An Elementary Spanish Reader - Part 18

Part 18

=canjear= to exchange

=cansa= _3 sing. pres. ind. of_ =cansar=

=cansado= tired

=cansar= to tire; =cansa.r.s.e= to get tired

=canso= _1 sing. pres. ind. of_ =cansar=

=cantar= to sing; _m._ singing

=cantaro= _m._ large pitcher; =llover a cantaros= to rain hard, pour

=canto= _m._ song, singing

=capitan= _m._ captain

=cara= _f._ face _m._ coal-man

=Carcabuey= _m._ _name of place_

=carcel= _f._ prison, jail

=carga= _impv. sing. of_ =cargar=

=cargamento= _m._ cargo

=cargar= to load

=cargo= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =cargar=

=caricia= _f._ caress

=carino= _m._ affection, love

=carne= _f._ flesh, meat

=carretera= _f._ high-road

=carroza= _f._ coach

=carta= _f._ letter

=casa= _f._ house; _en casa_ at home; =a casa= home

=casaba= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind._ =casado= _p. p. of_ =casar=

=casa.r.s.e= (=con=) to marry

=casaran= _3 pl. fut. ind._ =casare= _1 sing. fut. ind._ =casaria= _1 and 3 sing. cond._ =casaron= _3 pl. pret. ind. of_ =casar=

=casi= almost

=caso= _m._ case, matter

=castigo= _m._ punishment

=casualidad= _f._ chance, accident

=catolico= Catholic

=caudillo= _m._ chieftain

=causa= _f._ cause; =a causa de= on account of

=cayo= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =caer=

=cedula= _f._ slip of paper

=celebrar= to celebrate

=celebraron= _3 pl. pret. ind._ =celebren= _3 pl. pres. subj._ =celebro= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =celebrar=

=cena= _f._ supper

=cenar= to sup, have supper

=cenizas= _f. pl._ ashes

=centro= _m._ centre, middle

=cerca de= near

=cerdo= _m._ pig, swine

=cielo= _m._ sky, heaven

=cien= _see_ =ciento=

=ciento= one hundred; =por ciento= per cent

=cierto= certain

=cinco= five

=cincuenta= fifty