All About Coffee - Part 171

Part 171

STUTZER, A. Neues uber die Wirkung der daraus hergestellten Getranke in gesundheitlicher Beziehung. Centralblatt fur allgemeine Gesundheitspflege, 1892, XI: 145-151.

WEITENWEBER, W.R. Diatetischmedicinische Wurdigung des Caffees.

Oesterreichische medicinische Wochenschrift, 1845, pp. 1551, 1583.

---- Therapeutische Abhandlung uber den Caffee. Medicinische Jahrbucher des kaiserl. konigl. osterreichischen Staates. 1846.

LVIII: 1, 139.



ALCOTT, WILLIAM ALEXANDER. Tea and coffee: their physical, intellectual, and moral effects on the human system, rev. ed.

_Manchester_, 1877. 31 pp. Also in German, _Berlin_, 1869.

BOEHMER, G.R. Pr.... inessentiae coffeae in novellis publicis nuper commendatae virtutem inquirit. _Wittebergae_, 1782.

BOMBY, R. Le cafeisme. _Paris_, 1905.

BONA, G. DALLA. Dell' uso e dell' abuso del caffe, dissertazione storico-fisico-medica. _Verona_, 1751.

BOUCARD, E. Du cafeisme; contribution a une etude synthetique.

_Paris_, 1899.

BRAEUNINGER, J.M. De potus caffe usu et abusu. _Erfordiae_, 1725.

BRUCHMAN, FRANCIS ERNEST. A treatise on coffee and a condemnation of its use. _Brunswick_, 1727.

BUC'HOZ, P.J. Dissertation sur l'utilite et les bons et mauvaises effets du tabac, du cafe, du cacao et du the. _Paris_, 1775.

CALKINS, A. Opium and opium appet.i.te, with notices of alcoholic beverages, Cannabis indica, tobacco and coca, and tea and coffee, in their hygienic aspects and pathologic relations. _New York_, 1871.

CALVERT, ESPRIT. An potus cafe quotidia.n.u.s valetudini tuendae vitae que producendae noxius? _Avenione_, 1762.

CAMERARIUS, E. Dissertationes tres, exhibentes ... III. Usum et abusum potum, "Thee," et "Caffe" in his regionibus. _Tubingae_, 1694.

CATHOMAS, J.B. Ist der Kaffee und Teegenuss gesundheitsschadlich?

_St. Gallen_, 1910.

CROTHERS, T.D. (Effects of the coffee habit.) In his, Morphinism and narcomanias from other drugs. 1902, pp. 303-305.

DAVIER de BREVILLE, J.P. An a frequentiori potu cafe vita brevior?

_Paris_, 1715.

DEBAY, A. Les influences du chocolat, du the et du cafe sur l'economie humaine. _Paris_, 1864.

DE JUSSIEU, JOSEPH. Litteratis ne salubris coffeae usus. _Paris_, 1741.

DELTEL, e. Du cafe, de ses effets physiologiques, et de son emploi en therapeutique. _Paris_, 1851.

DUNCAN, DANIEL. Wholesome advice against the abuse of hot liquors, particularly coffee, tea, chocolate, brandy and strong waters.

_London_, 1706.

GARNIER, A. Inaestio medica ... discutienda in Scholis Medicarum ... Joanne-Francisco Couthier, Praeside: An parisinio frequento potus the, frequenti potu caffe salubrior? _Paris_, 1749. 4 pp.

GAYANT, L. An a frequentiori potu cafe vita brevior? _Paris_, 1715.

GERMANY. KAISERLICHES GESUNDHEITSAMT. Der Kaffee; gemeinfa.s.sliche Darstellung der Gewinnung, Verwertung und Beurteilung des Kaffees und seiner Ersatzstoffe. _Berlin_, 1903. 174 pp.

GLEDITSCH, J.G. De potus cofe abusu catalogum morborum augente.

_Lipsiae_, 1744.

GRIMMANN, J.N. De coffee potus usu noxio. 1730.

GuNTHER, LEO. Der Caffee als Hausgetrank. Eine Warnung. _Leipzig_, 1907.

HAHNEMANN, S. A treatise on the effects of coffee. _Louisville_, 1875.

HANDBOOK of the medical sciences. Article on coffee, v. III: p.


HILSCHERUS, S.P. Pr ... de abusu potus caffee in s.e.xu sequiori.

_Jena_, 1727.

HUSS, M. Om kaffe, dess bruk och missbruk; en folkskrift.

_Stockholm_, 1865.

HUSSON, C. Le cafe, la biere et le tabac. etude physiologique et chemique. _Paris_, 1879. 206 pp.

KLAMANN, CARL, publisher. Der Kaffee in seiner heutigen Bedeutung als Nahrungs- und Genussmittel. _Hamburg_, 1882. 48 pp.

KNOLL, J.C.G. Lettre a un ami sur les operations du caffe.

_Quedlinbourg_, 1752.

LAVEDAN, ANTONIO. Tratado de los usos, abusos propriedades y virtudes del tabaco, cafe, te y chocolate. _Madrid_, 1796. 237 pp.

LEMARE-PIQUET, DE HONFLEUR. Etudes experimentales de medecin, contenant des observations sur l'action dynamique du cafe. _Paris_, 1864.

LINNE, CARL VON. Dissertatio medica, in qua potus coffeae, leviter adumbratur. _Upsaliae_, 1761. 18 pp.

LORAND, ARNOLD. Coffee. In his, Health through rational diet.

_Philadelphia_, 1913. pp. 309-313. Excerpts reprinted in, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1913, XXIV: 24-26.

---- On other stimulants--tea, coffee, cocoa, tobacco: their merits and disadvantages. In his, Old age deferred, _Philadelphia_, 1910.

pp. 362-367. Excerpts reprinted in, Tea and Coffee Trade Journal, 1911, XX: 188-190.

MAPPUS, M. De potu cafe. _Argentorati_, 1693.