An Elementary Spanish Reader - Part 39

Part 39

=pobre= poor; =el pobre= the poor man; =los pobres= the poor (people, animals, etc.); =pobre de mi= alas for me

=poco= little; _pl._ few; =a los pocos dias= after a few days; =poco antes= shortly before; =poco despues= shortly after

=podemos= _1 pl. pres. ind. of_ =poder=

=podenco= _m._ hound; =digo que podencos= I say hounds

=poder= to be able, can

=poder= _m._ power

=poderoso= powerful

=podia= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind. of_ =poder=

=podian= _3 pl. imp. ind. of_ =poder=; =nada podian= they could do nothing, were powerless

=podre= _1 sing. fut. ind._ =podria= _1 and 3 sing. cond. of_ =poder=

=polvo= _m._ dust

=pollo= _m._ chicken

=ponderado= _p. p. of_ =ponderar=

=ponderar= to praise highly

=poner= to put; =ponerse= to get, become; =ponerse en camino= to set out; =poner en libertad= to set free; =poner la mesa= to set the table

=poniente= _m._ West

=por= for, by, through, for the sake of, in exchange for; =por entre= among; =por alli= over there; =por ciento= per cent; =por entonces= at that time

=porcion= _f._ portion

=porfia= _f._ obstinacy; =obsequiaron a porfia= they rivalled each other in showing attentions

=porfiar= to insist

=porfio= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =porfiar=

=porque= because

=porque=, =por que= why

=posada= _f._ inn, hotel

=posadera= _f._ landlady, innkeeper's wife

=poseer= to possess, own

=poseia= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind._ =poseo= _1 sing. pres. ind. of_ =poseer=

=posible= possible

=potro= _m._ colt

=prado= _m._ meadow, field

=preceder= to precede

=precedido= _p. p. of_ =preceder=

=precio= _m._ price

=precioso= precious

=precisamente= exactly

=preciso= necessary

=preferir= to prefer

=prefiero= _1 sing. pres. ind. of_ =preferir=

=pregunta= _f._ question; =hacer una pregunta= to ask a question

=pregunta= _3 sing. pres. ind._ =preguntando= _pres. p. of_ =preguntar=

=preguntar= to ask

=preguntare= _1 sing. fut. ind._ =preguntaron= _3 pl. pret. ind._ =pregunto= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =preguntar=

=prendero= _m._ p.a.w.nbroker

=preparar= to prepare

=preparo= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =preparar=

=presencia= _f._ presence

=presentaba= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind._ =presentando= _pres. p. of_ =presentar=

=presentar= to present

=presentaras= _2 sing. fut. ind. of_ =presentar=

=presente= present