A Slave Who Became Emperor - 54 Meeting

54 Meeting

s.h.i.+va came and said, 'Badshah Khan... I am s.h.i.+va..I serve the Royal family... the Prince wants to meet you.. ' Khan nodded and went along with s.h.i.+va.. they entered a chamber.. it was adorned with spears and swords.. it was the strategy room.. there was a huge table in the center with a map.. the map showed Hindustan along with few neighborhood countries..

Pinaka and his father emperor Surya Gupta were standing near the table looking at the map.. the map showed the major empires, kingdoms, cities, rivers, and mountains of the land... Badshah Khan entered the room and greeted Pinaka and his father.. Pinaka introduced Badshah Khan, he thanked the emperor Surya Gupta for helping him and saving his life in childhood..

The emperor said, 'Badshah Khan, let's work on strategy now, I was only doing my duty that day..I would like to understand how you would be able to help us stand against Zaffar and his army.. ' Khan said, 'your majesty, in Afghanistan I was running dry fruits business.. I increased my father's business by ten fold.. everything was going well.. suddenly a great famine hit the Afghan lands.. we expected help from our neighbouring country Iran.. but the Shah of Iran was a cruel emperor.. he sent his troops to loot our lands..our ruler declared war against the Shah of Iran.. we were successful in beating the troops of the Shah.. during the war, many common people like myself partic.i.p.ated in it as our army was not very big. .. later the Shah sent a bigger regiment.. we couldn't stand.. many men were slaughtered mercilessly.. our ruler submitted to the Shah.. now he is ruling under the Shah's name.. the pride of Pathans was lost.. Zaffar was the general.. he rose in the ranks after this battle.. he became independent and established his own army with the help of the Shah and started looting and invading small cities and kingdoms..his army comprises of the troop of bandits and cutthroats he grew up with..now if the information I have received is right, the Shah has given a few thousand men from his army to Zaffar..now his greed has grown so much that he wants your entire country... ' both Pinaka and his father studied Badshah Khan.. then Pinaka said, 'what is the strategy or warfare techniques they follow.. ' Badshah Khan said, 'no strategy.. that is Zaffar's strategy.. '