Api di Bukit Menoreh - Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Api di Bukit Menoreh Book 01 – Chapter 27

Sedayu became horrified when he heard his brother words. What if his brother really died. Therefore he remained silent, though his heart was seized with fear. Frightened of the darkness before him, afraid of his situation. He was afraid of everything. But he was even more afraid of his brother dying.

Untara was getting weaker and weaker. Nevertheless, he always tried to maintain consciousness. It would be a joke if he died because he lost too much blood. For him, it was better to die with a sword wound through his heart. But he did not lose hope. He believes that G.o.ds is Most Merciful. Therefore he always prayed in his heart, may G.o.d save him.

Suddenly their footsteps stopped. They heard the rustling of leaves in the bushes. Sedayu heart that was small are becoming smaller. In a shaky voice he whispered “Kakang, did you hear something?”

Until nodded. But he can not do anything. His body was too weak.

But suddenly Untara raised his eyebrow. He said softly “It's not a human step nor a wild animal. Did you hear the neighing horses?”

“Yes” answered his brother.

Untara then whistled loudly. His horse was a tame horse. Had the horse been his horse, it would have known the whistling sound.

“Oh G.o.d,” he cried when from inside the bushes came a gallant blackish horse. “That's my horse”
