A Transmigrator's Privilege - Chapter 35

Chapter 35

The level for Rigid body was slightly raised, but the weapon skill did not gain any experience points at all. Despite the blessings of high-speed growth, it was clear that this method was the wrong way.

I was wondering if I could buy swordsmanship skills at the cash shop and learn them, but that wasn't the case.

All combat skills had ability awakening attached to the purchase conditions.

(Note: I guess it's like having to get Skill X up to Lv.05 before being able to buy and learn Skill Y.Lv 01. Anyone who played Ragnarok will know it.)

['The Troubled Skyscraper Architect' points out that Aura is a field that basically uses the body, and that the body has no choice but to train honestly.]

'First of all, I don't know how to train'

I understand that I have to approach it as if I was exercising and when I first bought the Aura package, I was determined.

The problem is that I have no idea what to do on my own.

['The World-building God' says that awakening aura is difficult without the help of experts, as it requires training in weapons that match your inclinations, mental methods that fit your constitution, and correct movements and footwork with pedagogical training.]

The advice from World God convinced me.

Okay. Self-learning is unreasonable I'll need a teacher.

What to do? Should I attend a swordsmanship class like Frintz? Or is there a home training video lecture at the Cash Shop?

['The World-building God' says you don't need to worry too much.]

Huh? What do you mean? It was a puzzling thing to say.

Oh, my!

Surprised by the sudden voice, the cross necklace lit up. Soon, the rays of light came together to form the shape of a certain blonde beauty.

[ The ego of a hero-class saint, 'Agnes of the Whip Sword' reappears.]

A saint's ego? Agnes?

A ghostly translucent figure greeted me warmly.

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How did you know my potential?