An Elementary Spanish Reader - Part 15

Part 15

=animal= _m._ animal

=anoche= last night

=anterior= preceding

=antes= _adv._ before, first; =antes de= _prep._ before

=antoja= _3 sing. pres. ind. of_ =antojar=

=antoja.r.s.e= to take it into one's head

=anadio= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =anadir=

=anadir= to add

=ano= _m._ year; =el ano que viene= next year; =hace tres anos= three years ago; =cuantos anos tenia= how old he (she) was

=aparecer= to appear

=aparecia= _1 and 3 sing. imp. ind._ =aparecio= _3 sing. pret. ind. of_ =aparecer=

=apariencia= _f._ appearance

=aplaude= _3 sing. pres. ind._ =aplauden= _3 pl. pres. ind. of_ =aplaudir=

=aplaudir= to applaud

=apreciamos= _1 pl. pres. and pret. ind. of_ =apreciar=

=apreciar= to value, esteem

=apreciare= _1 sing. fut. ind. of_ =apreciar=

=aprender= to learn

=aprendido= _p. p. of_ =aprender=

=aprension= _f._ apprehension, fear

=aprisa= quickly

=aprisionar= to imprison

=aprisionasen= _3 pl. imp. subj. of_ =aprisionar=

=aprobar= to approve

=aprueba= _3 sing. pres. ind. of_ =aprobar=

=aquel=, =aquella= that; _pl._ =aquellos=, =aquellas= those

=aqueste= this

=aqui= here; =he aqui= behold, here is (are); =hasta aqui= as far as this

=arabe= Arabian

=arbol= _m._ tree

=ardilla= _f._ squirrel

=ardor= _m._ great heat

=arma= _f._ arm, weapon

=arquitecto= _m._ architect

=arreglar= to arrange

=arriba= above

=arruinado= _p. p. of_ =arruinar=

=arruinar= to ruin

=arte= _m._ art

=asegurar= to a.s.sure, a.s.sert

=aseguro= _1 sing. pres. ind. of_ =asegurar=

=asi= so, thus; =asi que= as soon as

=asnal= _adj._ donkey

=asombro= _m._ amazement

=astro= =m.= heavenly body, sun, star

=astuto= cunning

=asunto= _m._ affair, matter

=asustado= frightened

=asustar= to frighten

=atigrado= tiger-colored