After I Was Exiled, I Became A Noble Minister - Chapter 244

Chapter 244

Finally, the emperor made a decision, "The suggestion of the Qingping county head is feasible, I have agreed, and Lin Hanlin is responsible for this matter."

"Yes." Lin Hanlin was full of joy. He and Concubine Xi were cousins, and they were natural princes.

For the sake of the eldest prince, he must do it beautifully, send a few more female officials, and make the eldest prince look better.

The dishes of the palace banquet are as beautiful and exquisite as handicrafts, but when they are delivered to the table, it is already cold, watching the white flowers float up, there is no appetite.

Mu Wanqing ate a small bowl of glutinous rice **** before she came, so she was not hungry. After a few bites, she put down her chopsticks and drank slowly with a steaming cup of tea.

Du Shaoxuan brought a plate of peeled pine nuts to her, she tasted it, and it tasted good. "This one can make pine nut candy."

Her thoughts can always spread to eating.

Du Shaoxuan couldn't help laughing, "I still think toffee is the best, the milk taste is very strong, and it is not very sweet."

Mu Wanqing is used to making more toffee to carry with her to replenish her energy at any time.

"I made some new snacks over there yesterday, you can get it yourself, as well as beef jerky and pork jerky."

Mu Wanqing answered happily, the empress dowager's preference for Du Shaoxuan's nephew is well known in the world.

"When are you going back to Xiliang?"

"April." Du Shaoxuan sighed softly, it is impossible to stay in the capital for too long, parents and family are in Xiliang, and the mission of the Du family is in Xiliang.

Only, he looked at the woman in front of him, and there was a deep sense of reluctance in his heart.

Mu Wanqing glanced at him, "Don't think too much, you can also buy a share of the snack square, just take it for me."

The Mu family invested in shares with a secret recipe, and then brought Du Shaoxuan in. He represents the interests of the Queen Mother. Who would dare to chatter when the two join forces?

Diversify her interests to make it easier for her to act.

Du Shaoxuan nodded without thinking, "It's all up to you."

His answer was too happy, Mu Wanqing didn't have time to analyze the prospects with him, "Aren't you afraid that I will trick you?"

Du Shaoxuan smiled, "If you can't ask for it, then I have a reason to pester you."

Mu Wanqing:

The two ate pine nuts and drank tea, talking and laughing, the atmosphere was extremely relaxed.

"Shao Xuan, Shaoxuan." It was the voice of the Queen Mother, Du Shaoxuan stood up blankly, "Queen Mother, what's the matter?"

The queen mother is the most honorable woman in the world, and now there are only two things to worry about.

Secondly, the nephew's marriage is not settled, and the next generation of her parents' family is far away. How can this be done? He couldn't hang himself on Mu Wanqing's tree.

It has been a long time, and there is no news at all, and it will not be delayed until the year of the monkey.

She pointed in a random direction, "Which of the girls just now do you think is better?"

She is holding a live horse as a dead horse doctor, what if she can do it?

The hearts of the girls who were targeted by her were pounding and their faces were crimson. Does the queen mother want to marry?

The main concubine can't do it, the side concubine can also do it.

Who knows, Du Shaoxuan, who doesn't understand the style, didn't give a straight eye, "I don't know, I didn't pay attention."

The Queen Mother:

This nephew is no longer available.

Everyone pretended nothing happened, but the smile in their eyes betrayed them.

It was a good show.

Mu Wanqing slowly took out a piece of beef jerky and gnawed on it. It was delicious at home.

The queen's eyes suddenly swept over, "Qingping county magistrate, I heard that you are talented, come and show everyone."

The talent show is a reserved show for the palace banquet, which not only adds to the atmosphere, but also gives unmarried young men and women an opportunity to show their talents, and promotes a few good relationships.

The scene was surprisingly quiet and the atmosphere was strange, and they all quietly looked at Mu Wanqing to see how she responded.

Mu Wanqing sat still, raised her eyebrows, "This is not in line with the rules, according to the seniority, the first and the second, how can I dare to take the lead?"

She is a young unmarried woman, but she is also an important minister of the dynasty. Who sees which official is performing a talent tonight?

The officials all hold their own identities and won't show it on such occasions, how could Mu Wanqing be willing to talk about it?

The queen didn't expect her to refuse on the spot, and her face was a little ugly. "It's not a big deal. Everyone wants to see the amazing talent of Qingping County's head."

Mu Wanqing didn't understand, she had no conflict of interest with the Queen, why did the Queen target her?

How did she know that the queen regarded her as an imaginary enemy, the queen had no son, and she would have to live by other people's eyes in the future. When she thought of this, she was worried about gains and losses, and became more and more insecure.

Insecure people are easy to get in the way.

With the Queen's education since childhood, mothering the world is the pursuit of every woman's dream. It is a woman who wants to **** her queen's throne.

Mu Wanqing wanted to refuse directly, but she changed her mind.

"Are you sure you want to meet?"

Everyone was a little surprised, did she compromise? It's not like her character.

Du Shaoxuan is the most calm, Mu Wanqing is the kind of person who is extremely selfish and never suffers.

"Of course." The queen's pupils sank slightly.

"Who else wants to meet?" Mu Wanqing looked at the others with a smile.

At the hint of the queen, more than a dozen women said, "I."

"Okay." Mu Wanqing readily responded, and under everyone's attention, she took out a pen and paper and started writing.

After a while, she tore off the page and asked the maid to send it to the queen.

"Please copy it a few times, the lady in the palace, and distribute it to the people who just wanted to know. Come, let's take the test together."

The queen and all the women: ...what?

"Exam?" Everyone else was shocked, what is this operation?

Mu Wanqing said a serious nonsense, "Yes, I will let you know how talented I am. I understand what you know, and I also understand what you don't understand."

This is how she opens up to show her talent.

"The first question is mathematics application, the second is arithmetic, the third is chemical formula, and the fourth is biological cytology, these are the simplest common sense, I think everyone is very smart and should not be a big duck, Queen, you are the most noble, please go first."

The queen's head was blank, staring blankly at the paper full of words, wanting to cry without tears.

Going crazy!

She was tested in public!

How can she tell others, I don't understand a single word on it.

The women who agreed with the queen were pale and fearful of being dominated by exams.

The emperor was aroused curiosity, "transcribe it and bring it over, I will take a look."

As soon as he got it, he read it, "The first question is also an arithmetic question, and the answer is 15."

Mu Wanqing has written down the answer and put it on the table.

Du Shaoxuan took a look and said, "Yes, it's 15, Your Majesty, you are very knowledgeable, you are really amazing."

The emperor smiled slightly and continued to read, "Arabic mathematics and nine-nine multiplication table used in the second question?"

This is Mu Wanqing's original accounting method, which has long been spread in the Ministry of Households.

Mu Wanqing nodded slightly, "Yes, the content of knowledge learned by seven-year-old children in Xiliang."

The emperor read it for a while, wrote the answer on the paper, but did not make it public.

"What is the third way? I look a little dizzy."

Mu Wanqing rolled her eyes, "It's the cement formula."

Wow, all the officials are in a commotion, and they want to study the exam questions.

Cement formula is a treasure, everyone wants it.

But, I don't know what it means when I look left and right, these ghosts can't understand.

An official asked unwillingly, "Qingping County Lord, are you kidding?"

"I never joke about serious academics." If Mu Wanqing dared to take it out, she would not be afraid that they would steal it.

Besides, the ratio of the recipe is the key.

Everyone held the paper and thought hard, the queen was numb, and she wanted to throw it away, but in this atmosphere, how dare she say no?

She still can't afford to lose face, she can only hope that the people around her can help her cheat, but will the emperor care about her?

"Qingping County Lord, how did you know these things?"

Mu Wanqing couldn't help but be amused when she saw her procrastinating, "You can think that I had an adventure when I was a child, of course, it is also because I am extremely smart, and the queen is also a rare smart person, these are not difficult for you of."

She raised the queen high, and it was difficult to retreat.

This is also a lesson for the queen, and consider the consequences before embarrassing her next time.

The queen felt like she was slashed in the heart, "King of Xiliang, can you do these questions?"

Du Shaoxuan has read it long ago, "There are only three questions, and I don't understand the last one."

The queen asked herself that she is a talented girl who is good at playing, chess, calligraphy and painting, but at the moment she feels illiterate, and she is particularly unwilling, "Everyone in Xiliang can do it?"

"No, adults may not know." Du Shaoxuan has a bright face, "But children can. This is the basic textbook knowledge for elementary school students."

This answer sucks, okay? Terrible.

The queen is like a student who is afraid of exams, trying to avoid the exam by all means. Mu Wanqing sees it and can't help but want to laugh, "Empress, you should concentrate on solving the problem and try to get the result as soon as possible, Set an example for women in the world."

Queen: I suspect you are connoting me, but there is no proof.

After a while, the queen was still in vain, Mu Wanqing stabbed the knife with a smile, "Empress, don't you know all? No? No?"

The queen's face is hot, shy and embarrassed, she has never seen such a disgusting woman.

The Minister of Rites coughed, "Is this what the Royal Technical School teaches?"


Secondary assistant hesitated for a moment, then came out of the queue and knelt on the ground, "Your Majesty, please give me a place for admission, my grandson is quite smart, but I haven't seen these things before, so I don't dare to pack The ticket must pass the exam."

The Minister of Industry also stood up, "Your Majesty, there are several children in the family, not everyone can pass the exam, so I still want to ask for a favor."

With someone leading the way, others also pleaded for mercy.

The emperor looked at these officials who wanted everything but refused to pay, and his expression was extremely indifferent, "This matter is handled by Qingping County, and I will not interfere."

" Powers and responsibilities are clearly defined, and professional things are done by professional people. This sentence has won my heart."

He said so, what else can the ministers say? He had no choice but to come and pester Mu Wanqing. "Qingping County Lord, I want to ask for an exemption from the test."

To everyone's surprise, Mu Wanqing was very talkative, "Yes."

Everyone was overjoyed, she knew she was afraid.

Who knows, Mu Wanqing stretched out a finger, "10,000 taels of silver is a quota, three exams will be cleared at the bottom, and disciplinary violations will be dismissed."

These words made everyone angry, "You have fallen into the eyes of money, you talk about money in everything, how can you be so vulgar?"

Mu Wanqing smiled and said, "Talking about feelings hurts money, I don't have any feelings with you at all, let's talk about money, you can choose not to come, I still have peace of mind."

"I will never let my child be handed over to her. I'm afraid she will teach the child bad."

"Yes, I'm afraid she will teach a child who is greedy and stingy, that's not good."

"We don't go, I think that school is only suitable for recruiting some lowly civilian children."

"Families like us disdain competing for places with others. The Imperial College is the place for our children."

"Yes, Guozijian is the orthodox, and she doesn't want to go to that **** school."

Everyone was outraged and said they would not sign up and take the exam.

The Royal Technical Professional School officially opened, and an announcement was issued to the public. Those who want to take the test must register first, and parents will accompany them to register, and they must fill in the form truthfully. This is the first step.


"Master Wang, why are you? Are you not coming?"

"Master Li, you said this school is not worthy of your son, why are you here?"

"Sir Qian, didn't you go to the Imperial College?"

The officials looked at each other, their embarrassed toes could pull out three rooms and one hall. :,,