Aloof CEO's; Charming Secretary - 310 Chairman Harley's Upbringing

310 Chairman Harley's Upbringing

Ryan saw the picture as he stood up and boasted asking for praises, "Yeah! Am I not good?"

Arlo rolled eyes and was leaving, Ryan spoke, "Then, I'm not giving you this." He waved his mobile to show another picture.

Arlo didn't get a clear look hence he tried to s.n.a.t.c.h the mobile but Ryan acted quickly and kept in his pocket.

"If you want, appreciate me and give your Lambo for one month. Or else you can forget the picture."

Arlo shot him daggers but Ryan smiled, "You can send me to Uganda. Agree in five seconds or forget the picture. I. will. delete. it."

"Five... Four... Three..." Arlo cut him off.

"You are the best brother I could get and you can use my Lambo." Arlo said it and stretched his hand. "If the picture is not up to the mark... Forget about all your cars."

"Sh*t, I was the one who threatened you. Why is it disadvantageous to me now?" Ryan grumbled and pa.s.sed his phone.

Arlo saw the picture where he was bent to the height of Sky holding her arms. She was smiling as her eyes formed like two crescent moons.

His lips curled up and said, "You can use it until she gets to know about me."

Ryan was jumping in joy when Sky saw them while entering her tent after getting fresh.

Ryan suddenly stopped realizing something and asked Arlo vigilantly, "Should I pray for you to get success faster which will make me lose the car? Or should I pray to delay so that I can use Lambo for a long time?"

Arlo sent the picture to his mobile, ruffled Ryan's hair and returned his mobile, "It will take a long time."

"Why?" Ryan asked hazily.

"If it works faster, it will be because of money or looks or probably love at first sight. I don't want anybody who comes behind me for money. She doesn't care about my look and she doesn't love me yet. So she will take a longer time." He flicked on his head before leaving from there.

Ryan took the time to a.n.a.lyze what Arlo told him. 'Handsome demon! You spoke so much with me!'

Around half-past five, all left the peak and descended. They took a break near a stream to have light breakfast and reached the foot at eleven.

"Sky, It's very sunny so you are coming with me." Sam said as they kept their things in the jeep.

"Sure! But I need something." Sky didn't know whether he would agree or not.

Sam raised his brow in doubt thinking about why she didn't ask directly.

"I want to pick lots of flowers on the way out of the terrain."

Sam didn't respond to her and hopped on the driver seat.

Ryan went back with Arlo. Sky sat with Ethan. Sam left first and the other two followed him. Sam stopped midway and helped Sky to cross a dune.

"Wow!" Sky exclaimed looking at many kinds of flowers she never saw.

Since those two went, everybody followed them. Then everybody plucked their handfull of flowers. They kept in the cooler which was in Peter's jeep and left the mountain terrain.

They had lunch in a restaurant on the highway and reached Harley mansion around five. Since it was still early for dinner, Sky asked everybody to rest in the outhouse.

Sky grabbed all the flowers with the help of maids, she arranged a large round table in the lawn with a white table cloth on it and arranged the wildflowers on them.

Remaining flowers she took them to her room and kept a few in the living room.

After checking in the kitchen about the preparation, Sky got fresh up and wore a simple red evening gown which had black irregular lines on it. Since she was at home she chose black ballerina shoes.

At half-past six she went down and checked in the kitchen before going towards the outhouse.

Seeing everybody on the bed and couches, she shook her head resignedly and went to wake them up.

Everybody was shocked to see Sky in a gown. She looked contrasting from how she looked all day long.

"Sky, Are you going to a party or dinner?" Ethan yawned and asked.

"Dinner!" Sky looked around and realized that she didn't see Arlo, "Where is Arlo?"

"He must be on the terrace, I will call him." Ryan got up to go.

"Wait! I will call him. You should get fresh." Then she turned towards the living hall, "There are some clothes in the living room, choose whichever suits you all."

She turned to Sam, "Sam, go to the guest room which is on the ground floor in the home. I will come."

She held her gown and went to the terrace. Arlo was sleeping on the rocking chair. Sky lightly shook his arms, "Arlo!"

He lightly opened his eyes and saw Sky whose soft long hair was flying due to the wind, uplifted brows formed a beautiful arc, and slightly curled long lashes fluttered occasionally, soft red lips looked like a red rose petal. She looked exquisite to the eyes. He smiled and closed his eyes thinking he was dreaming.

Remembering he was in the Harley mansion, he jolted up b.u.mping his head to Sky who was about to try again to wake him up.

"Ouch!" Sky rubbed her forehead as she straightened her back.

"Sorry, Sorry! Is it hurting?" Arlo saw her forehead which had turned a bit red and stopped her from rubbing before he pressed with light pressure from his warm hand.

Sky saw his forehead but she couldn't make out due to his hair. "I'm fine. It's not hurting. Come down and get fresh. we will have dinner."

She stepped back to release from his grip and went towards the door. He then noticed her wearing an evening gown and puzzled.

Sky saw Sam still standing in the outhouse hence she brought him and sent him to the guest room, "Your dress is on the bed. Change and come."

Without giving him a chance to react, she went out and closed the door. 

She asked everyone to go to the lawn and dialed a number.

"h.e.l.lo!... What time are you guys reaching?"

"That's great. See you soon."

Sky waited for Sam in the living room pacing around. She wasn't sure whether he would like the clothes she mixed and matched.

"Why are you patrolling here?" Sam's voice sounded. Sky turned around and saw him.