A Concise Dictionary of Middle English - Part 157

Part 157

+Out-lawe+, _sb._ outlaw, PP, Manip.; +ut-la?e+, S.--AS. _utlaga_ (Schmid); Icel. _utlaga_, outlawed, _utlagi_, outlaw.

+Out-leden+, _v._ to produce, _educere_; +oute-leden+, S2.

+Out-let+, _sb._ outlet; +utlete+, _dat._, S.--Cp. Icel. _ut-lat_.

+Outrage+, _sb._ outrage, excessive insult, SD, H, B, _luxus_, Manip.; +owterage+, _excessus_, Prompt.--OF. _outrage_, _oltrage_; cp. It.

_oltraggio_ (Florio), Low Lat. _ultragium_; from OF. _oltre_; Lat.


+Outrage+, _adj._ outrageous, S3; +wtrage+, S3; +owtrage+, S3.

+Outrage+, _v._ to outrage, destroy, to lose temper, C2; +outrayed+, _pt. s._ S3.--OF. _oultrager_ (Cotg.).

+Outragely+, _adv._ superfluously, H.

+Outrageous+, _adj._ excessive, C3, B.

+Outrageusly+, _adv._ excessively, H.

+Outrance+, _sb._ excess, extremity, S3, JD.--OF. _oultrance_ (Cotg.).

+Outrayed+, _pt. s._ destroyed, S3; see +Outrage+, _v._

+Outren+, _v._ to utter, to put out and circulate, SkD.

+Out-ryde+, _v._ to ride out, PP; to outride, overtake in riding, S.

+Out-senden+, _v._ to send out, S2.

+Out-take+, _v._ to take out, except, deliver, S2; +out toke+, _pt. s._, S2; +out taken+, _pp._, S2, C3; +out takun+, W, W2; +out tane+, S2; +outakun+, W2. See +Out+.

+Ou?t+, _sb._ aught, W; see +Ought+.

+Ou?te+, _pt. s._ possessed, W; see +Owen+.

+Ouelete+, _sb._ the oblation in the Eucharist, S.--AS. _oflete_ (Leo), _oflate_ (OET); Church Lat. _oblata_ (Ducange). Cf. +Oble+.

+Ouen+, _sb._ oven, S; +ofne+, _dat._, S.--AS. _ofen_, OHG. _ofan_ (Tatian): Goth. _auhns_: OTeut. stem *_uhwna-_, see Douse, p. 80.

+Ouer+, _prep._, _adv._ over, above, beyond, S, C2, W; +uferr+, S; +our+, S2, S3, B; +oure+, S3; +ouer+, _adj._, upper, C, SkD; +ouerer+, _comp._, W2, H; +ouereste+, _superl._, C, S2. _Comb._: +oueral+, all over, everywhere, S, S2, C, C2, C3; +ouur al+, S2; +ouir litil+, too little, Prompt.; +or-litel+, S2; +ouer mykel+, over much, S2; +ouer wert+, across, perverse, S2, W; +ouer thwart+, across, crossways, C; +our-thwort+, S3, B.--AS. _ofer_: Goth. _ufar_ (see Sievers, 25. 1); cp.

OHG. _ubar_ (Otfrid).

+Ouer-+, _prefix_, over-; +our-+, B; +or-+, S2.

+Ouer-c.u.mmen+, _v._ to overcome, S; +ouercome+, S, S2, W2; +ofercom+, _pt. s._, S; +ouercom+, S2; +ouerc.u.men+, _pp._, S; +ouercome+, S2.--AS.


+Ouer-dede+, _sb._ excess, S.

+Ouer-fare+, _v._ to pa.s.s over, S2.--AS. _ofer-faran_.

+Our-fret+, _pt. s._ fretted over, S3.

+Ouer-gan+, _v._ to go over, _superare_, SD, S2; +ouergon+, S, W; +ourga+, B; +ouergon+, _pp._, S2.--AS. _ofer-gan_: OHG. _ubar-gan_ (Otfrid).

+Our-hailing+, _pr. p._ overhauling, considering, S3.

+Our-heldand+, _pr. p._ covering over, S3.

+Ouer-howen+, _v._ to disregard, despise; +ofer-howe+, _pr. s._, S; +ofer-ho?ien+, SD.

+Ouer-lede+, _v._ to domineer over. P.

+Ouer-leiyng+, _sb._ pressure, W.

+Ouer-liggen+, _v._ to lie upon, S.--AS. _ofer-licgan_.

+Ouer-lippe+, _sb._ upper lip, S2, C.

+Ouer-lop+, _sb._ omission, S2.

+Ouerlyng+, _sb._ a superior, H, HD.

+Ouer-maistrien+, _v._ to overmaster, P.

+Ouermastes+, _sb. pl._ summits, S2.

+Ouer-non+, _sb._ afternoon, S2 (1 a. 164).

+Ouer-sen+, _v._ to observe, survey, look down upon, to despise, overlook, P; +ouersih+, _pr. s._, S; +ouerse?+, _pt. s._, S (16. 30); +ouer-sene+, _pp._, WW, S3; +ouer-seye (me)+, _pp._, forgotten myself, P.--AS. _ofer-seon_.

+Ouer-sloppe+, _sb._ upper garment, C3.

+Our-straught+, _pp._ Streched across, S3.

+Ouer-take+, _v._ to overtake, SD; +ouertan+, _pp._, S2; +ourtane+, B.

+Ouer-ogt+, _adj._ anxious, S.

+Over-throwe+, _v._ to fall down, G; +overthrew+, _pt. s._, G.

+Ouer-tild+, _pp._ covered over, S.--AS. _ofer-teldan_ to cover over.

+Ouertlye+, _adv._ openly, S2.--From AF. _overt_) pp. of _ovrir_, OF.

_aovrir_, _auvrir_, Prov. _adubrir_; Lat. _ad_ + _de_ + _operire_.

+Ouer-trowynge+, _pr. p._ anxious, overconscious, W.