Abandoned To Loved - 32 The Crash

32 The Crash

The car is at a stop light at this moment making them watch out their windows.The red light turned to green, the car started to go across, but all of a sudden another car from another street came hitting them. Valencia saw how the car was going to hit them, she covered Luke with her body so he won't get hit. The random car hit their car near the back, which was where Valencia and Luke was. Because Luke didn't know what was happening he got surprised to see Valencia jumped to cover him. Before the car hit Valencia mouthed "Remember I have all ways loved you all" the next second the car got hit.

Valencia got thrown to the curb where she hit her head, and Luke landed on top of her, which Valencia made sure she was a cus.h.i.+on for Luke. The people around them started to call 911, seeing the accident happen in front of them. The next moment Luke woke up and saw he was on top Valencia, he thought she was okay until he looked at her head it was bleeding so much, Luke shook her a lit to see if she woke up, he didn't want make her to bleed more. So he started to tear up "Sis wake up, sis, sis."

The next moment the ambulance came and saw the two, they quickly put Valencia in a stretcher. They took her to the hospital, Luke was checked if anything happened to him but it was clear. "Do you know your parents phone number?" One of the Doctors said "no, I left my phone at home but my sister has hers in her jackets pocket" Luke replied.

The doctor came back with her phone, and saw his father was calling her phone. Luke answered it and put it in speaker. "Father....Valencia is in the hospital, she protected me when the car hit us and before it hit us she is in the hospital to be checked up from her head injury" Luke started crying, and on the other side it fell silent, until James asked "which hospital you're at?" "We're at the Molldens Partens Hospital" after answering his father hung up and a started to go to the hospital. After 10 minutes James was there, the employees gasped and crowded around him "it's James Zaph" "James can we have your autograph"

James started to his angry and yelled "GET AWAY FROM ME!!" The staff and others got away from him and waited for his response, James went to the receptionist and asked "where is my daughter and son, Valencia and Luke Zaph" the receptionist gave him instructions to where they are. James went to the elevator and went up to the 6th floor. When he left, the staff started to talk around them "James has a daughter" "James seems really concerned" "his children are in their hospital" everyone started to gossip until the receptionist told them to go back to work.