After Being Forced To Become A Boss, I Just Want To Be A Salted Fish - Chapter 233

Chapter 233

Chapter 233 Mr. Huo, take a photo?

He raised the trophy and waved at Lu Jingzhi.

The young girl had a beautiful smile on her face, and her body was full of youthfulness. It seemed that even the surrounding light took special care of her and shrouded her.

Lu Yue'an looked over from not far away, and the jealousy in her eyes almost gushed out. She clenched her hands tightly, and her nails left deep marks on her palms.

Turning his eyes, he saw Lu Qing standing there, his eyes fell on Lu Ning, with a slight smile on his face.

Lu Yue'an turned around and returned to his seat.

As soon as she sat down, she raised her eyes and looked diagonally forward. A girl in front of her was also looking back at her at this moment. The two of them met their eyes, and Lu Yuean nodded slightly towards her.

The girl withdrew her gaze and sat on the seat for a while, then got up and walked out quietly when no one was paying attention.

Lu Yue'an's lips curled slightly to look back, but the moment she raised her head, she met Lu Qing's eyes.

She froze for a moment, then smiled at Lu Qing the next moment.

Lu Ning was patted on the back just as he went back: "Student, can I take a photo for you?"

Lu Ning turned to look at the photographer who had just taken pictures of them.

Before Lu Ning said anything, the students behind him said, "Yes, pat, pat!"

The photographer froze for a moment, he didn't mean that...


"Okay, everyone stand up, and the students in front sit down, classmate, you are shorter and come to the front."

After setting the position, the photographer glanced at Lu Ning's position, and raised his finger to point to the middle position.

"Classmate, stand here for a while."

Lu Ning moved a bit, and the photographer smiled with satisfaction: "Okay, students, parents should also laugh."

Everyone was smiling brightly, and the photographer smiled with satisfaction after taking two pictures: "What about your class teacher, why don't you take a picture for your teachers and students."

All turned their heads back collectively: "There."

Huo Jinyan stood at the back, arms crossed, and looked up at them.

There was no emotion in the deep eyes, and the photographer froze for a moment after taking a look.

The person next to him raised his hand and patted Lu Ning.

Lu Ning looked at Huo Jinyan: "Mr. Huo, do you want to take pictures with us?"

Huo Jinyan stood where he was and didn't answer. After two seconds, he turned around and walked forward, which was his agreement.

The photographer was a little timid, but he still had the courage to say: "Teacher, why don't you sit at the front."

"Parents, why don't you stand up and take a picture for the teacher and classmates."

The parents also stood up cooperatively and stood aside.

"Come on, teacher, please sit here, and the students can move closer together, yes, yes, it's time to shoot."

Huo Jinyan sat in the middle of the front, with Lu Ning behind him.

Huo Jinyan still had that icy look. The photographer wanted to say something but dared not, so he took a look at it after taking two pictures.

I always feel that this photo is of the boss and his high school juniors.

He also noticed just now that it seemed that only Lu Ning dared to talk to the head teacher, so he looked at Lu Ning and winked at her beggingly.

Lu Ning looked at him in doubt for two seconds, and after watching him gesticulate twice around his mouth, he bent slightly and probed close to Huo Jinyan's ear.

Didn't know what she said, the next moment Huo Jinyan smiled.

The photographer immediately picked up the camera and took two consecutive shots.

Then he looked at the photos in the camera and smiled with satisfaction.

Huo Jinyan stood up and looked at him: "It's ok."

The photographer nodded again and again: "Okay, okay."

But when he saw Lu Ning from the corner of his eye, he seemed to think of something again.


(end of this chapter)