After I Was Exiled, I Became A Noble Minister - Chapter 87

Chapter 87

Behind him are a group of capable and sturdy followers, all armed with weapons, full of vigor, and they are full of murderous aura when they walk.

The audience was silent and surprisingly quiet.

Du Shaoxuan saw Mu Wanqing in the crowd at first glance, she was still dressed in neat men's clothes, and her dark eyes were shining and vivid, just as she remembered.

"What's going on"

As long as he crucifies the other party, he can escape safely.

Not waiting for him to finish, Du Shaoxuan frowned slightly, "Mu Wanqing, why don't you use the token I gave you when something happens?"

As soon as these words came out, the official's face turned white and his lips trembled.

d, who will tell him how the little general knows Mu Wanqing, the tone sounds familiar

Mu Wanqing was a little surprised, why did he appear here and why is he called a little general

She pulled out the token around her neck and shook it, "I can handle this kind of small battle, and I don't want to cause you trouble."

However, the pupils of the Du family who were looking around were shocked.

God, such an important token was given away, what is their relationship?

Also, why didn't Mu Wanqing take it out sooner, so that there would be less trouble.

Brother Du Jiu was the most disintegrated, his face was particularly ugly, and he wanted to hammer the ground.

Mu Wanqing is very speechless, how can there be such a thing

Du Shaoxuan did not wait for her to respond, and directly asked the question, "A soldier is a deceitful way. Profits lure them" Note 1

Mu Wanqing continued subconsciously, "Take it out of chaos, prepare it for what is real, avoid it if you are strong, slap it in anger, be humble and arrogant, work it out if you lose it, and leave it in person. In other words, attack them unprepared and surprise them. Note 2

She has a hard-boiled melon, and she grew up reading these books since she was a child.

Du Shaoxuan's expression turned slightly, "Then why are you still stupid? Give up without fighting."

He taught people a lesson as soon as he opened his mouth, but behind him was full of concern.

As for those officials, he didn't even look at them, they were all irrelevant people.

The mood of the Du family is even more complicated. The little general has the temperament of love to live and evil to die, and he is very caring for the people he cares about, although his words are sometimes not very pleasant.

Obviously, this Mu Wanqing caught the little general's eyes.

I just don't know how they met

Mu Wanqing couldn't help rolling her eyes, she really treated her like a soldier, "I've already arranged for the next move, I'm here, just one step too late."

A group of soldiers rushed over, led by Jiang Tongzhi, who shouted angrily, "No trouble is allowed, I see who dares to disobey the orders of the governor, okay, they all learn yin and yang If you violate it, they will all be arrested."

As soon as he received Mu Wanqing's request for help, he brought people over in person, and he was very angry.

These people are trying to turn the world upside down, and they openly disobey the above orders.

Du Shaoxuan turned his head and said hello, "eldest brother-in-law."

Jiang Tongzhi was stunned, "Brother Ze, when did you come back and why did you come here?"

Mu Wanqing saw that there was still a little general here who didn't understand, that is Du Shuai's only son, the future commander of the Du family army, and the heir to the Dusi Mansion.

Her mood was a bit complicated, not a surprise, only a hint of disappointment.

According to her plan, she used Jiang Tongzhi's hand to severely punish everyone, shocking everyone.

And the person who jumped out to make trouble at this moment is naturally the chicken who kills the chicken and warns the monkey.

But Du Shaoxuan suddenly appeared, destroying her layout, hey.

"Isn't your name Du Shaoxuan" She doesn't like to deceive

"Du Yuze, word less." Du Shaoxuan was very calm, and he didn't lie to her.

Jiang Tongzhi looked at this, looked at that, there was a glint in his eyes, "You really know each other"

still bedridden

Sure enough, she is a good soldier.

Mu Wanqing glanced at him several times and determined that he was not interested in Du Jiu's accusation, and didn't even care about Sister Jiu's injury.

This is very interesting. It stands to reason that this relationship is very close, and it is considered a close family member.

"Yes, with a sight, one arrow is accurate, and the impact is huge, it doesn't matter if the archer doesn't have much strength."

He knows that this technology is top secret and will not be easily revealed.

Mu Wanqing was very generous to him, after all, she was a savior, "I can give you a hand."

Du Shaoxuan was overjoyed, "Okay, old rules, what do you want, I'll change it with you."

He doesn't take other people's things for nothing.

The two chatted very speculatively and didn't care about other people's eyes.

Du Jiu is about to vomit blood, this little ancestor is really indifferent, "Ze Di, she stabbed Li Baihu seriously with a dagger, she is extremely dangerous, you hurry up and leave Keep her away, be careful she suddenly goes crazy and stabs you."

Mu Wanqing must not be allowed to join the future heir of the Du residence.

Otherwise, they won't be able to turn over for the rest of their lives.

Don't look at them all from the Du clan, but they all depend on the direct branch to live, and the direct branch's preferences determine their future.

Du Shaoxuan raised his eyebrows, "Who is Li Baihu?"

Du Jiu's whole person is not well, he doesn't even know this, how indifferent he is to people and things in the clan.

"Your sister-in-law's brother."

Du Shaoxuan had a flattering smile in his mind, it was him.

"Mu Wanqing, you said you wouldn't stab someone."

Mu Wanqing silently hid the dagger behind her, "This accident, believe me, it's really an accident."

"Give it to me, it's mine, and I can't take it back."

Du Shaoxuan's mouth twitched, is he that kind of person?

Mu Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief, "He hurt my eldest brother, not only wanted to steal my secret recipe, but also wanted me to be his bed-warming maid."

Du Shaoxuan's face sank, "It should be stabbed, it's good, if you die, you deserve it, if you die, if you don't die, you will strictly investigate his past affairs. No tolerance, eldest brother-in-law, I will leave this matter to you."

"Yes." Jiang Tongzhi readily responded.

He has long disliked some people of the Du clan, but he has too many scruples, and it is not easy to punish them severely.

Du Shaoxuan is different. His name is justified. He is not only the junior general of the Du family's army, but also the deputy commander of the Dusifu, and the heir of Chengen Gongfu.

A combination of thousands of love and power, in Xiliang, he is below one person and above ten thousand people, and he will be the master of Xiliang in the future.

Du Jiu's heart is desperate, what's the matter with him?

His wife and brother-in-law are Du Shaoxuan's own people and don't give him much face

No, he can't sit still.

"Ze Di, did she tell you that she is a vile exiled female prisoner. The whole family has committed a serious crime and was exiled here by the emperor."

He knew that Du Shaoxuan disliked those criminals who committed crimes.

Who knows, as soon as his voice fell, Du Shaoxuan's expression became solemn, and he said in a loud voice, "Everyone in the Mu clan, accept the order."

Mu Wanqing was stunned, "Ah, ha"

Du Shaoxuan took out Minghuang's imperial decree, "Mu Wanqing, this is the imperial decree given to you by the emperor, kneel down to receive the decree."

Everyone in the Mu family knelt down, the diners also knelt down, and the Du family members and officials also knelt down.

The decree represents the king.

Only Mu Wanqing stood, looking a little confused.

Second Master Mu tugged at her clothes, "Qing'er, don't be in a daze, kneel quickly."

Mu Wanqing pursed her lips. Picking a flat place to kneel down, her heart was pounding, she had a hunch

Du Shaoxuan opened the imperial edict, and a clear voice sounded above the snack street.

, is allowed to return to his original place, but Mu Zhongde's lineage is not within the scope of the amnesty, and the following three generations are not allowed to take the imperial examinations, and are not allowed to be officials. Note 3

He was the imperial envoy who issued the imperial decree.

Ah, ah, it's actually a pardon.

From today onwards, the Mu family will no longer be exiled criminals, but ordinary people

Mu Wanqing's heart surged, she succeeded, she exchanged the cement formula for an amnesty decree.

From now on, she is no longer bound by her identity and can do her business in an open and honest way

The Mu clan looked up in disbelief.

I don't know how long it took, a cry sounded, and then the cry became louder and louder.

As if infected, countless people shed tears.

It's tears of joy, it's the ecstasy of seeing the light

"I never dreamed that there would be such a day, our Mu family would be free"

"I can't believe it. I'm not dreaming."

"It's true, we're free and we can go back to the capital"

Mu Wanqing pursed her lips, and for the first time sincerely thanked the king, "The emperor is gracious, the emperor is wise, thank the emperor."

She took the imperial decree from Du Shaoxuan and held it carefully, her complicated feelings beyond description.

A thin decree has changed the fate of countless people. Du Shaoxuan glanced at her, her childish face was not suitable for such a heavy expression, and he coughed, "This is your favorite gold, and the emperor named it for you."

This is what she has achieved for her achievements, it is honor.

Mu Wanqing was thinking about gold, her eyes were rolling, "Can the gold given by the emperor be used?

Du Shaoxuan saw that she had regained her former agility, and secretly heaved a sigh of relief, "Everyone else is offering it up."

"Can it be used?" Mu Wanqing looked at him eagerly.

Du Shaoxuan has nothing to do with her, "Yes, gold has no internal mark."

Mu Wanqing suddenly became happy, "I want to make a set of gold jewelry, wear it every day, and bathe in the favor of the emperor every day. If anyone wants to bully me, I will smash him with gold jewelry."

Du Shaoxuan couldn't help laughing, little clever ghost.

The two smiled at each other, not to mention how good the atmosphere was.

The Du family was in a frenzy. It turned out that Mu Wanqing didn't brag, she really hung up in front of the king.

Listen, she was exaggerated in the imperial edict, and she was a model for women.

It is an amnesty and a reward of gold. There are not many in the world.

So how did she do it?

The Du Jiu brothers looked at each other with bitterness in their mouths, they actually offended such a trumpet player who could reach the sky.

They are blind

Du Shaoxuan took out another brocade box, "This is a gift from the prince."

Mu Wanqing likes to receive gifts, but she does not get paid for her merits. She has principles. "Why did he send me and we don't know each other."

Mu Wanqing suddenly realized that the frail relatives Du Shaoxuan said were referring to the prince.

She thought it was her sweetheart, Khan.

"The prince is a rare gentleman."

She didn't open the box to look, she shoved the box under her arm, "Have you eaten, I'll invite you to eat."

Du Shaoxuan's eyes lit up, he was busy on the road, and he was too busy to eat and drink well.

"Did you make it by yourself? I want to eat beef noodles. I had it once last time, and I have been thinking about it."

"There is no cow." Mu Wanqing asked with a smile, "However, everything I make is delicious, do you want to eat saozi noodles?"

"Eat." Du Shaoxuan nodded without hesitation, her craftsmanship was amazing.

Mu Wanqing made a gesture of invitation, "With a plate of braised pork trotters that are soft and chewy, not greasy at all, with a few plates of refreshing cold dishes, this meal It's complete."

Du Shaoxuan's mind was hooked, and he followed Mu Wanqing away without hesitation.

Jiang Tongzhi looked at the men and women walking side by side, stunned, and just left

"Ze Di, go back to the house to eat. The things outside are not clean. The family misses you very much. I hope you go home early."

Du Shaoxuan then remembered that there was another brother-in-law, turned his head and waved his hand, "Brother-in-law, go ahead first, I'm going back to the house after dinner, Miss Wanqing's craftsmanship is better than the royal chef, If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life.

"Well, if you eat it, you will remember it for a lifetime, brother-in-law, you better not eat it."

Jiang Tongzhi

The author has something to say. Note 12 is from Sun Tzu's The Art of War.

Note 3 The praise to Mu Wanqing is taken from the example of the imperial decree awarded by Bai Niang.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2022050412:48:002022050423:50:00

Thanks to the little angel pears, you and Yunduoer who irrigated the nutrient solution 10 bottles; 1 bottle of jelly;