Aesop Dress'd; Or a collection of Fables - Part 2

Part 2


For each of Mandeville's fables except "The Carp" and "The Nightingale and Owl," which are originals, I have indicated below the original in La Fontaine's _Fables_ by t.i.tle, book, and number.

1. "The Two Dragons": "Le Dragon a plusieurs Tetes, et le Dragon a plusieurs Queues," I. xii.

2. "The Wolf and Dog": "Le Loup et le Chien," I. v.

3. "The Frog": "La Grenouille qui se veut faire aussi grosse que le Boeuf," I. iii.

4. "The Pumkin and Acorn": "Le Gland et la Citrouille," IX. iv.

5. "The Hands, Feet, and Belly": "Les Membres et l'Estomac," III. ii.

6. "The Countryman and the Knight": "Le Jardinier et son Seigneur," IV.


7. "The Plague among the Beasts": "Les Animaux malades de la Peste,"

VII. i.

8. "The Gra.s.shopper and Ant": "La Cigale et la Fourmi," I. i.

9. "The Milk Woman": "La Laitiere et le Pot au Lait," VI. x.

10. "The c.o.c.k, the Cat, and the young Mouse": "Le Cochet, le Chat, et le Souriceau," VI. v.

11. "The c.o.c.k and Pearl": "Le Coq et la Perle," I. xx.

12. "The Lyon's Court": "La Cour du Lion," VII. vii.

13. "The Drunkard and his Wife": "L'Ivrogne et sa Femme," III. vii.

14. "Council held by the Rats": "Conseil tenu par les Rats," II. ii.

15. "The Bat and the Two Weasels": "La Chauve-Souris et les deux Belettes," II. v.

16. "The two b.i.t.c.hes": "La Lice et sa Compagne," II. vii.

17. "The Sick Lyon and the Fox": "Le Lion malade et le Renard," VI. xiv.

18. "The Satyr and the Pa.s.senger": "Le Satyre et le Pa.s.sant," V. vii.

19. "The Lyon in Love": "Le Lion amoureux," IV. i.

20. "The Angler and the Little Carp": "Le pet.i.t Poisson et le Pecheur,"

V. iii.

21. "The Wolves and the Sheep": "Les Loups et les Brebis," III. xiii.

22. "The Wasps and Bees": "Les Frelons et les Mouches a Miel," I. xxi.

23. "The Lyon and the Gnat": "Le Lion et le Moucheron," II. ix.

24. "The Woodcleaver and Mercury": "Le Bucheron et Mercure," V. i.

25. "The Hare and his Ears": "Les Oreilles du Lievre," V. iv.

26. "The Rat and the Frog": "La Grenouille et le Rat," IV. xi.

27. "The Cat and an old Rat": "Le Chat et un vieux Rat," III. xviii.

28. "The Weasel and the Rat": "La Belette entree dans un Grenier," III.


29. "The Wolf and the Stork": "Le Loup et la Cicogne," III. ix.

30. "The Frogs asking for a King": "Les Grenouilles qui demandent un Roi," III. iv.

31. "The Wolf and the Lamb": "Le Loup et l'Agneau," I. x.

32. "The Lyon grown old": "Le Lion devenu vieux," III. xiv.

33. "The two Physicians": "Les Medecins," V. xii.

34. "Love and Folly": "L'Amour et la Folie," XII. xiv.

35. "A She-Goat, a Sheep and a Sow": "Le Cochon, la Chevre, et le Mouton," VIII. xii.

36. "The Dog and the a.s.s": "L'ane et le Chien," VIII. xvii.

37. "The Fox and Wolf": "Le Loup et le Renard," XI. vi.


The text of _Aesop Dress'd_ here reprinted is that in the Harvard University Library.


Writ in Familiar Verse.

By _B. Mandeville_, M. D.