An Elementary Spanish Reader - Part 48

Part 48

=veras=; =de veras= really, truly, indeed

=veras= _2 sing. fut. ind. of_ =ver=

=verdad= _f._ truth; =es verdad= it is true

=vestido= _m._ dress; _pl._ clothes

=vestido= _p. p. of_ =vestir=

=vez= _f._ time; =una vez= once; =tantas veces= so often; =en vez de= instead of; =tal vez= perhaps; =a veces= at times; =otra vez= again; =muchas veces= often; =dos veces= twice

=vida= _f._ life, living

=vieja= _f._ old woman

=viejisimo= very old

=viejo= old; _m._ old man

=viendo= _pres. p. of_ =ver=

=viene= _3 sing. pres. ind. of_ =venir=; =el ano que viene= next year

=vienen= _3 pl. pres. ind. of_ =venir=

=viento= _m._ wind

=vieron= _3 pl. pret. ind. of_ =ver=

=vinagre= _m._ vinegar

=vino= _m._ wine

=vino= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =venir=

=vina= _f._ vineyard

=vio= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =ver=

=violencia= _f._ violence

=visitar= to visit

=visito= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =visitar=

=visto= _p. p. of ver_

=vive= _3 sing. pres. ind._ =vivia= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind._ =vivian= _3 pl. imp. ind._ =viviendo= _pres. p._ =vivieron= _3 pl. pret. ind._ =vivio= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =vivir=

=vivir= to live; =vivir al dia= to live from hand to mouth

=vivo= live, alive, lively

=volaba= _3 sing. imp. ind. of_ =volar=

=volar= to fly

=volvamos= _1 pl. pres. subj. of_ =volver=

=volver= to turn, return; =volver a= again; =vuelve a ser= he becomes again

=volveran= _3 pl. fut. ind._ =volvere= _1 sing. fut. ind._ =volvia= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind._ =volvieran= _3 pl. imp. subj._ =volvieron= _3 pl. pret. ind._ =volvio= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =volver=

=voy= _1 sing. pres. ind. of_ =ir=

=voz= _f._ voice

=vuela= _3 sing. pres. ind._ =vuelo= _1 sing. pres. ind. of_ =volar=

=vuelta= _f._ turn, return

=vuelva= _1 and 3 sing. pres. subj._ =vuelve= _3 sing. pres. ind. of_ =volver=

=vuestro= your


=y= and

=ya= already, now; =ya no=, =no ... ya= no longer; =ya lo comprendo= now I understand, I understand it all very well; =ya que= now that; =ya lo creo= well I should think so

=yendo= _pres. p. of_ =ir=

=yo= I


=zagal= _m._ shepherd

=zapateria= _f._ shoemaker's trade or shop

=zapatero= _m._ shoemaker

=zapato= _m._ shoe

=Zaragoza= _f._ Saragossa