After Being Forced To Become A Boss, I Just Want To Be A Salted Fish - Chapter 86

Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Another Choice

Whether 25% jumps to 100%, or 75% drops back to 0, just look at this last picture.

The sound of cheering disappeared, and only everyone's eyes were fixed on the last unopened card.

In a tense atmosphere, the dealer's hand touched the last card, and then slowly turned it upwards.

It seems that I can still hear the sound of stamping feet in a hurry.

With the muffled sound of the dealer's finger pointing on the gaming table, everyone saw the card clearly.

Three of Hearts!

The points add up to exactly eleven o'clock!

The boy on the gaming table and No. 9 glass room divided up all the chips!

There were voices of remorse and insults from below, and everyone in the rest of the glass room looked at No. 9 in unison.

Even Song Wenqi's younger brother looked at Lu Ning in a different way.

When their eleven o'clock selection is over, their inner reaction is almost the same as that of everyone below, but now it is this impossible point that makes them win.

The corners of Lu Ning's lips under the mask were raised silently, and he was relieved.

This is also risky for her, because the last card actually puts her in a trance.

The dealer's technique was very fast, and she wasn't sure whether it was the 8 or the afterimage of the 3 that made her see it as an 8.

But she finally trusted her first instinct.

In the violent atmosphere downstairs, when the staff distributed all the chips to the boy, he turned his head and slightly raised his head to glance at the No. 9 glass room above.

Lu Ning also glanced at him, and the eyes of the two met in the air.

The next game will start soon.

Almost everyone was staring at the dealer's hand, but the dealer didn't need to shuffle the cards that could be remembered when they were shown, and they couldn't remember them after they were covered.

What's more, he will also perform all kinds of fancy shuffling, which makes people dazzled.

In this round, the dealer selected four adjacent cards from the right and placed them in fixed positions.

When placing bets, everyone looked at Room 9 in unison.

Coincidence, it must be a coincidence...

Thinking about this, he suspiciously selected the points he wanted to choose.

Almost one-sidedly chose points above 15, and only a few people chose points below 15 and above 10.

And the boy who changed his points in the last game actually pushed all the chips to the minimum points that no one had ever chosen this time.

It seemed that he stood against everyone again, and before everyone was shocked, the big screen showed the choices of everyone in the glass room.

The choice of No. 9 glass house naturally attracted the attention of many people.

And the number of points they chose was four!

This is the smallest point on the gaming table, the probability that is less than 2%, 0.1%.

This means that all four cards must be aces.

And the point of this bet coincides with that boy.

The first whistle sounded.

Within two seconds, three people chose to follow suit and push the chips to four.

Although the remaining people were suspicious and hesitant, none of them moved because they didn't believe it.

The probability that the four cards have the same point is too low, how is this possible!

But if the four cards are of the same point, the chips in this round will be doubled directly. Such an opportunity is also rare, so before the second whistle sounded, three people chose the point four again.

They choose to give it a go.

The rest of the people safely chose the current points, doubling is tempting, but if they blindly follow the trend, not only will they not double, but they will lose all they have now. After careful consideration, they chose not to move.

(end of this chapter)