Awakening Of The Ancient: Rise Of The Fallen - 87 Chapter 84: Killed

87 Chapter 84: Killed

This time he didn't send his Profound Crane inside the Beast Bag and kept it outside just so he could know when Xu Ming got near him. 

Since the Flying Beast of Xu Ming had the Tracking Scent on it, as soon as he would get within the range of the Xiang Feng, the Profound Crane would notify him.

It happened just like he had thought, he found out when Xu Ming was near him. He climbed on top of the Profound Crane and rose high in the sky.

Xu Ming noticed him when he got near the Xiayi Kingdom, similarly, Xiang Feng saw him as well.

Xu Ming saw Xiang Feng waiting for him along the way, and he realized something.

He was quite sure that Xiang Feng didn't have any good intentions towards him.

The first thing he did was that instead of running away, he ordered the Wild Eagle Beast to get down.

Xu Ming had seen the speed of the Profound Crane last time, so he knew that he wouldn't be able to run away. Thus his first reaction was to get down to the ground.

He knew that if they fought in the air, Xiang Feng wouldn't even be able to take an attack properly. As soon as the weak flying eagle of Xu Ming was hurt, he would fall to his death. He didn't want to take the risk and die without having a fighting chance.

He came down to the ground and sent the Eagle back in the Beast Bag as he waited for Xiang Feng to come to him.

He had already brought his sword out and he was ready to fight.

'He shouldn't be weak from the feeling I'm getting,' He thought, but he knew that he couldn't run.

"Hahahaha, Gotta say, you are indeed clever. Now I can't watch you fall to your death. Oh well, I can at least have a more fulfilling battle," Xiang Feng laughed as he landed on the ground near him.

"How did you know that I wanted to attack you though? I might just be waiting here to say hi to a fellow sect member?" Xiang Feng said with an amused smile.

"Well, I have seen a snake similar to you. I just noticed the similarities," Xu Ming replied.

"Hah, You got a nice sense of humor. That should come handy in h.e.l.l," Xiang Feng said as he brought out his own sword as well.

Without waiting for Xu Ming's reply, he started running towards Xu Ming.

Xu Ming was initially stunned as the boy was able to cover 30 meters of distance between them in a short second.

Xiang Feng swung his sword towards Xu Ming's neck.

Xu Ming reacted fast as he raised his sword and blocked Xiang Feng's sword. If his speed was just a second slower, He would have been decapitated.

Xu Ming understood how difficult the situation was as he moved back to create some distance between him and Xiang Feng.

He was only a 10th Stage Body Refining Realm cultivator, and he was facing the 2nd Stage Spirit Establishment Realm cultivator. 

Even after all that, he was still almost equally matched with Xiang Feng when it came to strength. All because of his special bloodline.

But since he wasn't in the Spirit Establishment Realm, he wasn't able to send his Origin Energy out of his body.

In fact, he shouldn't have been able to master the First Strike of 3 Strikes of Heaven since it required him to send his Energy out of his body through his sword, but surprisingly he was able to achieve that impossible-looking feat in 3 months. Even he himself didn't think about this.

Xiang Feng, on the other hand, was proficient in using Qi related attacks. He didn't use them though since he didn't think that Xu Ming was worth it.

He kept chasing after Xu Ming and striking with his sword.

Even after all that effort, he wasn't able to harm Xu Ming in the least.

'Why is that b.a.s.t.a.r.d so fast!!!' He thought as he got angrier.

He couldn't understand why Xu Ming was just as fast as him. He had a way higher cultivating then Xu Ming and his Movement Skill was personally selected by his master and said to be the best an Outer Sect Disciple could possess, still, Xu Ming was matching his speed.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I'll show you the real difference between us!" He finally couldn't bear with it as he said out loud.

Just as Xu Ming's sword clashed with his sword, Xiang Feng utilized the situation and used another skill with his free hand.

"Flaming Fist!" He let out as he punched Xu Ming's chest.

His Flaming Fist was so powerful that it made Xu Ming fly back like a broken kite.

He crashed on the ground 100 meters away from Xiang Feng. The small portion of his clothes was burned off because of the first. He could even feel like some of his bones were broken.

He felt pain when he tried to stand up, but he didn't let it show on his face. He still had his sword in his hand that he hadn't left even when he was suddenly attacked. He didn't let the sword leave his hand since that would mean his death in this situation.

Without giving an opportunity to Xiang Feng, he stood up.

"Hah, I guess that's all you have. Well, I can't expect much from a Body Refining Realm cultivator. It's not like you can use skills like me. That's where your limit lies," Xiang Feng said with a proud look on his face as he slowly walked towards Xu Ming.

He was suddenly surprised as he saw Xu Ming getting into a sword stance. He couldn't help but start laughing madly.

"What are you doing? Are you trying to use a sword skill? Little idiot, only Spirit Establishment Realm cultivators can use that. Do you consider me an idiot?" He said with an amused look on his face.

He didn't stop or increase his speed. He walked just as comfortably as before. He felt like Xu Ming was bluffing to make him scared. There was no way someone like him could use a sword skill.

All his notions were turned upside down as he saw Xu Ming swing his Sword.

He was only 10 meters away from Xu Ming when he swung his sword.

His laughing face lost all his color as he saw a bright arc of light escape from Xu Ming's sword and come towards him at a lightning speed.

He hadn't expected that and before he could even raise his sword, the arc of light, purely made of Xu Ming's Origin Energy, pa.s.sed through his body.

He managed to raise his sword, but it was already too late. His body was sliced in half.

He couldn't even scream as he died. Both halves of his body fell to the ground separately.

"You know what I learned in my life? Never underestimate anyone. Even a friend can betray you and even a weak Insect can kill you," Xu Ming said softly as he looked at the dead body of Xiang Feng.

Before Xu Ming could even take a step forward, he fell down to the ground as he coughed out a mouthful of blood.

Xiang Feng's Flaming Fist had seriously injured him, but he was resisting his internal injuries to continue the fight. As soon as the fight was over, he fell down as well.

His heartbeats were irregular and some of his chest bones were broken. He had lost his consciousness from the pain.

Xu Ming lay unconscious 10 meters away from Xiang Feng's dead body. Fortunately, they were away from the entrance of the Xiayi Kingdom and no one saw them.