All About Coffee - Part 162

Part 162

WHITNEY, HENRY MARTYN. The Hawaiian coffee planter's manual.

_Honolulu_, 1894. 48 pp.


INGINAC, G.B. Industrie agricole. Culture du cafeier et preparation de la feve pour etre livree au commerce. _Port-au-Prince_, 1840. 22 pp.

LABORIE, P.J. The coffee planter of Saint Domingo. _Colombo_, 1845.

204 pp.

---- An abridgment of the coffee planter of Saint Domingo.

_Madras_, 1863. 83 pp.

PRESTOE, H. Report on coffee cultivation in Dominica. _Trinidad_, 1875.


COFFEE cultivation in British Honduras. Royal Botanic Gardens, _Kew_, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1892: 253-259.


ANSTEAD, R.D. Coffee, its cultivation and manuring in South India.

_Bangalore_, 1915. 3 pp.

ANDERSON, G. Coffee culture in Mysore. _Bangalore_, 1879.

ARNOLD, E.L. On the Indian hills, or coffee planting in Southern India. _London_, 1895. 350 pp.

CULTIVATION of coffee in India. Scientific American Supplement, 1900, L: 20620.

CULTURE of coffee in South Travancore. Fraser's Magazine, XC: 64.

ELLIOTT, R.H. Planter in Mysore. _London_, 1871.

ELLIOT, ROBERT H. Gold, sport, and coffee planting in Mysore.

_Westminster_, 1894. 480 pp.

EXPERIENCES of a coffee planter in Southern India. Frasers'

Magazine, XVIX: 703.

COFFEE planting in Southern India. Spectator, LV: 664.

HYBRID coffee in Mysore. Royal Botanic Gardens, _Kew_, Bull. of Misc. Information, 1898: 30 and 207.

INDIA. STATISTICAL DEPARTMENT. The coffee crop in Coorg. _Simla_, 1885.

---- The cultivation of coffee in India. _Simla_, 1898, 6 pp.

SHORTT, JOHN. A hand-book to coffee planting in southern India.

_Madras_, 1864. 182 pp.

WATSON, J.D. Liberian coffee cultivation in Tavoy. _Tavoy, Burma_, 1893. 5 pp.



BIEBER, FREDERICK J. Die Kaffee- und Baumwolle-Kultur in Kaffa.

Zeitschrift fur Kolonialpolitik, Kolonialrecht und Kolonial-wirtschaft, 1908, X: 774-781.


MANUEL pratique de la culture du cafeier et du cacaoyer au Congo Belge. Ministere des colonies, _Bruxelles_, 1908. 96 pp.


COFFEE planting in Lagos. Royal Botanic Gardens, _Kew_, Bull, of Misc. Information, 1896: 77-79.


BOUTILLY, V. Le cafeier de Liberia, sa culture et sa manipulation.

_Paris_, 1900. 137 pp.

FELLE, W. Veeljarige waarnemingen en ondervindingen van een Liberia-koffieplanter. 1894.

MORREN, F.W. Cultuur bereiding en handel van Liberia koffie.

_Amsterdam_, 1894. 36 pp.

MORRIS, Sir DANIEL. Notes on Liberian coffee, its history and cultivation. _Jamaica_, 1881. 14 pp.


BUIS, J. L'Hemileia et L'avenir du cafeier a Madagascar, et a la Reunion. 1907.

RIGAUD, A. Traite pratique de la culture du cafe dans la region centrale de Madagascar. _Paris_, 1896. 102 pp.


COOK, J.D. American coffee culture in Mexico. World Today, 1907, XII: 413-418.

FOX, ALVIN. Coffee culture in southern Mexico. Simmons' Spice Mill, 1918, XLI: 1080-1081.

GoMEZ, GABRIEL. Cultivo y beneficio del cafe. _Mexico_, 1894. 136 pp. Also in English.

LUDEWIG, H. JAUN. Veinte anos trabajos de colonizacion y el cultivo del cafeto en Soconusco. _Mexico_, 1909. 53 pp.

MONCaDA, M. Notas sobre el cultivo y beneficio del cafe. Memorias y revista de la Sociedad cientifica "Antonio Alzate," 1905-6, XXIII: 281-287.

ROMERO, MATiAS. Cultivo del cafe en la costa meridional de Chiapas.