Aiming To Be The Best Magician In The World! - Chapter 342

Chapter 342

"So let me get this straight Kias . You three were doing that wyvern subjugation . And you met the Demon King in the forest . He was about to kill you three before s.h.i.+ro teleported you all away . Am I correct?" The Guild Master said as he repeated the key points Kias had told him .

"Correct . That is how we got to the Adventurer's Guild building . And also why s.h.i.+ro is unconscious due to going past her MP limit . And she will most likely be in a coma, as you already know that using teleportation is near impossible for everybody . And the fact that she had to use it for us two as well, means that her body will have to bear the burden . " Kias said as he looked at the Guild Master with a serious look .

"This is bad then . I have to report this to the authorities and higher-ups . We might go back into the war against the demons . We need to get a hero summoned to help fight . " The Guild Master said as he had a grave look on his face .

"Yeah . We might need to put whatever war we have against the other countries to a halt . I couldn't even fight against him and I am an S-ranked adventurer . So you should know how strong the Demon King is . " Kias said as he looked at the Guild Master .

Advertis.e.m.e.nt "SSS-Ranked ent.i.ty . " The Guild Master said as through the previous years, recorded in history all the Demon Kings were SS-Ranked or higher .

"Yeah . " Kias nodded his head as he had the privilege of meeting one of the SS-ranked adventurers when he had stumbled upon a ruin . The SS-ranked adventurer was taking a rest there as they were all old but were sad .

"Alright . Give me a minute . " The Guild Master said as he went to his desk and opened a drawer . He was moving stuff around until he found what he wanted .

"Found it . Just what I needed . " He said as he held onto an orb made out of crystals .

"The communication orb?" Kias asked as he saw what the Guild Master was holding .

"Correct . " The Guild Master said as he put mana into the orb . Soon after the orb glowed before a voice was transmitted from the orb .

"What do you want?" The voice asked .

"I have bad news to bring . " The Guild Master said as he placed the communication orb on the table .

"What news must be so bad that you actually use the communication orb? We've given you this so many years ago, but you've never used it . " The voice asked the Guild Master .

"It's about the Demon King . " The Guild Master said .

"The what?" The voice asked the Guild Master as if it didn't believe what he had just said .

"The Demon King has been spotted by S-ranked adventurer Kias and s.h.i.+ro . " The Guild Master said as he tried to keep his calm .

"So the Demon King is finally coming back up now huh? Do you have an estimate of what power he is at? SS-ranked or?" The voice asked the Guild Master .

"SSS-Ranked or higher . " The Guild Master said .

" . . . " The voice said nothing .


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