Assimilative Memory - Part 34

Part 34

--(15) {R}ebinding {N}ations {f}avored {p}atriotism = (18)42--August--9

--(16) {R}educing A{m}eers {t}ook {d}etermined {sh}ooting = (18)43--January--16

--(17) {R}oyal {M}ary {r}ightly {n}amed A{l}ice = (18)43--April--25

--(18) A{r}kwright's {m}illions wi{l}l e{n}rich hei{r}s = (18)43--May--24

--(19) {R}oyal E{r}nest; a {f}avored {ch}ild = (18)44--August--6

--(20) {R}eleasing a{r}rears {f}avored {d}ebtor's {s}entences = (18)44--August--10

--(21) {R}eligious I{l}liberalities wi{l}l {d}estroy {ch}arity = (18)45--May--16

--(22) A {r}eal {l}ikeness {t}ha{t} {l}inks = (18)45--Nov.--5

--(23) A {r}oyal {ch}ild--He{l}ena--{n}ow {l}aughs = (18)46--May--25

--(24) {R}eading whi{ch} {d}i{d} {r}ationalize = (18)46--Nov.--4

--(25) A hoa{r}y {c}ottage {b}ought {t}oo {ch}eap = (18)47--Sept.--16

--(26) A {r}ate {c}ausing {th}ose {m}erchants {d}istress = (18)47--Oct.--31

--(27) {R}elieving {ch}loroform {t}ha{t} {d}rugs {n}erves = (18)47--Nov.--12

--(28) {R}evolutionizing {F}renchmen i{n}dicated a {n}ew {n}ation = (18)48--Feb.--22

--(29) A {r}oyal {f}airy {m}aiden {d}evelops {f}ancy--(she is an artist) = (18)48--March--18

--(30) O{r}atorical {p}rayers {p}rocure {n}ational {s}ecurity = (18)49--Sept.--20

--(31) A {l}awful {s}cheme a{r}ouses {t}opmost {p}atronage = (18)50--April--19

--(32) A {l}uckless {s}tumble {k}illed a {n}obleman = (18)50--July--2

--(33) Wi{l}liam's wi{th}drawal e{n}ded {n}umerous {ch}arms = (18)51--Feb.--26

--(34) {V}ictoria we{l}comes {th}e Ha{l}l {t}o-day = (1)851--May--1

--(35) {L}ouis' au{d}acity {th}e{n} a{n}nounced = (18)51--Dec.--2

--(36) We{l}lington's e{n}d {b}rought {d}ue {r}ecognition = (18)52--Sept.--14

--(37) {L}eopold {m}ildly {r}aises a {c}ry = (18)53--April--7

--(38) A {l}ord's {m}essage {d}oes {t}each a {P}resbytery = (18)53--Oct.--19

--(39) {L}earned {M}aurice {t}eaches u{n}welcome {c}reeds = (18)53--Oct.--27

--(40) A {l}urid {m}anifesto {th}a{t} {th}reatened = (18)53--Nov.--1

--(41) A {L}awful {R}uler {m}enaces {n}ew a{n}tagonisms = (18)54--March--22

--(42) No month or day of month being given, we will express three figures thus: E{v}olution's {l}aws i{l}l.u.s.trated = (1)855

--(43) A{l}liances {j}oined {m}ean {m}anifest {s}ecurity = (18)56--March--30

--(44) {L}isteners {ch}armed a{r}ound {th}e {m}usic = (18)56--April--13

--(45) A {l}ucky {g}irl he{r}e a{t}tains {r}oyalty = (18)57--April--14

--(46) A {l}awless {c}onspiracy {b}eaten i{n} {S}eptember = (18)57--Sept.--20

--(47) {L}oosening {f}amilies {d}estroys {th}e {ch}ildren = (18)58--January--16

--(48) A {L}ifeless {f}igure {p}ictures {N}ewton's i{d}ent.i.ty = (18)58--Sept.--21

--(49) No month or day being given, we may express the complete date: {D}arwinianism {f}ormulates {l}egitimate {b}iology = 1859

--(50) {L}ifeless {B}abington {th}e{n} e{n}tered a {v}ault = (18)59--Dec--28

--(51) A {sh}ameless {s}choolmaster's {c}ruelty {n}ow {m}urders, or a {s}choolmaster's {s}entence {c}auses {n}o {m}ercy = (18)60--July--23

--(52) {S}hielding ou{t}sides {m}ay {d}efy a{t}tack = (18)61--March--11

--(53) {Ch}ivalry {d}elighted, wi{l}l {f}ight = (18)61--May--8

--(54) {Sh}edding {t}ears {t}ha{t} {t}ear hea{r}ts = (18)61--Nov.--14--or {V}ictoria {s}hed {t}ears = (1)861

--(55) A {j}oyful {m}arriage {m}ay ai{d} {s}overeignty = (18)63--March--10

--(56) {Sh}akespeare's {r}eign {r}eturns o{n}ce {m}ore = (18)64--April--23

--(57) A {j}ustifiable {r}evival wi{l}l e{n}dorse {C}alvin = (18)64--May--27

--(58) {J}enner's {l}ikeness {p}leases {d}octors = (18)65--Sept.--1

--(59) A {ch}artered {j}ewel {m}eans {c}apture = (18)66--March--7

--(60) {G}enerosity's {ch}ampion {m}anifests u{n}usual {f}aith = (18)66--March--28--or {G}enerosity's {ch}ampion {m}arkedly e{n}thused {V}ictoria = (18)66--March--28

--(61) {S}ure {f}orwarders {g}ain {m}ult.i.tudinous {t}elegraphs = (18)68--July--31

--(62) {Ch}arming {p}ract.i.tioners {d}ose u{n}easy a{ch}es = (18)69--Oct.--27

--(63) {C}reditors {s}cold {th}e {d}ebtors = (18)70--January--1

--(64) {C}ontagion {s}preads {th}rough {th}e ai{r} = (18)70--January--14