21st Century Archmage - v2c12


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Chapter 12 priestess-in-training Aramis



“Hhk! This is the taste I was looking for!”

After entering “Forest’s Rest” Jamir was staying in, I quickly ordered refres.h.i.+ng beer and various bar snacks.  

I don’t know how they preserve it, but cold beer enough to make my mouth numb and I was able to enjoy a gla.s.s of beer.  

That bitter sharp taste and fragrance.

It was entirely different from those Korean beers I secretly sampled from my father. This deep flavor was clear sign of well-brewed beer.

“May I have another?”

‘When did you finish yours?’

In time it took me to take 2 sips, Hans was licking his mouth after finis.h.i.+ng his beer that was in the large wooden beer mug.

“Ha-ha, you may have another. Owner, bring another cup of beer!”

Hans was asking looking at me, but Jamir quickly ordered another laughing energetically.

‘This is great~!’

It was refres.h.i.+ng feeling after experiencing the outside world.

After developing enough strength, my next goal would be even bigger world.

Since I already came to home world of my master Gundalf, I might as well go sightseeing.

“8 golds should not be a small amount, why are you trying to buy at that price?”

I ask towards Jamir, who had a smile which one could not tell what he was thinking of.

It would have been a success if it went over 4 golds but Jamir offered 8 golds for each mushroom.

I did not think that a person from enormous merchant group would not work for loss.

“Let me formally introduce myself, Jamir Baines, one of the managers of Rubis Merchant Group.”


“Next month will be month of Sapir, the G.o.ddess of Fertility. As you know, G.o.ddess of Fertility is also be considered G.o.ddess of Festival”

(TLN: Wow, month of super dangerous time right into harvest festival? nice going)

‘What do you mean as you know?’

For regular village folks, they were too busy trying to survive every day, thus they did not know too much about the outside world.

This also included me, who was too focused on spending most of my time on magic and swords to care about Kallian Continent as whole.

“Also, from this month to next month, the n.o.bles will be collecting the annual tax.”


I finally understand.

‘As a result, on national holiday(s) meant for G.o.ds/G.o.ddess to rest, n.o.bles will collect taxes and it meant that, useful items would be traded at high price.’

“Do you understand what I am saying?”

“Well, I got the gist of it.”

“I knew you would catch on pretty quickly.”

The impression given by Jamir who was barely over 30 was similar to those who were in the 50s.

‘I detect trace of mana. Ho-oh, magician?’

I didn’t actively scan for trace of mana but I could definitely feel the linger mana around Jamir

He was a merchant who seemed to hold many secrets.

“Just now, what I heard from other people, you are not group of merchants who would come all the way to this countryside…”

I look at Jamir as I blurt out my suspicion.

“Originally that was true. It used to be where merchants we employ would travel to various regions to buy goods and buy them back at a designated location, which we would later sell the items to n.o.bles who would need them. However this year, it’s been a quite a headache procuring specialties that would sell. It has been hard to purchase many goods, especially Madir, Sharif mushroom, Rudi Mushroom and Licom Tea, which is the specialty of Dapis Kingdom. All the n.o.bles left the task of magical beast hunting unattended, all creating factions over the next crowning of next king.

Jamir’s answer to my simple question was more than what I was asking for.

‘Royal ascension? Then a civil war could erupt soon?’

It was plot I would often find in many fictions.

“Will there be a civil war?”

“Hmm…. It won’t lead to such an extreme situation. Dapis Kingdom is just a small country and there are many neighboring powerhouses, thus it won’t walk path that leads to self-destruction.”

‘My head hurts. It’s not a problem that I personally need to worry over. Wait, he said Madir?’

Madir was an item that was hard to procure.

I once caught a Madir with all my strength, the difficulty of catching Madir was nothing to speak of.

It was a fish with enough strength to topple over most boats, and magicians and knights capable of using Aura Blade wouldn’t lower themselves to be fishers and it was too difficult for any regular people.

“Huu, I am letting out so many words for a person I have met for first time. I am grateful for today’s transaction. Thanks to you, I was at least able to get Sharif mushroom, thus I can say my objective for trip here is somewhat met.”

Jamir had the appearance of cool-headed merchant but underneath it carried many worries, just like any other regular folks.

‘Chairman of mega conglomerate or beggar, they say it’s all same hards.h.i.+p trying to earn your 3 meal for the day.’

It was phrase my grandfather who lived in the countryside often said.  

He said that accomplished or not, eating and p.o.o.ping is all same for everyone.

However, it was up to your effort to eat good meal and p.o.o.p gold or eat a bad meal and have a diarrhea.

“Even if you cat Madir, isn’t there problem of preserving the fish? It’s not winter right now, it should be quite easy for the fish to go bad.”

I throw out another question as if I was fis.h.i.+ng.

“Since so long ago, during the 3 months which Madir pa.s.s through Telemann waters, merchants and magic refrigerator would be stationed in each fis.h.i.+ng settlement. But this year, the magical beasts are too active, making people unable to go out to sea often. Those fishermen who live and die by the sea wouldn’t be willing to go out if they knew the consequence of trying to fish Madir right now.”

“That’s right. Just 10 years ago in this season, merchants would bring magic refrigerator to camp out. We only caught few but the day we catch Madir would be the day our village hold festive celebration.”

Hans who was gulping down the beer gave his experience regarding Madir.

‘Magic refrigerator. Right, this world’s magic?’

If modern world had electric refrigerator, this world had magic.

‘Hehe, and I am the genius magician.’

Jamir of Rubis Merchant Group was someone I met by chance.

It must be fate brought by the heaven.

“This year’s price must be pretty high?”

“A good quality would weigh over 100kg and go for 35 golds for one. It’s important for n.o.bles who live inland to prepare a dish made from Madir in parties.”

‘Ohhhhh! 35 golds!’

The news that sardine from village seaside that was flapping around like young chick was worth over 30 gold made me open my mouth so wide that it looked like it was about to rip.

“Not just few gold but thir-, thirty five gold?”

Hans, who misinformed me about the price, was also surprised.

“That’s right. With such severe supply shortage, it became a situation which price became whatever one wished.”

Jamir who held high position within large merchant group was answering Hans with honorifics.

Jamir was magnanimous and also held good disposition.

“How many of those magic refrigerators would you be able to prepare within how many days?”

“Magic refrigerator? If I can get my hands on Madir, I can prepare several hundreds. Why do you ask this?”

‘Why else would I ask? I am trying to make a fortune here.’

“If all goes well, I can get some Madir…”

Contrary to what’s on my mind, I gulp down the beer and acted indifferent.

“Re, really?”

Jamir, who was calm until now, stood up in surprise and ask with loud voice.

“40 golds for ones over 100kg. Of course, it would be top quality with minimal injury. How about it?”

“45, no, if it is such a good quality, I would push it for 50 gold! Can you truly get Madirs for me?”

‘Wow! So generous!’

It was huge jackpot which n.o.body expected.

It was reality where a single sardine was equivalent to annual tax for single village.

I thought that such thing was probably possible.

Territories owned by n.o.bles would have several hundred villages like Luna Village and they would care about face more than money. Money was probably not regarded same as how others viewed money.

‘Should I try to become a Lord?’

Having a status of Lord held similar idea to what my dream utopia would be like.

‘Right, why couldn’t I have thought that up until now!’

To return back to Earth, I would have to achieve similar position to my master, 8th Circle Magician.

To wait for enlightenment who knows how long it will take, it wouldn’t be bad to create my kingdom similar to my dream paradise.

Somehow, my chest clenched as my hope surged up like unrestrained tap water.

“I cannot guarantee but I can attempt. Before that, can you give a price for my Sharif Mushrooms? I have to pay tax and buy many items….:

“Ha-ha, of course! Terrison, bring out the money.”

“Yes, manager!”

One of the merchant who was observing us inside the inn responded in shout as he neared us.

“In total, there are 59 mushrooms. In calculating total cost, since its large quant.i.ty, why don’t we just round it up and settle at 480 gold?”

“Let’s do that. I have already checked the item, give him 480 golds.”



Even before Jamir finished his words, Terrison quickly pulled out a thick pouch.

He opened the pouch and started counting out the s.h.i.+ning gold coins.

‘It, its money! Gold on top of that! Muhahahaha!’

I have never gone crazy from money but in front of gold coins that were giving yellow l.u.s.ter, I couldn’t help but to let my jaw drop.

Didn’t someone once say.

Ghost who has died after a meal would have beautiful clothes

(TLN: No matter what situation it maybe, not forgetting to eat is wise)

“Ky, Kyre, is this dream, or reality?”

Hans was shaking from excitement, grabbing on to large quant.i.ty of money for first time in his life.

‘Hans excited only over this much.’

This much amount of too small for my life’s worth.

How can my life only be worth some gold coins?

“Is that building the Administrative Office?”

“It should be right.”

‘This so called lord went to the royal capital and has not been seen for last few years? Now the Administrative Office has been managing the territory unchecked.’

After settling the price for Sharif Mushroom. I obtained information regarding this territory from the owner of the inn.

‘This s.h.i.+tty b.a.s.t.a.r.d, An Administrative Office should only be a mere public service worker but they planned out with other merchants to make a fortune.’

What is more annoying is that this thing called Administrative Office didn’t care about the lives of commoner and colluded with Daron Merchant Group to rob the pockets of commoners empty.

“Stop! Where do you come from?! “

‘Kn, knight! I finally get to see a real knight!’

The Administrative Office was in front of the lord’s mansion, which was surrounded by high walls.

The entrance of this 2-floor building was guarded by a knight with metal armor and about ten soldiers were guarding the building.

‘Kyre, you must lower your head. If you give bad impression to the knight, it’s instant death.”

Hans quickly warns me while lowering his head with grateful expression.

‘This isn’t even 007 Licence to Kill….’

(TLN: I have not watched the movie so I don’t know the reference.)

After verifying the truth from horrified expression Hans was giving, I quickly lowered my head.

“We, we are from Luna Village here to pay our taxes.”

“Luna Village? That village still exists?”

The knight’s response wasn’t any different from the soldiers at the gate of the castle.

“You can enter.”

“Thank you very much, your honor”

‘Wait, what is this? The mana I am feeling from this so called knight.’

The amount of mana I was feeling from this knight was only big as a tail of a rat.

I can tell this knight had not much mana even without actively scanning for mana.

‘I can handle this type of knight blindfolded.’

It was not arrogance but my opinion after knowing that this knight did not give any inspiring aura.

[TLN :(?)I can’t think up the word at the moment but those typical ‘prestigious feel honorable warrior gives’ kind of thing?]

I quickly followed Hans to enter the place called Administrative Office.

“You say you are from Luna Village?”

“Tha, that’s right.”

That guy is Administrative Officer?’

[TLN: The raw refers both the dude and building as 행정관, so I am just going to call one office and other officer of same thing]t

What I was expecting a fat guy with mouse-like slit eye but what I saw front of me was a knight in his mid 40s

‘This much amount of mana is pretty decent.’

The aura this Administrative Officer was giving was incomparable to the knight who was guarding outside.

It was stereotypical knight, carrying a sword by his waist and had masculine appeal with his angular jaw line.

[TLN: Bottom of your ear to jaw joint to chin forming about 120 degree angle/bit good-looking pointy chin]

“Hm, I could not take care all of my territory but it’s good that the village was able to survive still.”

‘Wait a minute? Is this really the officer?’

The officer unexpectedly was giving such caring words.

The way he was speaking really gave impression that he cared for Luna Village.

“It’s nothing. I am thankful to the G.o.d for being a resident in domain of Fiore.”

Contrary to my worry, Hans quickly flattered and had his way with words.

This must be why the village chief chose Hans for the trip.

I am happy for you to say that. The amount of tax approved for this year….right here.”  

I felt something was off from this person who was supposed to be the Administrative Officer.

The way he speaks and acts gave off an aura that n.o.bles should have.

“It’s written to be total 30 gold. Is that right?”

“Huh? 3, 30 Gold?”

The Administrative Officer picked out a doc.u.ment and told us that the tax is 30 gold.

Hans of course, was very confused.

“Is it not? A village with population around 200 and the crop yield was not so much… It is an independent village, so I kept the tax at 30%, but is it too much?”

‘This guy is playing with people.’

This spring, the Administrative Officer sent out orders using soldiers to notify the village to pay the tax of 50 gold.

Hans and I were taking turns looking at each other.

“N, no, that’s not it… Our village is….”


When Hans was about to tell that the tax was supposed to be 50 gold, the door we entered from opened wide.

“Huh! Lo, Lord! When did you arrive here?”

‘Wha, WHAT! Lord?!’

The man who entered the room had bulging stomach with mouse-slit eye, which gave off impression of greedy man, and called out lord of the castle.

“What are you guys doing! How can you arrogantly raise you head in here! Do you guys not know how our lord looks like?”

[TLN: I want to stop calling it ‘lord’ but raw is not referring by viscount so….don’t forget he is a viscount.]

They say the one who farts will express anger first, the man was shouting in our direction like a disloyal servant.

“Ha-ha! Officer Tremo, it is alright. It is my fault that I stayed too long at the capital.”

“I pay my respect to the lord!”

Hans lowered his knee and gave a deep bow as if he was treating a king.


At same time, he pulled me down grabbing my pants with his right hand.

“I, I pay my respect to the lord.”

‘Ahhhhh! My pride has been hurt.’

Other than giving kowtow on lunar New Year to get money, I have never lowered my head this much since I was born.

I had to give my utmost respect lowering my head to this person who was called the lord.

‘Fuuh!  Lord, I will definitely become one!’

[TLN: original is 씨이! which is half 씨발, so I will just leave half of English equivalent.]

I have gained another reason why I needed to become a lord.

If I kept the status of commoner, it was not a lie that I would have to constantly lower my head to others.

[TLN: half of j.a.p novels of being nice on others but half of Chinese novels where MC doesn’t want to lower head to others, what everyone likes… right?]

I can’t be like a piece of gum on a street, constantly laying my head low living shriveled life.

“But Officer Tremo, isn’t tax for Luna village set to be 30 gold this year?”  

The viscount was holding thick doc.u.ments and questioned about tax.

“That, that is right. Our lord, who is so generous decided to set the tax for independent villages to be 30%.”

He was dumbfounded for second but quickly gave a response shamelessly while rubbing his hands together.

‘Should I just call out on it?’

Just by looking at it, this officer was clearly embezzling tax money behind the viscount’s back.

“You people, what did you guys say in front of the lord?”

Tremo energetically scolded two of us who still had our heads lowered.

“They haven’t said anything to me yet.”

“Is that so? He-he. There are many cases where some idiots would say some superficial things.”


This b.a.s.t.a.r.d of an officer turned the invincible Kang Huyk into a merely a worthless worm.

(TLN: The raw word 무지렁이 translates well into idiots, b.a.s.t.a.r.d and so on but 지렁이 is also an earthworm.)

I firmly remember the pudgy face in my head.

“The tax is indeed 30 gold. Hand over the tax to Officer Tremo here.”

“Lord, are you going back to your mansion?”

“I will have to do so. Zygon should be eating now and the servants might be surprised.”

(TLN: The name is Ja-Ee-Gun, which I am pretty sure is non-Korean name so yea… going to use Zygon of all things.)

“Then I will be seeing you later.”

“Then continue your hard work.”

“Goodbye, milord.”

I don’t know who it was but the viscount looked like he had to take care of food for someone.


The Viscount left outside through the door that was already opened.

“You came from Luna Village?”

“Yes, yes lor, no, officer.”

Hans looked half-dead from surprises he got from the viscount, quickly responded to the question.

“It will be wise for you men to not leak out whatever you heard just now and the tax is 50 gold. Even if we have our magnanimous lord, it is hard to administer the territory with such little tax while there are useless people like you around. So I will have to force my way like this.”

‘Wahh! How can you be this shameless?’

As if he welded a steel plate on his face, Administrative Officer Tremo shamelessly collects extra 20 gold without even flinching once.

I heard that there are several hundred villages in the territory, so the amount of money collected should be enormous.

‘This b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you wait and see. I am not Lee-Mong-Ryong but I will bring down the wrath upon you!’

[TLN: Lee-Mong-Ryong was a much debated real/fictional person who acted as undercover investigator for royal family, who would identify problems that commoners had.]

He was one those people who had nothing better to do than make commoners suffer.

“Here it is, sir.”

Hans hands out the 50 gold that was prepared beforehand.

This much amount of money wasn’t important to me. However, if villagers never got to meet me, it would have been a product of sweat and blood.

“Did you guys kick out Ryan who took his time to visit?”

“Ryan you are referring to is….”

“Oh my, you can’t even remember this. I sent out Ryan from Daron Merchant Group to save time from travelling but you guys refused him… I will be watching you.”

‘Rotten b.a.s.t.a.r.d. He is openly robbing and blackmailing. You better tell yourself you are dead.’

The fact that this b.a.s.t.a.r.d was ruder than the Crown Prince of the Ohsung Group, Hw.a.n.g-sung-taek gave me s.h.i.+ver in happiness (?). [TLN :(?) is part of the raw]

‘Laughing? Right, those laugh, let’s see how far that laugh will go.’

Administrative Officer Tremo was giving satisfying smile, while counting the money.

I noticed that the face will later look similar to the face when Ryan from Daron Merchant Group was humiliated by me.


“Please secure all the items listed here.”

“All of them?”

After the meeting with the officer and the viscount, I quickly returned back to Forest’s Rest where Jamir was staying in.

After borrowing a paper and a pen, I wrote down all the items that were in my head and gave it to Jamir.

“5 carriages with 10 horses, 400 bags of finely grinded flour, balanced gender ratio of cows, pigs and sheeps at 20 each, 100 chickens, 50 well-made leather armors, 100 of bows, spears and swords, enough fabric for 300 people, screw and other various materials along with farming tool and seeds… lastly, a magic refrigerator that makes cold bear… hey, are you trying to construct an entire village?”

After reading the entire list, Jamir was looking at me with his surprised expression.

“Ha-ha, I will leave it to you for the prices. When I was trying to buy everything myself, it looked like it was going to take long time…”

Trying to buy everything on the list with Hans was going to take few days, let alone a day.

I was going to take too many hits from other merchants.

(TLN:as in get ripped off real hard.)

I felt better to just lower my face and ask an actual professional.

“I knew you weren’t an average man when I first saw you but you really amaze me. How about it, do you want to become a merchant?”

‘Heh? Another scouting? I can’t do anything about my own popularity.’

“I do not want to.”

Naturally,I shook my head.

‘At least a lord. I don’t need anything else.’

Getting back my lost paradise was first thing on my list.

Any other smaller occupation did not even enter my sight.

“If you work under me, you can quickly become one of the managers. Why don’t you reconsider?”

“Wow! Ma, manager!”

Terrison who was beside Jamir gave surprised look.

It probably is a decent position to hold.

“But I still don’t want to be one.”

“Why do you not want it? This should be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Jamir was giving the look of regret.

“I have another dream to achieve.

“Have a dream… I can’t do much then.”

He who was smart merchant quickly realized the meaning behind my words.

“But you must keep the promise with me.”

“ My family motto is Honesty!”

“Your family motto is Honesty…. Ha-ha! It’s a very merchant-like family.”

Jamir, who hasn’t aged that much was sounding like those adult-like child.

“I request everything to be ready by two days later in the morning.

“Morning 2 days later?”

“Ah! If you want to acquire Madir, I think we need to start the trip in that time frame.”

You gotta pull the cow horn when it’s hot.

[TLN: When doing a task, when it reaches a critical level, proceed quickly without hesitation. Probably just saying that while Jamir is interested in MC, MC is trying to get things done quick.]

There is no benefit to delaying things.

“Alright. I will trust you and invest in you this time.”

“Master Jamir… But…”  

[TLN: Terrison used honorific  in saying Jamir but I don’t know how to go express that nicely in english]

“This is a decision made by the manager of Rubis Merchant Group. Quickly secure all magic refrigerators in here and neighboring territories.”

“Yes, manager!”

[ TLN: same honorific here but I can just pa.s.s it with manager since he refer Jamir by status, not name.]

The man who was retorting, Terrison quickly lowered his head when Jamir said that this was decision made by the manager.

It looked like they have to maintain strict order and discipline to be counted as one of The Great Five Continental Merchant Group.

‘Is only thing left is the potions?’

Potion apparently costs few gold for each one.

The village chief said to buy minimum ten, but I was thinking of buying lot more than that.

They say if you hunt meat for a person, that person can survive the day happily, but if you teach how to hunt meat, they will never hunger.

‘The temple…sigh.’

Temple could be the most difficult part of today’s plan.

It looked like I have to try first.

‘Oh! It’s pretty good?’

The temple that was within the castle of Viscount Fiore was considered land of Neran, G.o.ddess of Mercy.

There are about 10 poles with arch  in between supporting the temple.

It was majestic and beautiful like one of those ancient greek temple.

‘The Temple Potion is holy water which is blessed of an oracle, who holds power of G.o.d with power of healing and ability to repel spell

(TLN:항마력 which translates along the meaning “ability to resist magic power” i am going to a.s.sume he means things like curses or other non-physical harm?)

The Temple Potion looked lot more cost-efficient than the potion recipes that was in my head.

Magic-infused potion often used blood of a troll, which was high-cla.s.s ingredient and the user would often get hit with side effects, which made it very unpopular item.

Because of that, most magicians would subst.i.tute with the spell Heal.

‘If I think about it, becoming Holy Knight is a decent choice, if you learn well, you would be able to become a leader of a religion back in Earth.’

I thought back to reasons why my master was able to ama.s.s such a huge wealth on Earth.

The large amount of knowledge related to magic.

The money  couldn’t help but to run naked into the pockets of my master.

Welcome, breathrens. The G.o.ddess Neran loves you breathrens no matter when.”

(TLN: This sounds really awkward but oh well >.<>


As soon as we enter the temple, a kind-looking priest wearing white religious clothing appeared in front of us.

“I am Pontiff Hador, responsible for this temple. What is your reason for visit today? Perhaps you are in need of guidance from the G.o.d?”

‘I don’t trust it. That white beard.’

Master Gundalf, who had exceptional look also had white beard for purpose of tricking people.

The pontiff was was giving amiable smile was also like that.

“We came to purchase potions. In our village….”

“Pontiff Hador!”

When the purpose of visit to the church was about to be said, a familiar voice was heard.

‘Wait, what?’

It was Ryan from Daron Merchant Group, who gulped down water from village chief and got fed yeot from me. (TLN: when yeot is mentioned, it usually carries meaning along of the meaning of “getting frustrated/angered)

He called out the pontiff while moving it’s huge body.

“Isn’t it our faithful servant of G.o.d, Ryan? What do you need to be in such a rush.”

“There, there is something I must tell you immediately. “

“Really? Then please come in. Brothers, please wait a bit.”

As if they were familiar with each other , Pontiff Hador was delighted as he greeted Ryan.

‘Don’t tell me, that b.a.s.t.a.r.d…!’

As he followed behind the pontiff, he turned around and gave a venomous stare towards me.

‘Yea, why don’t you pull out your cute tricks.’

He was one of many who were currently in my hit list.

Since I was going to give him most h.e.l.lish experience in his life, I waited for his trick to unfold.

‘Hm? Ohhh!’


The interior of the temple was quite impressive.

To show off it’s holiness, there are many religious items made out of gold and silver giving its s.h.i.+ne from the candlelight and at the center of the temple, a statue of topless G.o.ddess was smiling.

There was one thing that captured the all the attention from such lavish interior.

‘A praying angel!’

A lady with straight blue hair with plain religious clothing praying while kneeling.

I knew right away that the lady was not a normal lady with the clothing she wore, which blended with the temple.

‘I wonder how she looks from the front?’

Her back figure was already good enough to give two thumbs up, a perfect score.

A sight of a lady’s back who is  praying gave off holy aura around her and the looking at her back would ignite any men’s protective instinct.

“Hm. Breathrens…”

While my curiosity regarding the woman was reaching the highest, the old man Pontiff Hador appeared.

“Yes, Pontiff. Please speak out. “

“You wanted to purchase the potions?”

“Yes. Our village’s potion lost their effectiveness, thus we need new potions. About ten should do.”

“It saddens me much but I cannot sell the potions to you.”


The sudden change of Pontiff Hador’s face.

The Pontiff’s face, who decided not to sell the potion displayed uncomfortable feeling.

“I heard you wronged the merchant group of our dedicated follower of G.o.ddess Neran.”  

“Ah, no that was…”

“You don’t need to speak anymore. Even if it’s Neran the G.o.ddess of Mercy, it can’t be helped that one would cherish their own children. Those who obstruct works of G.o.ds would not be granted the power of G.o.d.“

“You, your holiness, that is not what it seems…”

“I will be off since I am busy…”

As if he was scared of me finis.h.i.+ng my words, he gestured a cross with his hand and quickly left.

He definitely received a “medicine” and ate it.


“Huhu, this b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Let see how you handle this. I wonder how long they can last in that countryside with no potions.

After Hador left, Ryan appeared from the corner of the temple and went past us giving ridicule.

“You said you are Ryan?”

“This kid….”

When I called out on him without honorific, as if he was already in bad mood, his face reddened like hot iron.

“What, You want to go at it? I will give that chubby fat of yours a round.”

I invoke a bit of mana and stared straight at tiny eye.

“This, this b.a.s.t.a.r.d….huhu. Yeah do whatever you want. Soon your village will be shredded into pieces by magical beasts.

The pig who realized his disadvantage quickly retreated while not forgetting to curse out on us.

“Remember, a righteous thunder will soon rain down upon you people.”

“Thunder? Puhaha! Whatever you wish, you son of a b.a.s.t.a.r.d.”

Ryan the piggy was running away towards outside of the temple while not forgetting to show ridicule on us..

‘Geez, there is always people like him no matter where you go.’

While only having ability which only amounted to size of rat’s tail, they would hara.s.s those with no power.

I will only show them mercy over my dead body.

“I am sorry….”


When I was about to leave the temple to give the runaway pig a chase, I heard a clear voice as if I was hearing things.  

I subconsciously turned my head around.


I gave out my astonishment without knowing.

‘Angelina Jolie? No that’s not it. How do you explain this beauty!’

She was about 167 cm (5’5”) (TLN: I have never used imperial, is this how you leave it as?)

Her skin was clear like a newborn baby who has never seen the sun with deeply sunken brown eye, a nose which was sharp with no help from silicon and small but red lips.  

Finally, the radiance around the lady which made her stand out the most.

The lady from the temple was radiating such a holy and n.o.ble aura which made it hard to keep my focus on her. (TLN: Too holy for my tainted heart~ :P)

“I apologize for my inability to spread G.o.ddess Neran’s love.”

As if she heard my conversation between Hador, the lady who looked like she would soon shed a tear for us  quickly looked down.

Her hand pressing down on top of her chest was very refined.

An electrifying feeling was constantly beating in my chest.

“Excuse me… but who might you be?”

Isn’t it right to know the ident.i.ty of person apologizing to accept their apology.

“I am Aramis, priestess-in-training serving G.o.ddess Neran.”

‘priestess-in-training? Only?’

Just by looking at her, Aramis seemed to be overflowing with G.o.d’s love.

The lady who felt more holy and looked more devoted than Pontiff Hador called herself a mere priestess-in-training.

‘She is really beautiful….’

She was a female priestess at the level of a Sister and I was moved from her pureness.

Back in school, Ye-Rin was patiently waiting for my return, but the female priestess in front me was beautiful enough to be called the embodiment of beauty.

“Sister Aramis, what do you think is the true thought of G.o.ds who looks over the humans?” (TLN: Honorific wise, I don’t know if sister/nun is okay…)


“The kindness of G.o.ds is something that s.h.i.+nes down on all creation bright like the sun and those followers who dares to dirty G.o.d’s name with their filthy hand, judging G.o.d’s love with their greed sincerely pains my heart.”

I bring up my thoughts I held up since long ago about religious people to Aramis.

“Haven’t you felt it Sister Aramis? That figure of G.o.ddess Neran, who is smiling on the surface but inside, how much pain would she be feeling and shedding tears due to these to these religious officials who calls themselves followers.


From my harsh criticism, Aramis let out a small groan.

‘It’s not like this is the only temple.’

It didn’t matter even if Aramis did not accept my criticism.

If it were the Rubis Merchant Group, they can probably procure endless amount of potions.

After I finish my words, I slowly turned around.

I suddenly felt guilty after relieving my frustration on a priestess-in-training who was powerless to do anything.

“Wa, wait a moment.“

I heard the voice of Aramis, who was slowly becoming teary.

“Truly sorry. I, no, WE are truly sorry. Hik.”


Along with the her slumping down on the ground, I could hear Aramis’ cry.

Aramis started tearing up from my comment on the temple staff, who were no different from those 21st century religious people.

I felt I became the bad guy all of sudden.

“Selling out G.o.d’s love… taking away the offering, being biased among the believers of G.o.d, failing to embrace the sick and the poor, I repent for all the sins that have been committed.”


I shouldn’t be the one being asked for repentance but apprentice priestess Aramis,

“But what can be done. The little authority I have achieves nothing. Even if I wanted to embrace others, these two limbs can do only so much, the heart is there but by the restrictions set upon fellow followers, I am not allowed to casually spread G.o.d’s love. Oh please teach me. Oh Messenger of G.o.d, lead me to my salvation….”

‘Messenger of G.o.d? Oh my.’

I didn’t plan for this but Aramis was asking for solution from me.

How could I possibly know the thoughts of a G.o.d.

“Everything is just projection of your heart. If you believe you cannot do it,  you would not be able to do it, even if the world was to be backward, if you believe yourself that it is achievable, then there would be nothing to be afraid of in this world. Furthermore, isn’t the G.o.ddess Neran supporting you from behind? What are you afraid of? There will always be a unchanging G.o.d supporting behind you.

The words were flowing as clear as stream of water running down on blue mountain. (TL:Idiom, words are naturally coming out of mouth like stream  on a mountain.

It almost as if I was actually a messenger from G.o.d.

“P,projection of my heart….”

These wise words did not come from me but the great teaching from monk Won-Hyo.

‘Korea’s education is world’s top cla.s.s for sure.’

After being enlightened on the importance of education, I quickly turned around and walked away.

I had no more words to say toward Aramis.

The village chief repeatedly reminded me to acquire the potions but what can be done? The merchants of G.o.d aren’t willing to sell them to me.

‘Such a nice fragrance.’

I caught unfamiliar scent drifting into my nose.

I felt very refreshed thanks to the smell that was more refres.h.i.+ng than mint and sweet like spring flowers blossoming. (TL:I didn’t know how to go about the flower part, best I can do is this I guess)


I could guess that the smell was from Aramis who still crying.


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