An Elementary Spanish Reader - Part 31

Part 31

=invencion= _f._ invention

=inventar= to invent

=invento= _1 sing. pres. ind. of_ =inventar=

=ir= to go; =irse= to go away, go off; =irse a pique= to sink, founder

=irrita= _3 sing. pres. ind. of_ =irritar=

=irritar= to irritate; =irrita.r.s.e= to become irritated, angry

=Isabel= _f._ Isabella

=izquierdo= left


=jabali= _m._ wild boar

=Jalma= _m._ _name of man_

=jamas= never

=jardin= _m._ garden

=jefe= _m._ chief

=Jose= _m._ Joseph

=joven= young; _m._ young man; _f._ girl, young woman

=Juan= _m._ John

=juez= _m._ judge

=Julieta= _f._ Juliet

=junto= together; =junto a= near, close to

=jurar= to swear

=juro= _1 sing. pres. ind. of_ =jurar=

=juzgado= _m._ court


=la= _pers. pro._ she, it

=la= _f._ the; =la que= she who, the one who; =la de= she of, that of, she who was

=lacre= _m._ sealing wax

=lado= _m._ side; =por todos lados= on all sides

=ladron= _m._ robber, thief

=lamentacion= _f._ lament, cry

=lamentar=, =lamenta.r.s.e= to lament, grieve

=lamento= _m._ moan, cry

=Lamsaco= _m._ Lampsacus (_in ancient geography, a city of Asia Minor on the h.e.l.lespont_)

=lanza= _f._ lance

=largo= long

=las= _pl. of_ =la= the; =las de= those of

=las=, _pers. pro._ them, you

=lavaba= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind. of_ =lavar=

=lavar= to wash

=le= him, to him, to her, you, to you

=leal= loyal

=Leal= _m._ _name of Aliatar's horse_

=leccion= _f._ lesson

=leche= _f._ milk

=lecho= _m._ couch, bed

=leer= to read

=legua= _f._ league

=leido= _p. p. of_ =leer=

=lejos= far