A Dictionary of the First or Oldest Words in the English Language - Part 22

Part 22

Bochevampe, (sic in MS.). == botched vamps or fronts of shoes. Rel. Ant.

ii. p. 176

Bode, _sb._ == commandment. Ps. cxviii. 134, 128, et pa.s.sim

Bode, _v. a._ == foretell. O. and N. 530

Boded ? Pol. S. 152

Boding, _sb._ RG. 416, 428

Bodeword, _sb._ == message. Ps. ii. 6

Body, _sb._ RG. 395, 547

Boffing, == swelling or puffing. RG. 414. Fr. buffer, to puff the cheeks

Boistous, _adj._ == coa.r.s.e, rude. Alys. 5660. [boustes] Fragm. Sci. 273

Bold, _sb._ == a building. RG. 44. AS. bold

Bold, _v. a._ == embolden. Alys. 2468. [bald]. Ritson's AS. viii. 128

---- _adj._ RG. 383. 'bolder.' RG. 465

Boldhede, == boldness. O. and N. 514

Boldly, _adv._ RG. 500, 19

Boleax, _sb._ == large axe. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 176. ON. boloxi

Bolken, _v. n._ == belch. Ps. cxliii. 13

Bollen, == swollen. Body and Soul, 31. 'ibol?e.' O. and N. 145

Bolster, _sb._ Rel. S. v. 90

Bolt, _sb._ '?oure bolt is sone ischote.' St Kath. 54

Bonde, _sb._ == bondman. Pol. S. 150

Bondman. RG. 370. HD. 32

Bone, _sb._ == os. RG. 446

Bone, _sb._ == prayer. RG. 14. AS. ben. SS. bone

Boned, [y-boned] == having bones. RG. 414

b.o.n.e.re, _adj._ == debonair, graceful. Alys. 6732

Bonny, _adj._ Alys. 3903

Book, _sb._ RG. 374, 420

Boot, _sb._ == use, avail. Body and Soul, 92

---- == remedy, means (bote). RG. 277, 408. Pilate, 139

Booth, _sb._ Alys. 3457

Booze, _sb._ [bous] == drink. Wright's L. P. p. 111. Dutch, buysen

Booze, _v. n._ == drink. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 175

Bord, _sb._ == border. Alys. 1270

Borough, _sb._ [boru]. RG. 72

Borow, _v. a._ == defend. Wright's L. P. pp. 24, 25. part. 'ibor?e,' O.

and N. 881

Borow, _sb._ == surety. RG. 472, 497

Borrow, _v. a._ RG. 393

Borstax, _sb._ == pick-axe. Pol. S. 151

Bosk, _sb._ == wood. RG. 547. Fr. bos, bosche

Boss, _sb._ == an ornament of dress. Pol. S. 154. Fr. bosse

Bote, _sb._ See Boot

Botemay, _sb._ == bitumen. Alys. 4763

Botfork, _sb._ == a crooked stick. Wright's L. P. p. 110

Both, _adj._ RG. 376, 445. 'both two.' Body and Soul, 120. [bo]. Wright's L. P. p. 58

Both, == are. See Be

In O. and N. 630, 633, the meaning of 'both' is uncertain; perhaps a mistake for 'doth'

Botheler, _sb._ == peasant, shepherd. Body and Soul, 144; from 'booth'?

Boting, _sb._ == recompense. Alys. 5711

Bough, _sb._ [bowe]. RG. 283. [boye], O. and N. 15