A Slave Who Became Emperor - 71 Shocking Revelation

71 Shocking Revelation

Then the writing style and few outdated words were observed and the historians concluded that the doc.u.ment is atleast four centuries old. All these observations were reported to the Shah. The Shah then summoned Mirza.

He knelt and bowed, the Shah said, 'raise Mirza, my good man! ' Mirza was shocked, he understood that the Shah was able to establish the authenticity of the scroll.. he said, 'your servant pays his respects.... 'and raised... Shah said, 'my historians and Calligraphy experts have concluded that what you claim might be true.. now I have this doc.u.ment already with me, I agree to give you a one third of this treasure, let's not bother ourselves with Zaffar.. ' Mirza's heart trembled, how decisive was the Shah, how ruthless.. just with one word he kicked Zaffar out of this matter.. he was able to a.s.sess this would happen.. so he made his preparations well before hand..

Mirza said, 'forgive me your highness, the location of the treasure is not known to me.. ' Shah stood up in rage and said, 'guards, check him and his belongings thoroughly.. ' the guards did what they were told.. there was nothing related to the scroll.. the Shah looked at Mirza with a piercing gaze, he said, 'what do you mean by it.. are you acting smart in front of me? ' Mirza said, 'your servant doesn't dare.. there is a second page of the scroll.. that is with Zaffar.. the location is mentioned in that page.. '

Shah said, 'why should I believe you? you said that the scroll was found by you.. and how do I know that you have not memorized the location..? ' Mirza said, 'your majesty, I have not been to Hindustan before, only during this war I happened to cross the Hindukhush mountains...I surely read the second page but since I was unfamiliar with the geography..I couldn't understand that location... whereas Zaffar has been to Hindustan earlier and he set his base in the forests of Vindhya some time back.. and he is my master, so I handed the scroll to him...and he promised me a good share of treasure in exchange to the second page of scroll... ' Shah took a wine gla.s.s and threw it down in anger.. he shouted, 'do you and your idiotic master think that I am your slave? do you feel that I don't have the capabilities to find this treasure on my own? imprison this man... let's see how long it takes to crack this tough nut.. '