Aloof CEO's; Charming Secretary - 402 Sky Chose President Lan 1

402 Sky Chose President Lan 1

The second one was on the left of the Lake, Cylindrical-shaped tree houses whose walls would be made of gla.s.s which would give a good view of nature around with two stories.

Towards the right of the lake, An employee designed treehouses would look like a weaving bird nest. They also had two stories but this would give the higher experience of nature than the first two.

Their first aim of the design was to avoid cutting trees which were well maintained in three designs. Harley's construction team was capable of building two designs that are modern tiny house and cylindrical shaped treehouse. For weaved nest design, they invited a team from country C.

Weaving bird nest treehouse had to be built and test them under artificial weather conditions. The other two could withhold all conditions.

Sky suggested only five of each maintaining a large gap between them but the directors and teams suggested seven to ten to increase the profit and accommodate more guests.

They kept hold of it till shareholders meeting in the month-end. Sky was extremely tired after a full day of continuous meetings with different teams. She kept yawning while studying with Arlo in her office.

Arlo thought to get her warm milk and went to the kitchen. When he came back, she was laying her head on the desk and dozed off. Arlo had followed her all day, he knew she was tired. He had an urge to caress her light pink cheeks but knowing the camera was present in her office he controlled himself.

He let her sleep as he watched her sleeping face.

She was a kind of natural beauty. Her flawless face with silky smooth skin looked very soft just like baby skin. Her curled long eyelashes and slightly parted lips can make any man's heart go wild.

She wasn't like any of those fake socialites who walk around haughtily with a painted face. She was aloof and formidable to employees and strangers. At the same time, cute and outgoing with the people she cares about. If she mingles with younger ones and children, she would behave like a kid and play around.

Even though she was the youngest to sit in most of higher-ups meetings, n.o.body would dare to oppose her authority.

She may be gentle but she would never cry for help during a tough time. Instead, she would try her two hundred percent to get out of the situation efficiently. She would be boisterous with all she knows but her meek side can only be seen by few who she was close with.

His train of thought break when Sky rubbed her eyes and woke up. As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Arlo who was looking at her. Realizing she dozed off during studies, she apologized.

"Did I sleep for a long time? I'm sorry, I wasted your time." Sky yawned and checked her wrist.w.a.tch.

"No problem! Go home and rest! We will continue tomorrow." Arlo said as he closed the book for her.

"Hmm, Thank you!" Sky got up and took her bag.

"You aren't even tired following me all day and I'm feeling dead tired." Sky mumbled as both left her office.

Arlo smiled, "I was just sitting behind you and made notes. You were the one who took everything under control. So you are mentally tired. Hmmm... in your language, your all brain cells are dead."

Sky laughed hearing it. "Right, All cells are dead."

"These meetings are nothing. Tuesday I have to be prepared for battle with old men. Some are cunning, some are orthodox, some will look down on me. Some behave like high and mighty, some even ask my dad if I'm single. Shameless people."

Sky said and sighed deeply. Thankfully she didn't has to attend dinner with them else she would die of anger.

This would be Arlo's first shareholder's meeting in Harley hence he didn't know anything about it.

Sky turned to him suddenly, "Will shareholders do the same to the CEO who is a man? I never asked Dad how he was managing."

Arlo nodded, "That's common but it's more for a woman. Older men... leave about old or young, most of the men don't like to be under a woman who is stronger than them."

"Oh!" Sky nodded in understanding. "So all shareholders will continue to hate me."

"Will continue to hate you? Why?" Arlo asked in confusion.

"I p.i.s.s them off every single time." Sky said the fact causing Arlo to break into laughter.

In Sigma, even though all shareholders were scared of him, he was aware of the schemes and their opinions but he never cared to answer them. Hearing her saying she them off, he wanted to see how old men would react to her.

Sky left with Clark to the Harley mansion.

She spent her weekend as usual and started off her Monday. Her Monday was rather relaxing as they prepared for the Tuesday meeting.

When she was halfway studying with Arlo, Sam entered her office with huge news Sky wasn't even the least bit aware.

"Sky! Ethan was arrested on Sunday night. He is still in the police station under interrogation." Sam by mistake got to know about the news. Since James managed it to keep under wrap his name wasn't out.

Sky widened her eyes in shock and shot up from the seat and asked in jittery, "Why was he arrested?"

"Have you read or heard about a club that was seized on Sunday night?" Sam asked.

Sky heart sank, "That was because the police got to know that there was drug usage. Was he there and ..."

Sky a.n.a.lyzed swiftly. Police would take everyone for blood and urine test. They would only take them under interrogation if any one of the reports was positive.

"Urine test is positive. Do you want to check about it?"

Sam didn't really care about Ethan but Sky respected James a lot and she would worry about the spoiled brat, dumb Ethan.