him to attend the reunion.

This morning, he also left the house late. He wouldn't want to get up as he deemed tired as a dog. It's his fault, though, he took 'all day' seriously. smirks

After Lauren left the house, he didn't even let me discuss with him the visit of his ex-girlfriend and the invite to her wedding; he just hastily carried me to the bathroom - and there we had it on the newly-scrubbed bath tub. Oh, Allen, whenever and wherever!

Even before the sunrise, he insisted on another round. I couldn't resist him as he already strained my hands on the headboard of the bed. I mean he may wanna use a chain on me next time, eh?! He's really a beast on bed! So, there! He's buried on the bed early this morning – and my good husband came late at work.

He even went slightly grumpy on me for not waking him up early. I didn't speak just so we wouldn't fight anymore. Besides, it's really my fault. Most often, I really couldn't get the hang of my husband's mood - sometimes he's sweet, sometimes he's bitter, but most of the time he's… hot.

Oh, and yes, he knows that I'm going out today. I told him we'll be celebrating Leila's birthday. I'm glad that he didn't have second thoughts on the condition that I shouldn't go home late and alone.

I'm over the moon! He's allowing me to go out now. I don't need to escape and hide from him anymore. I think this is the first time I'm going out without something that would bother me, too, as if I can enjoy myself to the fullest. Feels awesome!

But wait, Leila and I have been walking for quite a while already. I feel so tired; it's just too far. We should've parked the car somewhere near.

I was about to ask Leila, but when I looked at beside me, she's not there. It turns out that we're not walking side by side anymore, so I stopped and looked for her behind me. I saw her in front of one restaurant, eyes locked on something.

Look at her! She didn't even tell me! Good thing I wasn't telling stories because I'd look like a fool talking to no one. I shook my head and walked towards her, “Hey, Lei.” I gently slapped her on the arm. “You suddenly left me.”

She just ignored me. She looked dumb, so I poked her again. “Is there any problem?”

She was speechless for quite some time before she spoke, “V-vannie, I thought you and Allen already agreed that he won't meet with Lauren again?” She asked without turning her head to look at me.

I frowned. “Exactly. He a.s.sured me last night and this morning. W-why?” It beats me, but I suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. I don't like how I'm feeling.

Leila suddenly pointed onto something and I turned my head to its direction. I then felt a pain in my chest. It took a while before the scene in front of me sank in. I'm on pins and needles.

I'm watching my husband…

…happily eating dinner with his ex-girlfriend.

My whole body started feeling numb. I can no longer feel anything, aside from the tension and electricity running through my palms.

“V-vannie, come on.” Leila was already pulling me on the arm. “Just talk when you get home.”

But I didn't listen. I don't want to listen. The truth is, it seems like I can't hear anything. I couldn't hear anything but the happy voices of my husband and her other woman, and it's also only them that my eyes could see.

He lied. He told me he won't ever see her again. He told me he'd stay away from her. I even thought he's working overtime at this moment. Then what's this?

I thought we're already okay. Why does he always find a way to see her even if he knows it's against me? Doesn't he really care if I get hurt?

“V-vannie, come on. Not here.” My cousin whispered, begging me.

Then, I just found myself inside the restaurant, in front of their table…

…and I finally caught their attention.

My husband immediately stood up. I saw on his face a look of surprise and he can't even move.

“V-vanessa…” He was about to hold my hand, but I shunned. Instead, I slapped him hard.

We caught the attention of everyone inside, including his b.i.t.c.h ex-girlfriend.

He's an a.s.shole! He's worse than an a.s.shole!

I couldn't hold it back; a tear fell from my eye.

I wiped it sternly, and then I looked at him with eyes fuming in sorrow and anger. I tried to speak, even if I feel weak at the knees and my hands are trembling. It feels like anytime, I would collapse. I can't breathe.

“I should've left you. You're such a disappointment, Allen.” I said, with the bravest and boldest front I could ever express.

Then, I left the place alone.

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